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Everything posted by seti88

  1. from the 0a/0s thread... no3ljm, on 02 Oct 2015 - 01:59, said: if its 1/3 of your budget will you get 3? Cmon arcadia give us a reason to help you Xigfrid, on 02 Oct 2015 - 05:51, said: yea i think the answer to why the 0d blue and to a certain extent 0a's blue is beginning to be quite clear now.... spanner76, on 02 Oct 2015 - 08:07, said: I hope the reactive armor plates are somehow removable and there are effect parts. That would really up the plastic count and justify a tag...otherwise perhaps some metal bits but i dont thk it would have.... Hmm i thk this discussion would best be continued in the reactive armor thread...
  2. if its 1/3 of your budget will you get 3? Cmon arcadia give us a reason to help you yea i think the answer to why the 0d blue and to a certain extent 0a's blue is beginning to be quite clear now.... I hope the reactive armor plates are somehow removable and there are effect parts. That would really up the plastic count and justify a tag...otherwise perhaps some metal bits but i dont thk it would have.... Hmm i thk this discussion would best be continued in the reactive armor thread...
  3. Above 20k would b on the excessive side just for a piece of armour... Unless it comes with an ghost booster set or something, I thk mr k will need to write another blog entry!
  4. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    got it at ami....
  5. I take it as a seperate listing just for the armour? Am ot sure how they will handle the release with the 0 CF's also due out...maybe before the CF's? It would be nice to get it ordered now, but my wallet is saying take ur time....there is a nagging part which hopes it would not be priced at more than 10k yen...but knowing the popularity it might just be above....
  6. up at HLJ https://secure.hlj.com/product/ACA82121/Sci# enjoy...........
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice balance on the toes there yeti...it looks like an optical illusion ... how on earth did u do it....
  8. Thats what i thought too.. but with delta coming am so conflicted....
  9. hahaha...so do we wait or not? Am not sure abt any reissue's on frontier...it hasnt been that long of a break since the last, has it? The thought of a new possible valk announcement does make me go silly from waiting tho...
  10. Macross Delta press releases are on Oct29th. Tamashii Nations having a mega exhibition on Oct30th. Would it be possible that the next chogokin from bandai be from the new Delta series?
  11. On sept 24 Mr K retweeted the following, as translated by the net.. Mr. K busily work in! I will do my best all employees towards the VF-0S sale! ! ! and the accompanying pic... I tried to enlarge it but its too grainy, however from line pointers on the side of the plane i thk i see UNSpacy as being part of a sticker sheet... it may be logical to re-use some sticker sheet portions i guess...but it may also give hope that the head lasers are tampoed with redlines... when it comes to looking at arcadia's pre-production test shots...will take things with a grain of salt...but still fingers crossed!
  12. Am really liking the color from the mr. K's feed.. looking darn cool... Not sure either if its been posted, i didnt see it but from his timeline....does the helmet count as more skull tampo?
  13. I really hope not too but it seems from the pics so far is holding up nicely. Ash would be more to the grey side if am not mistaken.
  14. I thk kawamori is going for a caped valk vibe with the delta wings... ....batman v superman...valk vs valk....
  15. reading all the possible plot twists are raising my hopes up...btr try to knock it down a bit... I vote peace and nothing to do but sing and show off the only 2 valks in the show.
  16. oooo 30% off...i would get it if not for all the madness thats going to ensue with the upcoming releases...
  17. Ah i see.... thanks for clearing that up....thats good... Avoid the all transformers look alike when they move so fast syndrome.... more pronounced and charestic shapes/lines on the valks! will eagerly anticipate the new valks line art....
  18. The cynic part of me wants to say they chose white blue cos its probably the cheaper ink to use..*jokes*...tho now being land based, it would make sense to blend into a sky like atmosphere....
  19. nuggets galore! - transforming draken? this i gotta see..would it mean a faction wont be reliant on stealth then? Would be intrigued to see why that is so... - so the valk variant is a stealth? from the poster it looks like the draken is more stealthy.. a bright stealth fighter may be confusing to understand tho, i hope they would also have more logical stealth colors which wouldnt help chogokin sales either. - looking forward to Oct 29 on the planet...mayhaps the frontier fleet has finally made it home somewhere... - am gushing abt valk v valk combat! hopefully more mecha designs than an itano circus barrage....altho my wallet is starting to tighten up..... am so excited!! and the rocket is about to enter fold space....sorry not sure what that means..
  20. I thk its consensus thats its expensive, but no one else has the zero line locked down at the moment. The poll should have another number to mention yes, but only to be fitted together with the reactive armour which is basically the geneology of the armoured valk.
  21. same here. i would go for roy's.... a skull insignia on a 29? Screams style killer all the way..plus there wont be another 30th anniversary
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the post treatment...nice good look at it transforming...
  23. that may mean then that the arms are outside the legs in fighter mode...straight-forward birdman....altho gerwalk would mean really tight spacing in the legs somehow...
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