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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. It's not transformed correctly...I'll repost a pic in a bit...
  2. You think this is a tough crowd?.....you should see the hate going on in the VF-2SS thread!
  3. Thanks for all the comments! During my Takatoku search I believe I also managed to acquire all of the official publications released for the SDFM series....I will have to gather all of those books at some point for a group shot too!
  4. Kind of pin-like....but mostly I don't want to start a new "collectors" thread....
  5. There are some settings on my phone's pic editing software...the one I used for that pic was called "cartoon"...
  6. LOL...you guys are a harsh bunch! Anyway.....it's Macross II so it's going to have to be good enough for the time being....at best it is as good as anything animated on screen.....I'll just say it's closer to anime "accurate" than lineart accurate.... Hopefully the Japanese fans are more forgiving than some MW "fans"..... Or maybe someone can design a SAP for it if Evolution Toys flakes out......
  7. There will always be subset of collectors willing to pay more for something that they consider makes an item "more" valuable....however, that group is small and it would take you longer to find that customer willing to pay you more for your inclusion of a "shipping" box during some future sale. If you can keep the brown shipping boxes, I would advise you do so.
  8. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    "Just" plastic wraps???! You clearly have no appreciation for mint-in-sealed-box-sealed-in-plastic-manufacturers-bag....MISBSIPMB among collectors of such things...
  9. I set out to collect a cel from each Macross animated series that still used cels....and I think I met that goal a while back... right now, unless it is an exceptionally nice cel at a good price (mutually exclusive conditions it seems these days) I don't see collecting very many more cels than what I currently have.... I would imagine I would want to start selling them off at some point...as I doubt my kids would want them...same goes for my Macross collection in general....the trick is to figure out when to do that.... I think we will start seeing a sell-off from other Macross collectors within the next 10 years or so.... I am not sure what effect that will have on the value of Macross cels and other rarer items...I guess it depends on what value is placed on these items by the new generations of Macross fans.... I'm afraid that value and the group that remains interested in these items shrinks each year.....
  10. It would be an Arcadia valk release finally worthy of it.....
  11. Don't tell that to davidwhangchoi...the leading MW grading expert on Mint-in-Box-Wrapped-in-Factory-Tissue-Paper-inside-Mint-Sealed-Shipping-Boxes...adding graphics to the shipping boxes would just take collecting to a whole other level!
  12. Well....that could still be on someone's plans....
  13. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42369
  14. 1/5700 Macross Block-System SDF-1 produced by Takatoku Toys....
  15. Arcadia simply needs to "screw up" and release it in SDFM VF-1 TV white....make the nose "tan-ish"....and heck, they can even forget the tampo...all would be forgiven!
  16. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Whoever is in charge of the Hi-Metal R lineup must be a Takatoku old school fan.....they are starting off with the Destroids in 1/100 exactly where Takatoku left off with their 1/100 Conversion Kit that included the Tomahawk, Defender, and Phalanx....the "sculpts" of the Spartan and Monster actually fit in very well with the old sculpts created originally by Takatoku in 1983.......
  17. With all the recent Delta news, Hi Metal-R craziness, and the recently announced second coming of the VF-4......Evolution Toys really needs to show off those SAP designs they claim are already done.........or face becoming irrelevant before their -2SS even hits the internet shelves.... More Macross is good...but it's suddenly getting kind of crowded....would really hate for this thing to fail on the first try.....and without SAP!
  18. LOL.....but now that you mention not having the VF-X............. What Yamato/Arcadia VF PT toy becomes the new holy grail for completists? I figured the popular valks like the VF-4, VF-1D and Max & Milia VF-1J's would eventually see a re-release.....but I still don't see VFs like the VF-X, Virgin Road -1D, and Angel Birds ever getting a second release.........Still the reissue of the VF-4 gives some hope...even if it just a fool's hope....
  19. Huh? Are you saying that your VF-X did not come with a BigWest disclaimer strictly prohibiting the use of the VF-X's landing gear? You need to check your box dude! But, yeah.....no way Yamato back then...or Arcadia today...would need to retool their mold just so it does not transform or to eliminate a feature not seen on the lineart..... It's all about the price and/or availability of the FB2012 license.....
  20. Exactly....I think someone gave the reason why we cannot get a FB2012 VF-4 due to "transformation issues" and it somehow stuck as internet fact.... Yamato wasn't going to waste money on a new non transforming VF-1 mold just to satisfy the "non-transformation" requirement for the VF-X........same thing now would apply with the FB2012 version of the VF-4........ BW is simply just asking more than Arcadia and Yamato is/was willing to pay for the license.....or it is just not available....and/or still in Bandai's hands! Bandai had it last....so if anyone knows what a license for a FB2012 VF-4 costs, in any scale or configuration, it is Bandai!
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