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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Should we be expecting more Tenjin boxart? Or was that just for the GBP-1J?
  2. So I guess maybe I am not clear on how "Force sensitives" come about....were they "detected" by the Jedi Council?....If so, I would assume similar methods would be used by the Emperor....or is that what the Inquisitors do (sorry have yet to watch Rebels).... So anyway.....did force sensitive kids stop being born after a certain point? TFA takes place 30 years after the Emperor has died....somehow the remnants of the Empire kept searching out for Force sensitives to eliminate them....or suddenly there were no more being born? Or this that part of the whole Force Awakens again plot?
  3. I was thinking the same thing...and it kind of goes well with the qoute from Kylo Ren about "finishing what he (Vader...or at least how he/his group sees it) started"...it is easy to imagine growing up in the clusterF after the destruction of the second Death Star....ORDER and PEACE across the galaxy suddenly a stolen dream....think supporters of dictators like Hussain....their regimes are toppled and suddenly your world turns into a mess...you may yearn for the "good old days".....FIRST ORDER may refer to this vision of a Galactic ORDER promised to Luke by Vader during their Bespin duel....
  4. For sure there will be more....I'm thinking something from MD next!
  5. The Jedi Purge within the systems under the control of the Empire would be just a nasty propaganda story perpetrated by the Rebel scum....kinda like what the Chinese communists insist is the "incident" at Tiananmen Square....just an incident not a massacre...
  6. After the VF-4G.....can anyone say a Max and Milia VF-1J, Super Ostrich, or VF-1D will not be reissued? At this point it is just a waiting game.
  7. I'd buy these even if I'd never get a chance to fly them....but I'd find the time.... These guys should find a way to sell these...instabuy!
  8. I don't want a reboot or soft reboot....I want an all new story that progresses the overall story that starts from Episode 1, The Phantom Menace, warts and all.... Screw reboots...that crap is for lesser franchises....
  9. ET needs to release pics of the "completed" SAP CAD drawings....but maybe they are waiting for sometime closer to release date....still, I think it is a bone-headed move to have not just released this as a VF-2SS w/SAP bundle first......I'm still hoping that a low production number will mean sell-out for the VF-2SS Silvie, which will bring on the Nexx VF-2SS w/SAP......just a fool's hope....but still a hope....
  10. Not sure if someone may have posted on one of the earlier pages of this thread...but the sequence is shown on a few sources, such as the Macross II Entertainment Bible..... The above images were taken from this site....whose owner I would think must be in hog heaven at the prospect of a 1/60 VF-2SS....but then again.... http://valkyrie2.cloud-line.com/valkyrie/
  11. Exactly, how many times do the same folks need to come back and agree that they do not like it? We get it, you are displeased...maybe move on to the threads of toys you actually like? The same goes for pointing out what is wrong...again...we get it...there are many things wrong.....none of which any number of posts will resolve....only ET can resolve them if they wish to release a toy that will be more in line with modern toy collectors' expectations....I feel that some of the members have made very detailed explanations as to "what is wrong" and have posted pics to illustrate their point....constructive criticism is always welcome.....but rehashing the same complaints serves no purpose..... In a way this thread has turned into just a complaint fest...similar to how the Macross Delta thread was turning into a "what-if" or "I wish they do this" thread and ended up getting locked.... Maybe ET will decide to address some of the concerns posted on this thread (although wouldn't only the concerns posted by the Japanese market even matter to ET and if that is the case, why complain on this thread...for some Macross II catharsis? Hopefully, similar complaints are being made to ET from their primary Japanese market consumers).... .........Or simply just nuke the thread from orbit.....
  12. Nice find...thanks for posting! It looks great....looking forward to getting it. On some pics it looks like it is not transformed correctly...with some parts not aligned or tabs not connected....so hopefully that is just human error and not poor fitment.... My only issue with the mold is the tabs on the chest piece....they really couldn't have hid those? I'm thinking they could have made them slide up/down or rotate....maybe someone can come up with a solution once it's out.... Oh....and looks like the pilot is still not painted...not happy about an unpainted fig on the retail version...but I can deal with it.... Ballziest toy release of the year!
  13. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    The Battle 7 was apparently in the pipeline for Yamato....I wonder if Arcadia will go for it now that it's creator has expressed interest? Regarding the HMR line, as I noted in an earlier post...the list of remaining SDFM mecha is quite short...as for DYRL...if you include the HM releases....Bandai just needs Max's -1S and the Q-Rau to match Yamato's output....that is the kind of quick output that put Yamato out of business....for Bandai, at worse, the line will just fail again....but I think it will make it this time with no real competition (in the form of ultra discounted competitor offerings) this time around... Plus....the HMR line is offering toys never offered before at this level of detail and quality...namely the Regult, Spartan, Glaug, and Monster....personally, I'm all in based on these 4
  14. http://tamashii.jp/t...ku/86/?lmode=en ■ If there is any opportunity, and I want to three-dimensional the "Battle 7" of "Macross 7". I concur! So did Yamato..... Is Arcadia listening?.......
  15. Ok....now the HM VF-1J is transformed correctly....... almost 30 years worth of Macross toy making evolution!
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