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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. VF-1J was the obvious first choice.....Hikaru is the hero of SDFM/DYRL......plus it can easily be released with TV-style clown hands and TV-pilot to make it close to 99% TV accurate.....I am pretty sure they will do this 1/35 with DYRL style cockpit (unless they can somehow release it with a swappable cockpit, VF-11 style???)..... Then the next easiest TV/DYRL release would be the Roy VF-1S........and if the panels will be removable....what if...BIG what if.....they can swap the parts/panels that make it either a RED/YELLOW/BLUE/GREEN VF-1S DYRL-type??? Some of the differences to keep in mind..... TV.... DYRL..... TV "clown" hands....(note hatches on the 1/35th DX ...I'd be happy with just magic hands that you have to attach! ) DYRL Hands.....(finally...no more chicken hands! ) And of course.....the pilots..... TV..... DYRL..... Any other differences between the TV and Movie VF-1?
  2. Although I am still getting the Bandai 1/1800 (if only because I have seen what Bandai can do gimmick-wise on these type of releases), I would totally prefer same scale ships in my collection. With that said, I am really hoping Arcadia does go for a 1/3000 TV SDF-1....at this point it is the only thing that would provide enough of a WOW factor to counter the Blitzkrieg Bandai just subjected them to. Right now Arcadia can position itself better by being the company that can re-release a 1/3000 DYRL SDF-1 quickly AND deliver on a 1/3000 TV SDF-1 in late 2016 or early 2017. Bandai, IMO, is in a position where they cannot really announce a 1/1800 TV SDF-1 anytime soon because it would just cannibalize its own sales of the yet unreleased 1/1800 DYRL SDF-1. In this respect, Arcadia can have the advantage by quickly re-releasing their DYRL for those that want it NOW and don't care for the TV-type and put their TV-type into a fast-track development schedule..... in-between they can re-release the sure bets (right in time to beat or simultaneously release along with the HMR versions): VT-1 Super Ostrich (with standard "options" plus 1/60 Hikaru and Misa "playset" which includes tent, radioactive fish, and cooking fire can, VE-1 ElintSeeker with standard option part, VF-1D with standard option parts plus "battle damaged" left arm, Hasegawa collaboration Super/Strike parts with a variety of waterslide decals to customize your packs, etc....Arcadia really needs to think outside the box......they had the right idea when they released the 1/60 Fire Bomber set.....they should really do more of that... They should also copy what Bandai did with their HMR line at the Tamashii event, which is to start polling their "niche" clientele on what exactly they want to see Arcadia produce and they should ask to backup these "votes" with pre-order cash deposits..... At this point Arcadia can survive as a boutique purveyor of ultra-niche (and unfortunately pricey) Valkyrie designs..... Of course, this will only work-out if Bandai does not go all out on a line of 1/60-ish DX Legacy Valkyries....if that hapens....
  3. So who is going to be all in on the new 1/60-ish line of Bandai DX Legacy Valkyries???
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RACJD_mFpyI
  5. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Variety is the spice of life..... The spice must flow!
  6. We are slowly moving towards 1/1.....baby steps!
  7. All you guys trying to get multiples for display....don't forget....you also need to display fully clothed.....and butt naked!
  8. Before Yamato "got it right" in 1/60......they tried it in 1/48..... The lineart in the background is for the TV version....so they probably will include fixed pose clown hands....it would be amazing if they also would include articulated clown hands....
  9. Great....another one to chase down....thanks for the heads up.....
  10. We need the return of a brutish valk....
  11. Head over to YJA...bid on the MacrossD flyer given out during the Tamashii event....wait a few weeks to receive it....then when you get it, run over to your friendly neighborhood print shop! Easy! http://page21.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/j369587310
  12. Looks like it'll have some really big "feet"....what if this transforms into something "glaug-like".....
  13. 45,000 JPY BIN....Beginnings of a sell-off? http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m149008507 Lowest price I've seen in a while.....let's see if it sells
  14. Mystery battroid faces!!!
  15. Well....Bandai certainly has set a precedent with their ultra detailed Jumbo DX Mazinger Z...they are now set to release the same thing but in Great Mazinger form....
  16. Great find....thanks for posting!
  17. Where were all the calls to lock the thread several pages back when all the hating was going on? If the thread gets locked now over the suggestion of a gay love triangle....Macross World just comes off as homophobic.... -3 to bring back balance to the thread! Just keep things civil and/or let the mods keep it so...
  18. Dunno.....I think Bandai selecting 1/1800 is a very deliberate move. It circumvents the two scales already released by Yamato and/or indicates that Arcadia may still have the license for one or both of the previously used scales for the DYRL SDF-1.... Bandai has Arcadia against the ropes....Arcadia should come out of it swinging with a 1/3000 TV SDF-1 announcement....or just simply have Mr. K throw in the towel with a cry of "no mas...Macross!"
  19. Maybe the "twist" this time around is a gay love triangle? Nothing wrong with that, right?
  20. Because they want to reveal all the battroids' "faces" at a later date simulataneously.....
  21. I think only a mod can do it.......very dangerous process.....like travelling through hyperspace and less like dusting crops...or something along those lines...
  22. Wait.....Micro Macross??? Is that what it's being called? Why no "R" for this line Bandai? Or did you forget you had already started one? Hey Gunn, anyway you could put one together comparing the 1/100 VF-1, 1/60 VF-1, 1/48 VF-1, and the new 1/35 VF-1?
  23. If being 1/35 doesn't take care of that concern, not sure what else would....
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