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Everything posted by seti88

  1. haha not too happy abt more oestrogens are we... Hopefully the regults or glaugs or dog fights would put back some testostorone and kick-***
  2. from the limited angle, It does look like a fold away mechanism of the sort at the foot portions...like the heels fold in somehow to expose only the top of the foot allowing a single thrust nozzle combination. how effective is that in vertical maneuvering though as the foot portions are aligned out ward to wings not upwards to the tail rudder...
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    From the end of the trailer those certainly look like vf-29's cannon pods....however it may be too early to tell...
  4. Yes delta is looking like more a medieval fantasy vibe planetside....its different to say the least from the usual space background we have been accustomed to...
  5. dont cry for your wallet, cry for your credit card... i suspect you wont be alone in that regard so that they can rape our credit cards...
  6. +1 to that.. I sort of lost my mind when the cheyenne's, regults flashed through.... The banking of the SV-262 flying took my breath away....i need to find a repeat of the trailer pronto ...
  7. 33 valks! who needs a car eh? we should just take the bus/train/walk/cycle to work...
  8. It would be great if that is the old SDF-1 .......armoured! goodness the trailer made me go gaga...
  9. Could it be a major spoiler...somehow linked to the fact that this is planetside, i wonder if it all leads back to the origins in SDFM? Or it could just be a recycled old junk re-used for combat or some work...
  10. Like a multi colored 0D...more opportunity for discussions on color accuracy!
  11. upcoming delta DX'ses... They havent shown the delta transformation which was what i was hoping to see...either they keeping it mysterious or the facty that they havent figured it out... Start saving!!
  12. oh oh whats with the kawaii girls with the vf-30s! a singing trope?! multi colored vf-30s.....hmmm
  13. 15 minutes more to find the livestream... these seem to be prepping...http://live.b-ch.com/macross or http://macross.jp/
  14. Tamashii nations press conference on Macross Delta is on thursday 29th noon JP time if i read it on the various webistes correctly....
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