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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. I know what you mean on lighter colors. I remember working on my Aestivalis. THe blue went on nice and smooth, but the orange required coat after coat after coat. Two coats of blue, versus up to ten for orange. I'll never use that orange brand again. For my Mk-II, I been used spray cans with some brush work. I really like how she came out, but the paint were pricier than the model. Especially when it took three yellows to find one I liked (though I brushed that for the most part). I still haven't painted the yellow on the shield yet. I keep meaning to post pics, but I can't seem to get my friend to give me the shots taken on his camera (I use film). I have a few cell phone pics if anyone wants to see.
  2. It depends on the hype surrounding the show. I've heard buzz on Lucky Star, and Darker than Black, and not much on KISSDUM. Hence dozens for the former, and one for the latter. I'm still waiting on Towards the Terra. I had to grab a raw for that one. I'll grab it once I clear some space.
  3. Great to see references in new stuff. I remember getting a kick out of the Pani Poni X. So influenced that you can mod a Gunbuster into it. Having watched number 2 of Lucky Star, all I can say is forget the bars of the Gunbuster theme, the dentist bit was awesome. Truly the stuff of legends for a fan.
  4. Amen, friend. I have all but, like, 1 of the US Rendition release. The dub really wasn't that bad (Shaia's voice was better than the actress's later work [Naru in Love Hina]). I even met Steve Blum at Ani-magic last year and had him sign the M Rover model kit I found there.
  5. The discs will include the US Renditions' dub for the first 17 episodes.
  6. Yeah, I some how missed it. I swear it wasn't up when I checked it. I wound up with Shinsen's very, which turned out to be a fandub. I just now saw the episode. All I can say is... (* spoiler below in "invisible" text *) EUPHIE-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew it was coming, but still... The coming season should be great. The scene between Lelouche and Suzaku was rather ominous of the story to come. I like how Lelouche questioned the action he took early in the episode. Who knows rather it was the correct choice? It's interesting how Lelouche's personal losses mount in direct correlation to Zero's gains. Triumphs for Zero come as tragedies for Lelouche. Just as C.C. warned him.
  7. Yeah, I liked that aspect as well. At least it's a break from the usual, "how dare you" reaction.
  8. he first episode was pretty decent. It's kind of a blend between kids' adventure show anf modern Gainax fanservice/wackiness.
  9. I'll still check it out. I've found that first episodes usually aren't enough to judge.
  10. Thanks for the links. It seems that I missed most of the coll stuff back in my Genesis days. I may have to check those out (after I finished ZOE2, which I've waited four years to play).
  11. Having watched it now, I must say it is a rather amusing find. Thanks. I anticipate the rest of them. One must love soft subs. As it makes coreects typos so easy (in this case "Hitaka [Hidaka]" and "Breats[breasts]").
  12. That's got to be the most vicious twist I've ever seen. This can only end in tears. I was wondering how they planned to continue the rebellion.
  13. I'm a big Gainax fan myself, so I'm definately interested. What's this about, anyway?
  14. I'm glad I'm not alone in that thought. At least the new closing is about as good as the old. Another forum spoiled 22, though thankfully without details. Still, I have my list of possibilities. I'm not touching it until either Shinsen or GG (who have improved considerably since Pani Poni Dash) release it.
  15. Possibly dating to before the First Cylon War, maybe? The replacement theory might work. Though what are the odds all five woud make it to the fleet (with two, possibly three, in high postions on Galactica herself)?
  16. So many great things mentioned here. I'll have to post again later to respond to it all (I'm in a rather uncomfortable postion to type). I love obscure anime. My favorite is a title most people haven't heard of until recently, Gunbuster. Though I do enjoy several recent shows too. I hooked on Code Geass at the moment. Gerwalk25, Ariel is actually quite a fun little show. Nothing too grand, but highly enjoyable. I'm still trying to get ahold of the rest of Deluxe Ariel. Knight26, props for mentioning They Were 11. I love that one, though most haven't heard of it. I second Toward The Terra. I can't wait for the new series. MangledMess, Key is indeed awesome. Shame the DVDs suck so much. As is MADOX-01. Here are a few I enjoyed that I don't remember being mentioned: Moldiver - A fun, six part OAV. Superhero hijinks galore. Too bad the DVD is messed up (overcompressed, and misssing actual subtitles). Sol Bianca OAV - Great designs and just fun to rewatch. Shame they never finished it. Moble Battleship Nadesico - comedy, action, adventure, sci-fi, commentary on fandom, and a parody of The Enemy Below/Balance of Terror. What's not to love (besides the horrid dub)? El Hazard OAV - Brillent storytelling and characters, with a perfect ending. Master of Mosquiton - another show I've rarely heard people talk about. Birdy the Mighty - Great concept here. I look foward to the new anime. Ping Pong Club - So wrong, yet so funny. Bastard! - Gara! Give me back My Woman!! Need I say more? Excellent manga too. Eatman/Eatman '98 - another great concept. Haunted Junction - great paranormal comedy, a rare shouta complex character, and Toilet Hanako-san. Welcome! YouGenKaiSya - More paranormal comedy goodness. Ghost Sweeper Mikami - An obvious heavy influence on the previous title (right down to the lead being a strong, atractive, money-minded redhead with a wand). Same concept, equally as good, and a lot longer. Space Adventure Cobra - reminds me of Lupin III, but in space. Great sci-fi adventure series. Combustable Campus Guardress - a really fun OAV. I'm really surprised this was never licensed. Something of a parody of sci-fi/superhero shows. Lot;s of great tongue in cheek humor.
  17. The cheif's one of the final five. The Cylon's are unaware of this (even he just found out). So naturally Nicky's helf blood status is pretty much unknown to most caring parties. I agree completely on the acting in the reveal. Especially Tigh. His statements on who he is as well as the part where he tells Adama he "can count on me" made the scene work.
  18. I loved the first one when I played it years ago. The second one looks like it will be the last great game on the PS2. Too bad I'm poor.
  19. It's not a bootleg. It's an R0 set from BV thenselves. It's pretty much perfect outside its lack of subs. I'm still waitig on my BOME Noriko as well. Mine's being shipped to San Francisco, so I'll have to wait until that weeken to get it. I still haven't picked up the R1. As much as I' like the manga card and booklet...
  20. Thanks for the heads up. I love 80s anime. Even though I visit Boxtorrents, I definitely missed this one.
  21. I asked about the manga card on their Myspace blog when they plugged it. Basically, I enquired about whether those who bought the R0 could get it. Their reponse: I corrected him on the whole "only official Gunbuster manga" bit. I now alo find it amusing that he reminded me to turn the card in soon, when I explecitely said I bought the R0 and made no mention of owning the R1.
  22. Welcome to the club of people who will be annoyed by those that claim that "complaining over one damn song is like acting it's the end of the world", Valkyrie. I'm having a few querrels over at thehaisho.com right now for it. Is is really overreacting, given the circumstances? The ANN review has caused one man to dig up a blast from the past. Given this release, and the earlier hadow Chronicles release and sequel announcement, I think it's time to revisit "Robotech III: Not Necessarily the Sentinels." http://www.seishun.org/2005/03/robotech-ii...-sentinels.html
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