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Everything posted by Renato

  1. Especially since some of them died before they could make the movie! Hehe. If you look closely, you can see the strings holding up Roy's carcass! He's a marionette!
  2. I think they're in Perfect Memory. Max is 217 or something like that.
  3. I wasn't around for that debate, Ewilen, but thanks to your link I read most of the 10 pages. Here is my two yen: DYRL is a movie-within-the-continuity as of its production in 1984. Now, I really HATE taking the same stance as Keith because having read that thread I totally disagree with his debating method (not that there is much of one). He never showed any proof. Anyway, here is what I make my assumption by: 1)- In the original theatrical trailer for DYRL (the very first one featuring the playing cards and HAL Minmay illustrations superimposed over Kawamori's photographs of Tokyo and Yokohama -- you can download it from MW here: movie trailer download page), Minmay narrates. I can't remember the exact wording, I'll check it later, but anyway it's something like "I am the pop idol Lynn Minmay. I play the lead role in this movie". Hikaru says "And I am the pilot obsessed by Minmay, Hikaru Ichijo." Misa: "I, Misa Hayase, act out a woman's heart". Or something like that. Anyway, the emphasis is that they are PLAYING ROLES IN A MOVIE. 2)- Gold book, the first few pages. There is a poster for the movie (the Mikimoto one, not the Kawamori one) with text on it, which reads something like (sorry, don't have the book on me) "Love, Do you Remember? Starring Lynn Minmay, Hikaru Ichijo, etc... Released in summer 2013.. Or something like that. Anyway, you get the gist. This is the image as it appears in the MW main site: Mikimoto DYRL pic, but the text has been removed. Note -- This is differs with what Studio Nue said in 1994 when the official timeline was announced in that the release DYRL in the Macross Universe is stated as 2013, or 2011 or 2012, I can't remember, someone check that image in the Gold Book. In any case, it is not what Nue said in 1994 that it was released in 2031. So there's definitely some tinkering there. To be honest, I don't know how seriously Nue were taking continuity back in 84, because the idea that the ACTUAL PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE EVENTS played themselves in a movie version is way out there. Sorry to bring up an old debate, but I don't think this info has been presented before.
  4. Skullone (or MacrossGR) and I made a translation of Tenshi a couple of years back. But he no longer seems to be around, and I don't know the link of the site where he put it up.
  5. By the way, I've always had the feeling that, even if Macross 7 is full of Kawamori's spirit, it is poor of Kawamori's actual execution. I think the speaker pod idea is Kawamori's, but I think most of the cheesiness in Macross 7 is from director Amino. FV Yes, I agree. Amino is an idiot.
  6. Wait a sec.... Alternator Meister??! BT Meister isn't out yet!!
  7. I think it is mentioned somewhere in the instruction booklet of MP Convoy that he IS in fact in scale with the Alt/Bins. I'll have to check again. I suppose the reason they don't advertise it so on the box is that Prime doesn't actually look like a real life truck as much as the BTs look like real-world vehicles.
  8. Unfortunatley not. He will be named Meister here. Some trademark or copyright must have ran out or the other theory is that since Honda has a new car in the UK called "Jazz" that Mazda didnt want thier RX-8 to be mistaken for the Honda Jazz. So we all get Meister. I am still calling mine Jazz though. But Honda has been owned the rights to the name Jazz for more than 20 years now; in fact, it was the European name of the Honda City, which in turn was what the Autobot Skids transformed into. So Honda had a car named Jazz at the same time that the character Jazz first appeared as a Porsche in TF.
  9. By the way, Smokescreen GT is out in Japan now. Two versions: numbering #1 or #2.
  10. I did a search of the forums the other day when I was looking for the site which features lots of different sized Minmay Guard decals (e.g. for the 1/55, 1/60, etc.). I think it was Devin's/ Anasazi37's decals page. But the page seems to be down now. Does anyone have the images of the decals saved? I recently found some decal paper to print on and was thinking of making copies of my own to use on customs. Since he isn't selling them anymore I suppose this is the only way to get them in the different sizes.
  11. I think if it's just 4MB (I assume it's a zip file) you can upload it onto the boards for a limited time until everyone who wants it has downloaded it. That's what some people did with MP3s in the past. Might be best to ask Shawn first, though.
  12. Yeah, I think it's a bunny. Don't remember seeing it in the show, though. But I suppose you wouldn't be able to make it out anyway...
  13. The phrase "Pacific Assault" just sounds stupid...
  14. I remember at that time Animeigo were releasing it, along with Urusei Yatsura. Urusei Yatsura was also subbed, remember. Those tapes were awful hard to find, though... Anyway, I never cared for the little I've seen of either series (both the original and '40), and anyway in my view phrases like "You get to burning" just sound silly. But if I had to pick one, it would be the original, no contest. Sonoda all the way, baby.
  15. Yeah, he was awesome for doing that. He scanned the whole thing then put it in a Yahoo briefcase account or something, does anyone have the link, if it's still online?
  16. "Rhapsody in Love" (OST vol. V) is good if you are a "sort of" completist. It's got music inspired by the first series, done by Kentaro Haneda and his orchestra of course. Note also that this was before the movie came out. Also, you want Macross the Complete in its separate formats? Well, I don't know, the Complete is the only way to go unless you really care about the album covers (which you yourself imply you do not), because it's got stuff not available anywhere else, in particular the third disc. Also, the movie soundtrack included in that set is better than the original release because it contains the extended version of DYRL the song. If you don't care about 2 or Plus or 7, there's still plenty of choice, as there are five main volumes of SDF Macross on CD, including Miss DJ and Harukanaru Omoi. But as i say, if you really want a recommendation, you can't do much better than "The Complete" or "Rhapsody".
  17. Wow, look here! It's a site called "Macross World"!! MW Wallpapers (Tenjin, etc.) WOW look here... there aren't those illustrations... The VF-1J art is a different from the illustration of the Hase box, and the VF-1S is whitout missiles. Holy crap, you're right. Oh, well. I've done all I can do.
  18. Only the lower two CDs have the same content? So what's different about the top one? I own the lower right one. I know that there are some which also have both SDS and Macross II songs, in particular the one with Minmay in FB2012 dress on the cover. There are lots of different versions of the Song Collection CDs, the most complete being the 2002 edition.
  19. Wow, look here! It's a site called "Macross World"!! MW Wallpapers (Tenjin, etc.)
  20. You'd be complaining more if it WAS a destroid or a Q-Rau that was being offered, because you'd never be able to get your hands on such a sought-after item if there were only three in the whole world. I for one I'm glad it's a bit of a crappy valk that I can do without.
  21. Yeah, this thing is a bit of a crappy deal. I got these news last night from an article in the new issue of Quanto magazine. Apparently you need to have racked up at least Y100,000 on your GE card between July this year and December next year to qualify for entry into the draw.
  22. Yeah, but Newca is right, those thrusters only appear in that one scene as far as I know. I've always wondered about that... Could well be anime magic.
  23. Hmm. Therein lies the problem. When's the next one, anyway? Oh, yeah. About that 1/48 GBP -- I'm really pleased this has been announced, even if it's not official yet. That means I can leave the 1/60 version forever on the shelf.
  24. Ahem, micro-missiles which don't stay on the launchers Graham uhm.. I dunno whatyou're talking about... mine stay on just fine.... Mine don't.......but thank God I had a bottle of Elmer's glue on me. Either way, I think everyone has problems with the reactive missiles that came with the FP sets, at least. Those things just don't want to stay on.
  25. Reall??? Now that I did not know Part 1 was hacked, and turned into RT - The Movie. Part 2 remains unscathed. Part 3 sucks all by itself. I've only seen Part III, unfortunately.
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