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Everything posted by Renato

  1. Apart from UN Spacy symbols, I've never put any stickers on my Mplus valks. It's not just that I don't know where they go, but I haven't really seen that much detail on them, be it in the anime or in illustrations. If anyone has pics (of the toy/ of the anime/ illustrations, whatever), please post. Thanks.
  3. The part where Silvie confronts Hibiki out in the rain, and the Macross fired...I always figured/thought it was in reaction to the Marduk reaching Mars. I'm not sure what the distance on the main canon is... And I'm sure the Macross was guarded.... I'm just guessing Hibiki and Ishtar snuck in somehow. I mean....if it wasn't guarded...don't you think there would be a lot more ppl seen on the Macross...bums and the likes? Hehe. I think you're thinking about it way harder than the producers ever did.
  4. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? Remade in what way? I don't know exactly, but my guess is what I just said -- a better re-release (of course this is most likely referring to the R2 version).
  5. Oh. Well, never mind, then. Are there more "special" things like this on the other episodes?
  6. In a Dengeki Hobby interview a Takara staff member reveals that there WILL be a blue Tracks. However, because of the fact that Hasbro and Takara are developing these toys in collaboration, he could well have meant that the alternator will be blue. I doubt it, though... Oh yeah. He also mentioned something about releasing a "remake" of TF the Movie. By which I think he means a DVD re-release with better features, restored image and sound, etc. And he hinted at a huge gestalt reissue at the end of the year; of course this has since been revealed to be Predaking. By the way, the Hound reissue is out now, too.
  7. The first time I saw Macross Zero episode 4 was on DVD in a shop which was showing it on a big screen, it had the "resume title" function on so it only played the episode itself, none of the other stuff on the DVD, if there was any other than the ads. This week, since I have been living without a TV for four months, I decided to buy a second hand televideo when I found a good deal. So I decided to rent MZero 4 and this time concentrate whilst watching it. Now, I dunno if this is a VHS-only deal or what, but I haven't heard anybody on these boards mention the "extra" thing at the end of the episode yet. The "Macross Zero Zero" trailer. It's obviously supposed to be a joke... The orange thing that's on the can of "Genki Fresh Juice" or whatever from episode 2 goes on an adventure to search for the Bird-man.. Strangest thing is, it's all live action (apparently filmed during the staff research trip to the tropics, with some real-life Tomcats as well), except for some of the CG scenes from the earlier episodes where they've put the orange guy in the cockpit of the VF-0. I dunno, I just don't get it... Has no-one else seen this??
  8. 石丸 Ishimaru (round stone) 大河 Taiga (big river)
  9. Hmm, what's so different about this one than her past CDs? I tried to like "No Limit" but I'd be lying my ass off if I said I liked even one song on that album. I'm just not into this generic American rock direction she's gone into. Give me classic Mari, J-pop style any day! Hmm.. It was a bit lacklustre, this is true. I like the song called "D" on it, though. It sounded a bit like "Freeze" by Madonna. I haven't heard "Gems", but I got the one she released after No Limit, called "Right Now". That's not bad, but I think she's made it clear that she dislikes J-pop and is going to continue down this path, seeing as members of legendary rock group Toto are her backup on that CD. Personally, though I feel some songs are a little weak, I prefer her doing this rocky stuff than that J-poppy stuff.
  10. Some of the Microman Microchange guys didn't require parts removal. Like the Microbots, which eventually became Bumblebee and gang, for example. Or even the GunRobo line (exclude the silencer and stock from the deluxe Megatron type).
  11. Yeah, the general public want more "cute" robots, so the cold-looking Kawamori one wasn't as popular. I remember speaking to a few people around the time it came out when I was in Tokyo one of the comments I got was that "it looks like the Terminator's dog". As for a name -- how about "`Pochi"? It's the Japanese equivalent of "Rover" EDIT -- Oops, missed that last post. Congratulations! Happy birth/christening day TACO!
  12. Hehe, "My other Valkyrie's a Sturmvogel!" (And it would be true)
  13. god are they really that small? how can someone ride in one of those the grimlock is looking cool i would have prefered Prowl but i guess we cannot win them all i hope they do Mirage and a nice Wheeljack The old-school Cinquecentos are really small (I was gonna buy one cheap, second-hand, as my first car) but I think the Lupin one is slightly deformed. In reality the proportions are slightly different.
  14. I think I only have one RT toy and that's the small Macross in storm attacker mode. It's the only Macross toy I have and so I'm keeping it for that reason alone. But it's too ugly to display..
  15. Renato

    Another Bootleg

    I was just gonna say the same thing. I keep meaning to track down a cheap FireValk to customize into a 19P... Hmm.
  16. The SDF series is no longer available in Japan (R2 DVD) now. The only way to get it now is through Harmony Gold. The DYRL DVD does cost a ridiculous Y7800, but also don't forget the 5% tax.
  17. But... they look so stupid. And yeah, the VF-1 etc. wasn't supposed to look cool. Well, it bloody does. Well the last two monsters that looked like twins really were FUGLY and annoying! I WANTED TO SHOOT HE REACTIVE WARHEADS AT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN! Seriously tho if the kept up the volleys of warheads going, they coulda killed them. Well M7 still rocked regardless of the ODD looking Proto-devlyn. Can't wait till I get M7 DVDs back from my friend! IM trying to convert him to a Macross fan! And yah the VF-1 looks freakin great! Dam its so sexy sometimes! Male Protodevlin....HO! HO! HO! Female Protodevlin...HOO! HOO! HOO! Why Kawamori? WHY? That was one of the times during Macross 7 that I actually found myself shouting at my TV. All in all, I stand corrected on Macross 7. It is actually a very enjoyable series, but IMHO, mainly because you get to see alot more of Max, Millia, Exsedol, and of course, you get to see Mylene getting in Basara's face non stop. But those last two annoying as hell protodevlin nearly threw me over the edge. Heehee!! I'd forgotten all about those two. Zomd and Goram, yeah? Yeah, I don't remember which is which, but anyway, wanna know something funny? The voice actor for the male one is none other than Arihiro "Hikaru Ichijo" Hase!! Even in the casting the producers seem to be taking the mickey....
  18. Wow, looks like somebody's a Haruki Murakami fan, hehe. Those Grimlock pics... Hmm. I'm not sure what to make of them... He is starting to look a bit strange to me. Oh, well, I'm sure it'll look better once the finished product is painted up nicely. As for Jazz/Meister, I hope all four doors can be opened on him, too. I just remembered something about the Mazda RX8 and that's that the doors are really clever, there's no bar separating the front and back doors...
  19. Hehe, I was just thinking Wheelie!! If this was Gobots, I'd have said SCOOTER. Aaarrgh.....
  20. It's a best selling manga in Japan. Just because you're ignorant of it doesn't make it any less "best selling." Why do you think I am ignorant of it? I have read it. And I have seen the anime, and I even like some of it. No Japanese person I know has heard of it. That's where I really wanted someone to say "actually it is bestselling because if you look at the sales figures, etc..." Alas. If A7 had his own thread of reviews, then I wouldn't mind so much. But these are starting to feel like pop-ups. In MY opinion. Am *I* allowed to post my opinion? However clearly I put it, still people only hear what they want to hear. I wasn't taking out my frustations on anyONE, I was disagreeing with your style of doing reviews. You interpret that as a flame war, fine. We have different opinions even on that, then. But it's fine, I clearly have no defense, because the answer is always just going to be "Well, if you don't like it, don't read/buy/pay for it". So OK, you win.
  21. She's been releasing an album every year or so for the last twenty years, not including the "special albums". I don't know who is willing to bother noting every single song she has ever recorded because you'll get at least 200 titles.
  22. Oh my god... I've just realised something. After having a look at pictures of the Takara Jazz TF Collection reissue and looking at the stupid "Agent Meister" labels where it should say "Martinii (sic) Porsche", I've finally realised that Takara are VERY unlikely going to re-release my beloved Wheeljack. The darn car has got LANCIA and ALITALIA written all over the bloody thing!! Dammit.
  23. Huh. Well, where does that rumour come from, then?
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