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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai or whoever if you are ...pls update the Q-rau sized correctly and have it with opening missle doors..insta buy! always liked the organic design of the suit... thank you for listening to your fans...
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Its also calling out for more army building! what to do....
  3. hmm hard to say as it is still a legacy valk, and bandai is also releasing the hi-metal line which offers an alternative (altho not in 1/60 scale). I would say its hard to judge the demand for it. The other main point is that would you have an attractive enough release to steal the thunder off the newer DELTA valks released by bandai's DX lines which would also be cheaper? Yea those add onn packs do spice up ur valk a fair bit. With so much competition for the $$ though, often it gets relegated to a buy when I have the spare cash......
  4. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking at the bad boy in miyatake-san's hands really is a nice piece of marketing http://tamashii.jp/t_kokkaku/86/?lmode=en The squat stance looking good from the front! looks nimble enough to be compacted...
  5. It does seems perplexing and not clear cut what would like be arcadia's next move. They would need to do something radical i feel. A bit like releasing the reactive armour(which has never been done b4 in 1/60 and is a obvious extension of the 0s). Else does arcadia have sufficient clout to maintain their pricing at this level for a longer term? The only other clear fan fav i see that hasnt been done b4 is the destroid mk3...but destroids seem to be an acquired taste in 1/60 scale, or i would say not an immediate insta-buy amongst the general toy collector base. Not to mention the amount of plastic would mean it costing even higher. Since we know the next 4 releases that would likely fill the gaps for the next 6 - 8 months...most likely what's being discussed here, would be end 2016/2017 arcadia releases and If so, it boggles the mind that what else would arcadia pull from their hat...
  6. Reading this topic has made me humming.... One of the best movies evar, the original BTTF! And the kick in the end when the delorean goes Mr Fusion? Roads? where we're going we dont need roads! Coolness overload !
  7. The MG Altron does look wicked with those double extension claws! If only i had started the MG EW collection which i said i would but didnt! The only reason pacifists are needed in gundam, is to fill in the void of animating long battle scenes....cos pilots need to talk abt deep philosophical stuff in the midst of beating the crap out of each other in battle! I wouldnt be too worried abt Bandai going Arcadia's route. Bandai's size allows them to maintain a decent price range, and i dont thk they would want to cut demand by pricing their toys too high either. Plus they are the king's of recolors! What they lack in price, they more than make up in milking the same mold!
  8. On the hobby front there is a macross modellers brand, encompassing various companies like aoshime, bandai, wave etc... It would be good if a similar brand strategy applid to the toymakers, to generate demand and interest more than a single company can do on their own. On the frontier side, if arcadia does pick up the license, i think they will have a hard time differentiating themselves from bandai's cheaper and tampo filled releases. As such am not sure if its a good strategy for them to do that. Should the Delta series be quite good, its reasonable to expect that demand for older series toys would drop, whilst the new toys are still being spinned-off. And with arcadia's pricing, it may be quite a challenge for them to maintain demand... Am not sure abt M7 license, maybe someone can enlighten....
  9. i got burnt out of gunpla a year ago after 3 straight years of populating my bookshelf and also have a load of kits unassembled...now its admiration and the odd one here and there...iron blood orphans does look good tho...am hoping i wont get burnt out of macross, although it would be more of a financial issue rather than trying to keep up with many releases..
  10. Its more of a wish list but looking at their scope of releases i would hope they re-do the 21 just like they "re-did" the 19. I dont know, vf-1, M+ and M0 are older series with multiple toy releases already, and i am wondering how much more milk they would have... but i would gladly also welcome an updated VF-11....and also they prob still have options for a VF-0B,C though with the DELTA hype coming up i wonder if that would be part of their strategy to release less obvious designations from older series to compete for sales.....now that would really be ...NICHE! unless arcadia gets a bite out of the delta license as well of course...
  11. Nice lighting shots gundam@efsf! Reflection on the banshees armour in 1st pic is nice and glowy...
  12. looks like the VF-4 is out in feb...https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/654244665026211840 So.... 2016: Feb - VF-4G May - VF-0A CF? August - Reactive? Dec - YF-21/Destroid Cheyyenne/SV-51/(Just wishing act)....
  13. FEBRUARY! https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/654244665026211840
  14. This is arcadia's chance to make good with the Fans...release it at close to original prices! Though if they do, i know they will annoy greatly those who bought it aftermarket or those still selling aftermarket... if they dont and price it way up, it may be negative in the sense its just a re-release and nothing's changed! either way, from a company strategy point of view, am not sure they should have touched on it...but hey you cant please everyone...
  15. I wonder if the drakenvalk would be a contender for fav valk once delta is out...or maybe the least fav depending on how it transforms!
  16. Wow spanner thats a very nice close-up and angled shot you made....fits the 171 valk triangle shape nicely!
  17. This is the other pic from the toysdaily site.. Inner leg stripes!! sticker or tampo?? But it seems the head laser stripes are on in every new pic we see ...hopefully that stays the way till release. UNSpacey on fuel tanks is still hard to see though, but i have a feeling its not gonna be there.
  18. Lucky you did wlse we wont get shots like these as often thumbs up for the salivating pics...i thk i might have to get that valk!
  19. It looks like a re-issue, colors and proportions looks unchanged...tho arcadia mentions is available to book at the end of the month? How much would it go for?
  20. No mention yet, but leaking the info before the 0s/RA/CF's are out would likely mean a stack of 4 arcadia's within prob within a 6 - 8 mth period. And with Delta launching soon, there may be added bandai chogokin releases...wooofff..get ready your budgeting powers!! Perhaps the older versions may drop in price for the adventurous customiser!
  21. I would thk to justify any new selling price, there has to be some differentiation be it in die-cast or even mold. Hopefully 'if' its the 4G it would come out sleeker(Is that even possible?) Its entirely feasible that not disrupting aftermarket prices of the Yammies, would also help them maintain their price points other than the obvious 'costly to make' argument. However this is really stretching the market demand. I myself am not sure i can keep up with all of arcadia's releases, they seem to be getting more frequent? This would affect the demand 0 CF's...0S not so much as it tied to armor...but if the pull for 4G is great then maybe both armor and 0S maybe less in demand.. C'mon arcadia at least give us more bang for the buck instead of a recolor/remold thingy....
  22. Arcadia may have well figured out the demand for this and priced it accordingly. For all fan's sake if its not a massive price hike it would be good, however with arcadia's prices nowadays you cant be completely sure. Their MSRP seem to want to reach aftermarket prices of similar released versions...
  23. does it look like the VF-14 silluotte folks? if it is am gonna find a enclosed space and squeel...
  24. wow this thread suddenly exploded....i bet there is a lot of squinty eyed MWForummers going around today! i saw the twitter feed as well..what is this code...?! Brand name "complete deformation ○○ - ○○ ○○○○○○" is! I think the logical name that fits is ....SV-51 IVANOV!!! sorry didnt mean to shout
  25. not moving parts per se, but removable armor plates . you know like when the armor detonates upon missile impact.. sorta explained in the vid...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t459NbF5Vek @1:32 ...
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