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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. How about a 1/72 Jigabachi, courtesy of Kotobukiya?
  2. It was great seeing this again. Bring on part 2!
  3. Hey gang, I hate to interrupt the toy discussion, but if anybody is still interested in the actual anime, I've just found a torrent for a fansub of The Last Red Shoulder OVA. It's taken from an nth generation VHS tape, but it's still better than not seeing it. Check it out HERE I now return you to the toyetic discussion at hand.
  4. This episode proves once and for all that Lost doesn't have to explore its own mythology to be an entertaining hour of television. Complaints about Nikki & Paulo being "foisted" upon viewers now seem really stupid, since we clearly were never really intended to like them, not to mention the running "who the hell are you?" joke. And please, don't anybody suggest that this was some hasty retcon, just to give them an interesting exit. There was clearly a lot of forethought in N&P's appearances this season. Moreover, that episode was a virtual reunion for the islands deceased castaways, something you'd think they wouldn't bother to do just to kill off two annoying b-listers. IMO, the writers had had this idea for a quasi Rosencrantz & Guildenstern episode all along, and after setting it up for the first half of the season, we get the payoff. And that finale was one of the more balsy finishes Lost has done. Like them or hate them, anybody who disliked last nights episode should be stabbed in the face.
  5. Do that, and you'll have my vote for Macross World MVP.
  6. Obviously somebody has been downloading it. Can't they be bothered to share the wealth here and set up some mirrors? Or a torrent, even?
  7. "Aren't you a little tall for a Clone Trooper?"
  8. Can somebody just make a torrent already? I haven't seen this thing in ages.
  9. Hell, I'd be happy if one of the old school fansub groups picked up the slack left by CPM and subbed the various OVAs. Just as long as it's not Live Evil, that is.
  10. You know, we may have had our disagreements over the years, but then you go and post something like this and make me love you all over again.
  11. Sweet merciful crap, thread necromancy indeed. I had completely forgotten about this.
  12. I can't believe George Lucas is making me buy yet another mail deposit box!
  13. I'm seeing the 7:30 show tomorrow night. I'm so pumped that I feel like punching the first Persian I find right square in the face. "Go back to Persepolis, ya homo!"
  14. Episode 2 just popped up on the anime torrent sites. I'm hoping its not quite as productplacementastic as the first one.
  15. I liked Blue Gender too. But as you say, they had to go with the more or less "out there" ending. Not to the extreme that Gasaraki did, but it had its share of mumbo jumbo in the last episode or two. This seems to be something that a lot of anime seems to struggle with lately. I don't need to have my hand held while a show deal with reality bending metaphysics, but at the same time the creators have to at least attempt to meet the audience halfway and offer some coherent, concrete clues or establish some rules so that we can at least interpret wtf is going on. Using Gasaraki as an example, I couldn't tell you the first thing about just what the hell happened in that last episode because not only did they shy away from the Gasaraki subplot until the very, very end, but what explanation did materialize came in the form of a massive exposition-dump that would make even The Matrix's Architect blush. That said, I don't know how much of a concern this should be for Peruzen Files. Chiricos destiny as a PS has already been dealt with, and would take place much later than any prequel would allow for. That, and the resolution of VOTOMS actually made sense.
  16. I still think that the SDF-1 should have included a gunpod, or perhaps a beam saber of sort. Who's with me? Let's have a show of hands.
  17. It's not as nice as the Takara Panzer, but THIS new Protect Gear just showed up on HLJ.
  18. Ack, those are the craptacular Gakken ride armors. They're rougly the size of a typical 3 3/4" figure, and are of such a low quality that you'd think that Toynami had shat them out. They're definitely for the completest only.
  19. Am I the only one who remembers when this was supposed to be an entire TV series? A TV series to be aired in 2004, on a "major network?" Can somebody who's seen this at least tell me if this not-a-VF-4-ripoff Veritech shows up?
  20. Well I for one was hoping she'd do more R rated nude scenes. None of the PG-13 sideboob business.
  21. I know that Zentraedi don't live on Endor. Does that count?
  22. Oh god...not the "You didn't understand it" defense.
  23. Does your ass ever get sore from sitting on that fence all day, every day?
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