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Everything posted by Mechapilot77

  1. yup looks like a 1/60 v2 in the first image in the OP. at least we know they are interested in making something for the franchise. please let this be the first of many things to come!
  2. unfortunately in a market where supply is limited and getting smaller the people who control the market price are those that "must have" an item and are relatively insensitive to price. i'd argue that those people affect prices of actually...everything but in this market where supply is dry its hard to argue against it, as it seems there is a decent enough quantity of these type people collecting these things.
  3. ok so this is an interesting topic actually. i do not know what it is like in this specific case but a couple things are for certain. 1. Factories in china definitely do unauthorized runs on tooling not owned by them. not every factory does it but there are definitely those that do. Usually there will be some minimal differences between official run products and illegally produced (though on same premise and tooling) ones. again i'm not sure how or even if this applies to bandai or yamato product. 2. There is a history/cuatlure of actual companies (not just the factory) specifying lower quality components for "domestic" (read: china) destined product than for things meant for overseas consumption. for examples in the electronics industry some components are rated to certain failure rates or certain tolerances etc. Now there are other components that function the same but have higher failure rates or wider tolerances that work just fine when they work. A device that is domestic product may use the lower grade (though equivalent function) components while the exported versions of the same model have higher grade components. This is a fairly common practice actually. The thought is that the chinese market (replace china with any low cost developing nation doing manufacturing as this isn't new) consumers are not as discerning or don't care as much and that the "brand" name should not be diluted overseas in the more developed nations (read: nations where the profit margins are higher for a given product). Again i have no idea if this applies to yamato and bandai.
  4. umm, those armor packs look pretty grey to me (a blue tint sure, but much more grey than the ones for alto's 171)...glad i preordered! i just got taht game i the mail and haven't played it yet...is it going to be a b*tch if i dont read japanese?
  5. sweet. i just preordered a set too but forgot to change to USD though. doh! hopefully the yen drops against dollar a bit.
  6. i have one and have yet to unbox it. doesn't come with all those scaled down mini mecha does it? i'm also wondering how well it can hold its arms up? can i pose it like that on a shelf and leave it like that for weeks?
  7. personally i like the grey goggled one inside the armor, the naked 1J gets the normal white visor. its just the way i always had them. i switch the heads once and i thought it looked a bit odd. lol. i dunno,
  8. yeah i got that too. if i don't pay by the 24th, which i assume is release day they will cancel. i'm thinking.....why would i pay them this early?! Product is not even in stock yet. Its 2 weeks from being in stock. i can at the very least wait til my CC billing cycle is up so i can defer the actual cost to next month. lol. In reality i will just pay them probably Monday or Tuesday after the CC cycle is up and before i forget. lol.
  9. on the classics starscream new arms. Arms looks good. 2 aesthetics things. the hands seem a little too detached from the wrists? minor really. second, the null ray looks a little bit funky with that barbershop swirl design near the middle. otherwise its great.
  10. i' m still hoping arcadia will pick up all of the macross stuff from yamato. the molds, the designers, everything.
  11. is the dyrl 1s max lighter than the other dyrl valks or is it jus the way the photo looks? way back when i prioritized sdfm over dyrl so inever picked up that max, nor the 1a. the only canon dyrl valks i have are hik's and roy's.
  12. A V3? hmm...the V2 is already so good in so many ways .....BUT...sure it can be improved. Lets look at the weak spots? Owing to its transformation, it has no waist or ab joint and limited mobility in his lips ( i mean we never saw a vf-1 do a sidekick but it'd be nice if it could if it wanted to). I think both are possible by going with a non swingbar still of hip. By doing not having the swing bar the waist and ab joints become immediately doable. the hips may still be a stretch. other than the posability weakness, there are a couple line art issues (jenius mentioned them but i'm not a stickler for it because i think the backpack and head location is fine). Other than that, we can add more gimmicks and more details. I'd prefer if they could do this in a 1/60 scale and keep mostly the same aesthetics as I woudln't rebuy the whole line now that i'm like 15+ valks deep into V2. lol. so in summary, my wish list would be 1. improved articulation in the mid section by improving transformation scheme. 2. line art tweeks 3. more gimmicks and details (transformation pistons, radar dishes, builit in perfect TFing option parts, wing flaps were all mentioned but i'm sure there i s more) 4. all that while keeping the aesthetics similar enough where a mixed collection doesn't look silly. that said, they can take their time....i'm still totally enjoying this V2 line of 2008-2013. :-)
  13. wow all these 1/48 pictures making me like the 1/48's again. i mean i have almost all the 1/60s i want but back then....i only had the chance to acquire 3 of those 1/48's and only exactly 1 is on display now. they have such presence. i may have to bust them out of storage sometime.
  14. so is there or is there not a super pack coming out. don't wanna miss that after being able to jump in on a preorder for this!
  15. ^^thats a good idea if you have lots of the same mold as the trays should be stackable right? i've not tried^^ as to how i pick what to collect? i try to get the "best" versions of my favorite designs. in the world of macross it usually goes in this order sdfm/dyrl, frontier, zero, plus the only other thing i really collect are TF's/3rd party TF's. i try to stick with the "best" verisons so usually MP or 3rd party as priorities although i will get neat mainline stuff too. other than that its random and not prioritized.
  16. wow step away from MW for a week or so and there is a full on panic thread. is there confirmation somewhere arcadia won't be releasing macross stuff? man am i happy i'm not a Mac 7 valk fan. i woulda just spent thousands of dollars in vf-17-19's. that being said i'm quite sad i'll probably never (for a reasonable price) be able to get a super pack (TV style), the destroids, and a few random variants i sort of liked but weren't "worth it" at the time (vf-x, angel bird, super ostrich, the dryl versions of max, kakizaki, the yf-21, and yes even the aging yf-19.) etc. shame is, back the day you could get a super tv fast pack set for like $35 if i'm remembering correctly and kakizakis were on sale all the time. that being said i'm happy i prioritized my favorite designs/decos at the right time and have say...85-90% of what i wanted from yamato.
  17. lol yes they are heavy as hell (93 lbs i think?) in the box. i bought 2 at a time the first time and it was a b*tch to carry that myself and i'm not a small guy. There's just no good way to hold the box, no handles etc. anyway i think for the price, they cannot be beat. yes you have to dust....but it'll be 2 maybe 3 timesa year vs. monthly if stuff just sits out. Also, they are glass and also have a slight tint (they are dipped i thnk?) so I think they do at least offer some UV protection too (even clear glass offers some). My biggest complaint is also width. Not wide enough. if they made a double or tripled wide i'd jump all over that. There are better displays out there.....but not for $65 there aren't.
  18. nice photos man. its a hard bird to photograph well i think and those....ain't bad. :-)
  19. odd, hlj has listed a VF-1D unpainted kit for release in march from yamato. will that ever see the light of day or is this going to actually be released by arcadia?
  20. damn i've never wanted an winterming green valk before....wtf. haha i don't know if its the challenge of finding one thats drawing me or the "completionist" in me....i skipped him in V1, but oddly i really want this version alll of a sudden.
  21. Are they ever going to release a super pack or tornado pack for the VF-25G? IMO the VF-25 looks a little too scrawny without a super pack on..although those dynamic poses tcracker posts does help it look meaner. oh and yes a tonrado pack bundled fo the VF-25F would be awesome if they released that.
  22. took some pics of my tv vf-1s with EXO's option parts and DarrinG's gun strap....MW rocks!
  23. Mechapilot77

    Macross figures

    never been a ranka fan but ranka in minmay's out fit (DYRL final scene outfit, no?) with that head/face sculpt is cool. i kind of agree. i think the original SDF bridge crew should be represented but I doubt I'd buy that many figures unless they were tiny...
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