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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. If you dislike his opinion of Plus you'd REALLY hate my opinion of all of them...
  2. As much as I hate the constant nostalgia-bait train ride I do enjoy the different cues during the completely unnecessary ship viewing segment.
  3. That new ride armor looks pretty good in color, actually. I might get it. Tread looks great but doesn't really look like the Legioss/Tread are connected... it is a prototype though, maybe the connections just don't work well enough at this stage? Bulldog is an interesting redesign though. I wonder if they'll have a Legioss redesign at some point too?
  4. To be fair the 0D is not '"panel lined" it's weathered. That's going to make the lining heavier.
  5. If you want it to look like the Plus Anime it's Arcadia. If you want fancier engineering but a model that looks more like the second Frontier movie model go with DX.
  6. Oh, can we add curls to the forehead antennas? I'm suddenly on board!
  7. The matte blue looks so much better.
  8. I just don't understand the Lobster Claws... I did pick up the Cucuruz GM, Forbidden and of course Epyon.
  9. Jesus Christ, that Museum scene was like the Red Letter Media review of The Force Awakens was used as an actual plot-point. "Tie Fighters! Light Sabers!" So they got it 50% right.
  10. I e-mailed Mezco about charging me for Superman almost three weeks ago and all they told me was, "hang tight."
  11. I hate how often you have to dust here.
  12. Arcadia did do the correct color. I have two of them (I also need to dust again...)
  13. Was this a "hey, they're available again" message?
  14. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    And if you don't live in those five cities?
  15. Mommar

    Hi-Metal R

    How are we supposed to buy these again?
  16. It's been two weeks since I was charged for Superman and I haven't had any movement there either. Meanwhile I could order it from BBTS and ship it tomorrow.
  17. It'd be cool if they had a full Manga that looked like this.
  18. I know they picked it up but it's a site exclusive. There won't be the usual piles of them like other regular Arcadia releases. In terms of leftovers because of the wait, I don't know. I had put in a FromJapan order when I saw they had extra online but looks like that won't go through anyway...
  19. I wasn't referring to the small number. But there is a final listing that has a full 38412. Looks like I confused one of the 4268's for 426800.
  20. Huh, that is weirdly low for the Premium Finish version. But they have three listings too... hmm?
  21. They claim they have some leftovers/cancels too... might've missed the next round of orders for it though.
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