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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. wait how is matte less anime accurate? if we wanted super anime accurate all the valks should be cell shaded. :-P personally i love he finish matte finish of yamato stuff (well everything since the v2 vf-1). the glossy frontier valks from bandai try to evoke a very toyetic (yes i made that up) feel but its a fail because you can't exactly handle it like a chunky monkey...instead if becomes a tranformable poseable display piece that looks like it wants to be a toy. i agree it has its own appeal being more toyetic....but i dunno i prefer most valks in a matte or at most semi-gloss finish. plus, with a matte finish you can always add a gloss clear coat if you want. with a glossy frontier valk it'd be harder to remove the sheen i'd argue.
  2. having never taken apart the leg/hip area and having seen your video now...that does seem like it should work. you are effectively increasing the clamping force and adding a permanent preload providing the rubber remains springy over life. if you could measure the thickness of the rubber strip, that'd be helpful for many.
  3. i actually think the MP VV is pretty damn good. only real complaint i have is, like many modern toys...there is too much play in the ratchet joints. It does look and feel the part of VV better than toynami's does for its source material. the sad thing about toynamis's is that the sculpt is really pretty good. the wings are a ltitle bit skinny but overall its probably the best sulpt of LV....but SOOOOO much more could have been done with it to make it truly modern. I'd call it more a a vintage redux than a modern collectible. the miracle productions VV is firmly a modern toy even if a bit flawed, it still looks modern and poses that way too. i don't do reviews but i give it a 7.5 out of 10. :-)
  4. wow that is bad. voltron deserved better for his 30th. i hope they at least re-engineered the joints because i've heard the toynami voltron to get is the plastic version of the masterpiece voltron, not the ACTUAL "masterpiece" one that comes in that nice toynami MPC box....i especially like the plastic one with the metallic paint...but even with plastic...some of those joints get loose (perhpas it not 100% a weight issue). That one could be had for $75 or less back in the day....(i should know...i got one lol).
  5. so in my ocd mind i came up with a "solution". the yamato ones will become my "weathered" set(albeit incomplete without the vf-1s max). i'll do a light weathering wash on them....and the off white is a part of the "weathering" these battle tested valks have where as the new arcadia ones are "new shiny? ones. that will explain why some are white and some are off white (and weatherd in the future) to me. sounds like i'm gonna rebuy at least significant portion of the line this way. ;-\
  6. wait, i didn't realize there was a difference between the construction of the aoshima and the toynami. i thought they wre basically the same except for the deco and some under chest missiles? is it the toynami one i really want though. i prefer its deco and also the packaging is second to none IMO. only one on ebay right now and its $299 ( i wan the scott/stick variant).
  7. so.....not sure if everyone saw this but in the yf-19 thread it was posted that the dryl valks from arcadia are going to be white white....like the tv valks (with confrmation fro mmr. k on twitter). not sure i like that being that all my other dyrl valks are off white....so the question now is "do i care if they match being that i have an off white roy already?" really annoying actually...now do i sell off my dyrl valks and replace them all as they come from arcadia, or attempt to sell off this preorder have for the vf-1s roy and get a misb yamato with option parts version...or do neither and just "appreciate the differences". ugghh. man this wouldn't be so huge an issue if i ever got aroudn to picking up the vf-1s max (the only dyrl valk i want and don't have and don't want to pay aftermarket prices for). i don't understand arcadia. clearly they know we are a niche market that is very picky.....and they (including mr. k) wait until now to disclose this...which causes us semi OCD people to go bonkers. i'm almost fuming righ tnow. ok done fuming...they just want us ocd f*ckers to buy more aka rebuy the whole line....which...i am not prepared to do. now if they start releasing the tv valks in off white dyrl yamato white the hate will be strong.
  8. Sorry if this has been discussed to death in the past (i've only just discovered we had a mospeada thread here on MW and went back about 15 pages or so of threads), but has anyone attempted to make/remake/redesign the flawed components of the MPC Alpha from toynami (other than the hands)? I have a few and i'm deathly scared to handle them. For instance the hands feel like they will crumble. I know back when the V2 VF-1's had crappy shoulders someone (VF5s?) made some shapeways shulder hinges for people. Anyone addressing the MPC alpha issues? I do have the CMs legioss and tread too (just one set was enough for me to stop though) but i don't like it as much for some reason (probably because i think its a 50-80 dollar toy that was sold for close to $300 back in the day....i got it at STEEP discount but STILL....i prefer the toynami sculpts and would love it if someone had already looked into that. ahha
  9. i have both but have only opened my first release and its too dark. Actually, MANY of the yamato vf-1s have green that is too dark for the eye/sensor IMO. I wonder if anyone has kept track of whic h releases seem to have darker green than others (to my knowledge, not even jenius has and he used to detail almost everything his reviews)...i've not paid too close attention BUT it does seem like some are better than others (although IMO they are ALL too dark). someone could make a pretty penny by releasing aftermarket heads with the correct shade of green (already molded in the correct dyrl/sdfm colors)....especially if that person were to include an LED gimmick for the eye too. It'd be perfect, as its not like the heads aren' t meant to be removed. lol. just sayin... although i'd take a simple one piece replacement clear correct shade of green plastic anyday too. :-P
  10. Did this get enough traction? Please PM me if its not too late as I 'm interested in a 1/60 scale one. Thanks.
  11. promotional photo - they look almost the same...and both look whiter than the yamato DYRL of the past....even though one of them is a yamato DYRL....so that tells you that the photo.....tells you almost nothing. lol
  12. its its not too late, put me down for just 1. thanks.
  13. True, BUT only if you prefer DYRL to SDFM. i like the hikaru dyrl scheme but i'll take a bare bones vf-1j white with red trim to a strike hikaru vf-1s anyday unless you are talking about resale value (due to fast packs). being american the dyrl hikaru scheme was always a "reverse jetfire scheme" with a cool green eye...black and red reversed on the chest. the vf-1j hikaru is the iconic hikaru colors to me. i didn't see DYRL until the early 90s release of the VHS "clash of the bionoids" (horrible version of it btw but i still liked it).
  14. looks pretty good. i do wish the deco had more black to be less "alto-ish" ( i mean how many valks does that little princess need?!) and had a more distinct head. i wish i knew if they had other decos planned or not. if they did i'd probably skip this one (especially if they are going to releaes that "skywarp deco" or "thrust deco"). as is, i'll probably get it for fear that other decos will never materialize.
  15. man, less tampo...guess i should have bought one of the many reissues (the most recent ones had the option parts too right?) of the dyrl back then instead of just holding on to my original v2.0 (which by some miracle still has no cracks although shoulder hinge is loose). now all i'm getting is a stand. i suppose i could elave the new one in battroid and have the old one in fighter...as the alck of tampo son't be as evident in battroid mode.
  16. skywarp and thrust, is that you? :-P
  17. the mighty block stands would be better if they just eliminated that rotation point altogether. IMO the bandai gundam action base stands are a serviceable solution with that custom adapter exo made. they can be had for like 6-10 bucks, come in a variety of colors and is stable enough for a VF-1. still its not stable enough for more dynamic banking/posing etc...which that SV-51 based stand should be
  18. man i just preordered this from amiami yesterday. not sure if i want it now...they don't allow cancellations either...gah! oh well.. guess i can always resell if i need to. tight shoulder joints plus a stand....worth $150+?
  19. because it looks like its flying when its clear sorta. also if you photo on certain backgrounds its very easy to pshop out the stands if clear.. i hate bandai stands with a passion...looks like the valk has a giant plastic stick up its ass....because it does. lol.
  20. love the new stand....wonder if all of them are this way or just the vf-1s roy? i prefer it to the grey quite a lot. i already hav a dyrl vf-1s roy though....albeit it has floppy shoulders by now (not broken just loose....unlike any of my other valks oddly enough other than the vf-1s hikaru...oddly the two that are being reissued first).
  21. true, but their lack of width is...annoying. They actually hold very little for the space they take up. one cabinet twice as wide as a detolf will absolutely hold well more than twice the amount of stuff a detolf can without looking nearly as cluttered. I know some do the double detolf mod to fix that...but i'm not a fan.due to the double metal beams in the middle that result. i right now have only 3 detolfs that can display about 1/3 to 1/2 m collection of toys. Debating on getting a 4th or just redoing everything with wider cabinets. heck its only the price of 1.33 valks. lol
  22. Dust in everyone's home is different. Dust comes mainly from dead skin and hair cells, but also lint, papers (especailly newspapers and magaines etc) etc.. keep your skin moisturized! lol. Also it will depend on your HVAC systems as well. Some forced air units have have great filters in them etc. Some people even use a separate HEPA air purfification system. Some people contorl humidity better than others. FWIW more humid conditions make dust heavier and it will settle. more dry coniditons keep the dust suspended in the air so while you may have dust, it will not settle on your figures and displays. Also if you live in or near a city, you will have a higher amount of dust just by opening a window etc. I lived last year in the worst possible conditions for dust (ok maybe not but def. not ideal)...humid (so it settles), no forced air so no filtered air, no separate air filter, tons of papers etc. Also i have dry skin. lol. The bottom shelves of detolfs and the figures sitting there definitely accumulated a layer of dust after about 1.5 months or so and needed to be dusted. however...dusting figures after a month or so is easy...any of those feather, microfiber or even swiffer duster takes seconds per figure. the shelf even less. The trick is to not let dust on a figure too long and get caked up (having dust settle and then having big changes in humidity and tmperature will cake dust on) where you have to wipe away vs. easily dusting it off. This year after my move 2 months ago, its still not an ideal environment but i checked last night...still no need to dust. that being said it'd b really nice to not hav eto dust at all. lol. eventually i'll get nicer cabinets but for the money $60....they are impossible to beat. then there is teh othe rargument...why put thousands of dollars or toys ina $60 cabinet. to each ihis own. someone linked these a while ago...not outrageous pricing at all. http://www.specialtystoreservices.com/productdetails.aspx?productid=34319 i'll look into that someday....maybe when i stop buying $300 valks all the time.
  23. undecided on it....i may just pick it up for frontier (ish since this i a game valk) completion....loving the fighter mode...battroid may take some getting used to. man im ready for a new series and new aesthetic though. this frontier styled stuff i think has finally run its course with me. give me a sleek plane that turns into a beefy bot, not some anorexic looking evangelion influenced thing.... any series or OVA planned in the near future? seems macross is fizzling out. 30th anniversary didn't get a new production....just a video game. :-(
  24. Count me as interested. By what date would you need to know for sure? It looks really nice btw. This just seems like one of those rare opportunities not to miss.
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