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Everything posted by Renato

  1. Actually, decided to do a search on google myself and found this page: http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=2213 And something from ToyboxDX.. http://www.toyboxdx.com/rumble_plus/180802-calibur.html So there you go.
  2. Kawamori did design a Transformer. It's called Jetfire. Ha dee ha ha That's not even funny. Even after all these years, I'm still pissed that our beloved 1/55 VF-1 was made into a Trannie. Is nothing sacred Graham "Beloved 1/55 VF-1"?? I do believe it was the one and only Graham Parkes who originally coined the term "Chunky Monkey"!! And I don't recall it being a particularly affectionate term, either....
  3. Kawamori did design a Transformer. It's called Jetfire. Ha dee ha ha That's not even funny. Even after all these years, I'm still pissed that our beloved 1/55 VF-1 was made into a Trannie. Is nothing sacred Graham Jetfire was my favourite transformer toy and possibly the reason I watched Robotech. Besides, I think Kawamori is also behind the designs for Whirl and Roadbuster. They're from another series, can't remember what, but Hasbro repackaged them into TFs like they did with Jetfire, while they were never released as such in Japan. I'll leave it up to others to post pictures.
  4. Hmm. I dunno. That scheme doesn't look right to me on the RX8. Besides, that porsche did actually exist. The same goes for the G1 Wheeljack, Smokescreen, etc. schemes. In fact, I remember KidKorrupt used to have a webpage detailing the real-world cars upon which some TFs were based. That page seems to have been taken down, and he's disappeared... Doeas anyone else know of a page like that?
  5. I'll admit that the BT toys look good in vehicle mode, but I still think that the bot modes looks a mess. If I was ever going to buy a TF toy, the only one I'd ever consider buying would be the 20th Anniversary Optimus, as not only is it well articulated, but it actually looks accurate and good in both modes. It's actually the only TF toy that I've seen that I think does look good in both modes. Plus it has none of that ugly neon plastic weapons that so many TF toys have. Graham Actually it does have a pretty stupid transluscent ORANGE AXE which seems to have become a standard in G1 Prime toys at some point recently... I don't even get why, really. It appears in the anime ONCE, and he never uses it again. EVER. Maybe Prime realised just how bad a transluscent ORANGE AXE looks. And 20th Anniversary Op doesn't look so great in truck mode. He still looks really toyish and is deformed in various places, so you can tell it's a transformer, which you can't really with the BTs. Oh, and the trailer is made of bloody cardboard. Some people complain that toys these days don't have as much die-cast as in the old days... I'll say it again. CARD-frickin'-BOARD, people!! Man, that pissed me off no end.
  6. "Bestselling manga"?? Oh, you mean that one which no-one's ever heard of?! "Puts Disney to shame"?!?! Wow, you've really outdone yourself this time Areaseven, I mean... Jeez... As I said before (a while ago, though), it's nothing personal, but your 'reviews' are really becoming mere adverts for Japanese popular culture. I'm sure you're a nice guy and everything, got nothing against you, pal, but come on. Instant praise for anything and everything even REMOTELY related to anime (Dekaranger, for God's Holy sake!!). I'm gonna make a frickin' doodle on a piece of paper and expect to receive a Nobel prize from you next time! (Sorry about that... didn't get much sleep last night and this morning I had to give a presentation, so I'm just letting off steam... Blame it on the evils of Powerpoint..)
  7. *Sigh..* Damn you, you had me all excited there for a millionth of a second. Besides, he's out already.
  8. Advance games only, as far as anyone knows. And I think it's another damn proprietary LiIon pack. Definately only GBA and DS games. No older GameBoy games. Reason is, as far as I know, the GBA has a seperate processor for older Gameboy games, and Nintendo I guess just didn't feel like cramming three processors into the DS. Oh, and yeah... lithium ion battery. GBA hardware is physically diffrent in GBC mode. The cart holds down a switch that actually changes what's on and how it's wired. Skipping 8-bit compatibility saved them a z80 clone and a switch. The DS hardware uses the same chip as the GBA CPU for one of it's processors, so no extra parts there. OK, thank you very much that's all I needed to know. I can forget all about this now, not worth my time.
  9. I am not serious about this But authors choose "fold" over "warp". Macross is filled with intended puns. Anyway, IIRC at the beginning Macross was supposed to be a (cho-)"dokyu" (dreadnought) class ship, but the kanji dokyu was rare and was often misprinted, so they went for "jiku". FV Yeah, you're right. Some merchandise did appear under the original banner, check out the kanji within the main Macross logo (old school version) in this pic. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/collec...s/cell_rest.jpg
  10. But... they look so stupid. And yeah, the VF-1 etc. wasn't supposed to look cool. Well, it bloody does.
  11. Exactly....and they got the VF-0 wrong....It ain't called the "Phoenix".... Isn't it? I thought it was. What is it called then?
  12. I held off buying an Advance because I didn't see any deent games for it, other than maybe Super Robot Wars D. So... let's have some info on this thing. Can it play old school monochrome GB games? What about those funky ones like GB Camera and KoroKoroKirby (these two were ruined by the stupid-ass SP because of its upside-down cartridge slot)? Also, battery type?
  13. I know, it really takes away from the realism of giant transfomring robots in outer space fighting aliens.
  14. Unfortunately, I suspect that is probably true With no new Yamato Macross products slated for release until the end of the year, except the Max Q-Rau and CM's Milia figures, it looks like Macross toy fans are in for a boring 2nd half of 2004 Graham Personally I don't mind at all. Gives me time to save up for the Koenig and if I get bored I have a couple of Binaltech Transformers to look forward to.
  15. I'm not sure anyone else got that joke I know it. Man and machine, power extreme... Bah. Minimal fun-factor with those toys. As for the Conversion kit, I almost bought one a few weeks ago, there's one which is quite affordable. But I have to check out what state it's in first...
  16. How can you not like it? It's THE ROBOT THAT CHANGES! And it also defends that whole Galaxy! That's pretty amazing. I doubt the VF-17 has the range to cover 100,000 light years! Well, Voltron was Defender of the Universe. So just a galaxy is kinda lame. Yeah, but... If the Universe is EVERYTHING, then what the hell is Voltron protecting it from?? Voltron is the ultimate SLACKER.
  17. Another thing -- the more I see Tracks, the more I dislike it. I like the Corvette, but robot mode looks pretty bad. As some people have said, it's just like a RiD toy. Except it's symmetrical.
  18. Dead End's head is shaped like Sunstreaker's. Dunno why. In fact, Dead End never even looked like that. My guess is that they were gonna make the Viper repaint a Sunstreaker, but then they said something like "ah, we got too many darned 'bots, bring out the 'cons!" so they changed it at the last minute. That's one theory.
  19. Oh, stupid question, but I just wanna make sure. On the Impreza models, all four doors can open, right...?
  20. I think there's a pic of it on a page called TFkenkon.com, or something like that. "Remy's Customs". Apparently all you need to do is just cut out the little bit of red plastic where the black swingbar attaches to the back hood section. That should allow for the whole piece to swing more freely and end up flush against the robot's chest or back, depending on which way you twist the waist (like we did last summer). And then after that it's just a case of swapping the hands round. I haven't done it, though, I'm too scared to ruin the toy. However, I can't understand why Takara didn't just design it that way in the first place, it looks a million times better.
  21. Actually you do... ^^;; Sometimes on some of the old-school merchandise for SDF (eg, pencil cases, notebooks) you would see "THE FORTRESS EXCEEDING SPACE AND TIME" written. So that's another translation for ya.
  22. as far as i know there isn't a release date scheduled No date as such, but they were saying "Winter" before, and now this has changed to "end of the year". So... we're looking at, what, 2005?
  23. Oh, by the way, there's another version of DYRL on the Macross 7 Trash Drama CD. Enicar is on vocals with Basara on acoustic guitar.
  24. Jesus Christ, Graham!! That's like saying, "You know, that blue-haired girl in the chinese dress from Macross". Hehe. Yeah, I think I know what they are, anyway. I have a few of those mini-version ones myself (Soundwave, Prime, Megatron and Thrust, if anyone's interested) and I use them for target practice, too. In particuar, Prime. He's just so crappy.
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