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Everything posted by Renato

  1. I've heard negative comments about the Yamato Esca before, but I've yet to hear specifics. What's wrong with it? The proportions, or lack of die-cast, or is it fragile..? I know very little about this toy and I was considering buying it... Please give me some info.
  2. That is not a seeker. It is a limited edition Black Starscream that you can get if you take part in some special magazine offer thing. Also up for grabs are-- Black Optimus Primal (What's the point?), Black Megatron and Black G1 Prime.
  3. The new issue of Figure Oh is out, with new pics of the Monster detailing the transformation. And no, it looks like there will not be a chest cannon, instead two little dots. If anybody (Graham..?) can post pics, please do so...
  4. That girl in the pics looks like shes wearing the Cutie Honey suit. BTW, the new issue of Figure Oh is out and apparently there will be a special Meister launch event next month.
  5. If there were a universe called "Cool" it would have ME at the center of it. Yes. As a black hole, maybe.
  6. What do you mean, a game show? It was a cartoon. I used to watch it when there was nothing else on.
  7. Psh! Great. Max playing with himself. Thanks a lot for that...
  8. If it turns up anywhere it'll most likely turn up on that piece of sh*t Yahoo Japan Auctions.
  9. Yeah. And someone who isn't you or me has already snatched it.
  10. Yeah, those customs look sweet. Just goes to show that with a bit of effort a 1/55 can look every bit as good as a 1/48, if not better. We've just been spoilt recently, and gotten really lazy.
  11. Yeah, I know, I was gonna enter this but I forgot all about it and I only remembered right on the bloody closing date. Argh! Other prizes include a Kawamori-autographed 1/48 FAST pack set. Mmm! Essays, though? Well, I don't remember very well, but I thought it was only supposed to be a few sentences on why you like Macross, etc. At the end of the day, it's a draw, and it's pretty hard to write an essay on the back of a postcard.
  12. You forgot to mention the interview with Ichiro Itano.
  13. Well, I'm glad you like the 1/55, it has a very important place in Macross fandom...but I fail to see how the bandai is a better sculpt than the 1/48. the 1/48 (so far) is the closest to official line-art offered up by Shoji Kawamori (he himself, the MAN WHO DESIGNED IT, says it's the best representation so far). They're very well built and far more sturdy than any 1/60 ever was. Have you even handled a 1/48? The way you barely mention it I have to wonder. If you genuinely HAVE handled one and still stick to that conviction, more power to you and more 1/48s for me and everyone else.... I like the way the 1/48 looks, but the 1/55 just feels "right" in my hands.
  14. I bought another VF-19kai 1/144 kit just to make this varient, but I never got round to it. I'll do one eventually. Also, I'd like to comment on the colouring in those pictures. I don't remember any yellow on the 19P. Plus, the pink trim should be red. Lastly, the Zora patrol symbol is missing. Also, notice in the page you posted (http://www.geocities.jp/kanseihinmiyako/macross-04.htm) how only the two battroid pics on the right seem to be of the 1/144, while the two on the left are based off another kit. Wonder what it is..?
  15. I dunno, they shouldn't work in space. And by the way, this has nothing to do with the Varauta. Those speakers were added by Lawrence to test his theory. They're not part of the P varient per se. Better watch the show.
  16. Not just the head, you also need to modify the lower legs to add the two micro-missile ports and of course add the speakers on the shoulders. Graham The VF-19Kai already has micromissile launchers in the legs. And it has speakers in the shoulders, but they're not exposed. The VF-19P fires it's micro-missiles out of two hexagonal openings (ports) located on the outside of each lower leg. The VF-19P does not have the same opening weapons bay doors in the lower leg that the VF-19kai, VF-19F/S, VF-19A and YF-19 have. And yes, I know the VF-19Kai has speakers in the shoulders. However, the point I am making is the "Lawrence" Speaker system on the VF-19P is located on top of the shoulders nacelles on the VF-19P, it is not internal. Graham Don't forget also that there are fins on each leg, also, which are not on the Kai.
  17. I think you'll confuse the poor guy even more with all that Protoculture Matrix stuff.
  18. Blaine, do you know what exactly it is you just said? Cute, but it would have been funnier with correct grammar and spelling.
  19. I hope this theory moves beyond fanboy wishful thinking and into reality. As for autobot planes who thinks they should make a delux shuttle for skylynx or cosmos perhaps some sort of private jet for power glide. Cosmos?? Hehe, Hasbro/Takara would have to go to Area 51 and ask for the license for their UFO things! Or maybe George Adamski... Oh that reminds me -- TF trivia tidbit: Cosmos is called "Adams" in Japan.
  20. Wow. That looks even better than the original. I think that's the first time I've seen a bootleg which improves on its model. Nice!
  21. Really? I thought you said you had Dogfighter played at your wedding?
  22. Countdown?? To what, divorce?! Heh, something else that is a mild coincidence is that if you go to Karaoke in Japan, you'll also find DYRL the song in the "Wedding Songs" section.
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