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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Holy crap. That is the most awesome thing I have seen since the Beast was brought back in its 1/32 glory. I can't wait to see this done!!
  2. I had a few of the MPC's 1/55's VF-1 series. Not a bad figure but really outdated. It is basically a sized up HCM. Seemed like they were pretty durable. I sold/traded them later on. Nice job on fixing that guy up. I was going to take my "Ben" VF-1A to make a quick Max VF-1A but I never did.
  3. *facepalm* Man HG is so lame. Why was that stuff not on the Robotech LLA as a COLLECTORS edition. Dirty pool HG. Par for the course though with their current regime. I prefer to stick to the Novels/RPG's Pre Tommy Yune HG era...
  4. For that money they better have flawless shoulders and other parts. Shiieeet.
  5. Man I loved that place. Still kicking myself for not grabbing the This is Animation Southern Cross when I had a chance...
  6. I think you will find that most of the classic era Robotech fans are tired of the new Tommy Yune HG. I wish Tom Bateman's script for Shadow Force was made instead of what we got. Much better. HG seems to have no idea what its fanbase wants so it gives them nothing or just rehash. That being said I thought Robotech LLA was much better than Shadow Chronicles. (but had I gone that route I would have made it more like the Mospeada version with the newer takes of the songs Michael Bradley did and also add the new animation segments)
  7. It is few basic details. 1.) The 10th division helmet is slightly different than than the later 21st division or even the Jupiter helmets(Fuke). 2.) The front area has the RPG launchers built into the chest 3.) The Saber arm guards 4.) The exhaust runs in a single tube directly out of the back of the bike instead of the duel exhaust like the VR-052 5.) The maneuver thrusters in the rear of the bike on sides next to seat exit down instead of being intakes on the VR-052 Check out page 041 of the Mospeada Complete Art works for a nice diagram.
  8. Should have been.... Stick Yellow Houquet/Fuke Rey/Ray Shadow Variants.
  9. I need a perfect Legioss...

  10. I don't think anyone attempted one here yet. I would know.
  11. That is one nice Alaska base VF-1! I was just watching that episode the other day.
  12. Pretty cool! I dug it. Has me wanting to check out the novels myself.
  13. Every few months or so I get the urge to watch amazing dog fights and battles of heat seekers in the middle east. Yes I am talking about the AREA 88 OVA series. The recent ADV dvd set has OVA 1+2 combined on the first disc and then Act 3 on the second disc. Great picture quality too. (I actually am watching the English dub just to check it out,not bad but not great either....hard not to go back to the Japanese.)
  14. Still sad there was no VR-038 or VR-041. Damn nice looking figures!
  15. I am happy with my Hasbro King Grimlock. He is my favorite TF and they did a great job.
  16. Yup lol!!! EXO's quote on the matter is in my sig...
  17. Nice. I never got a beagle as I was holding out for a Blow Superior...
  18. Loving it so far! Looking forward to the future episodes. Good stuff.
  19. They are the most fun to "play" with. The only spot you have to worry about is the shoulder hinge joints and that is really only after 1000's of transformations and years of aging. (my old Jetfire). The reissues in the hands of an adult collector should last a lifetime and then some.
  20. SO we got an Armo Soldier build but is anyone going to make this Beast in ARMO FIGHTER?!
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