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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. Actually, I remember it being this elaborate artbook of theirs. Full of official nude pics, crossovers, and what-ifs (like Asuka as Sherlock Holms). Sure, if I can get my pics on my cell offloaded, and you don't mind so-so quality.
  2. I must say that I like it. Quite a bit so. Speaking of BOME, I finally got my Noriko (had my friends ribbing me for "hugging" the packaging [noting compared to when I finally found the Kotobukiya]. I was mostly just relieved that I didn't have to worry about passing it up at cons any more.). She makes a nice counterpart to the Kotobukiya, especially with the Kaiyodo Gunbuster in the background. (even the new Shammy gashapon in the foreground goes nicely.)
  3. I remember an old, and very true, saying, "It's impossible to hate all of something, as well as to like all of something." So it's not too weird to have a Nono figure even if you dislike the series. I have a few Gundam SEED figures, and I've barely watched the series.
  4. Here I thought I was the only anime fan that compared about how compressed some releases are.... At least messes like the Key DVDs don't happen any more.
  5. Anyone else having trouble finding the GX-34? Where does one go to find a Gunbuster for a decent price? Every site I go to either doesn't have it, or wants a mint for it. Having gone to some major cons and other stores, I can easily find the Ideon, but every dealer seems to have skipped the Gunbuster. ''
  6. I was there, as stated. We were a little late since my other friend waited until the absolute last minute to drop the costumes off. We'd even gave up on him until he called two hours prior to it (in his rush, he reversed the colors on my Max costume, it looks okay, but will be corrected once it's tailored for a better fit). I was a tad disappointed that it wasn't the full band Rob Miles assured me it would be (as late as Tales of Anime in April). Something must've fell through. I got some decent pics on my other friend's camera (which is all in his possession, so I can't post them). I got video of about half of "Broken Computer" until a guy caught me (I was unaware). I did, however, sneak video of her explanation of her relationship with Minmay, as well as about a minute of "Do You Remember Love", then the card filled up. It was great being there in costume. I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time due to Max's shades, but my friend said Mari seemed to cast us an "oh, God" look when she caught sight of us. I noticed that she seemed to be looking straight at us whenever she looked in our direction during "DYRL". Speaking of which, hearing it performed live which in costume really hit home like I hoped it would. So all in all, it was a great time.
  7. Agreed. The music of Macross was such an integral part of the series. I've always preferred it to what they replaced it with in Robotech. It's nice to hear that the 25th anniversary concert will be dedicated to him. I'm sure he'll attend it spiritually, if not physically now. R.I.P Haneda-san. Your musical legacy will live on.
  8. Thanks for this. If this were my PC, I'd be downloading it now. I love 80's mecha.
  9. The Gunbuster vs. Diebuster license was actually announced at ALA. I know, as I asked about it. You've got to love how ANN ignores their own news (like the reviewer of the DVD set first hearing about the BGM change in the thread for their review, despite said ALA news ). The BOME Norikos showed up on Saturday at Fanime. Since I have one in the mail, I held off. My friend got a second one and had Yamaga sign it. I got my R0 set signed (I got a ton of questions as to where the heck did it come from), as well as my HG Macross box (now signed by Ishiguro, Yamaga, and Iijima). So it was a good con Gunbuster wise (though it will be some time before I get over missing out on a 1/48 Skull One for 40 bucks). Speaking of Yamaga, here's some more interesting news from Fanime. I asked at his panel, and he had no knowledge of the music change. I was the first he'd heard of it. He even conferred with someone in the back of the room to confirm it. So if anyone in Gainax was consulted, like BV claims, it would've had to have been just Anno. I still can't entirely see him approving it, but maybe he didn't care. His opinion was one of, "these things happen." Though he has two reactions. On a professional level, it doesn't bother him. Kind of a "I've moved on" thing to keep from being frustrated by one release. On a fan level, he understands my position. He likened it to sound changes Tomino made in Gundam. As a fan of Gundam, Yamaga hated what he did. So, while it doesn't bother him, he understands why it would be a big deal to others. So i appreciate his response. I have the whole thing video taped, but have no way of uploading it at this time.
  10. I watched that long ago, back when the torrent was released. I was always hoping they'd release more. Shame that they haven't.
  11. Anyone attending memorial day weekend? As part of their concert series, they're having Mari perform on sunday. According to Rob Miles, she's singing with a full band and not just a keyboard. It's been planned for some time. As part of the 25th year, my friend and I are going in costume. He's going as Roy, and I'm going as Max. My other friend has a Hikaru costume, but might not make it. We might be able to get other cosplayers as well.
  12. I haven't recieved mine either. The seller says it should be in transit though. All BOMEs were delayed. I'd hold on a bit more.
  13. Yes, but they're related to Gainax if memory serves. It's probably like when Disney releases something under the Touchstone label (or the Disney/Pixar relationship for that matter).
  14. Nice one. I've heard of people trying to reconcile the two. It doesn't quite work though seeing as he accepts Instrumentality in one, and rejects it in another. I agree on the POVs. If they explore it in greater detail, it should be excellent. Though I've heard many changes will be made.
  15. He has a hand crutch. Basically a cane with an upper arm support. The one I used is, at the least, the right color. The handle's wrong, though.
  16. Well, here they are. Here's a pic I have of my MK II. It's a cell phone pic, but better than most. [attachmentid=42226] Here's one of my RXF-91. The head piece needs repair. [attachmentid=42227] Some rather horrid shots of my G-3. I had a better one, but I can't find it. I have some good shots taken in San Francisco, but my friend has given them to me yet. Still, you get the idea. The custom paint scheme makes her my pride and joy. [attachmentid=42228] [attachmentid=42229] I have some more, but they aren't too clear. Group shots [attachmentid=42230] [attachmentid=42231] Again, sorry for the lousy quality, but I've been needing to post pics for too long.
  17. I'm just glad they're keeping the character designs, and hopefully not altering the mecha too much. There's no way they're dropping Asuka, she sells too well as Rei's counterpart. They'd probably drop Ritsuko before they'd drop Asuka. I have mixed feelings on it. I like the idea better than ADV's live action concept. Still, I love Eva as it is. Though I suppose it will help feed Gainax's marketing of the show. All sorts of new properties can be created just from the new logos for NERV and Seele alone. At least it'll be nice to see Gainax return to some of their old storytelling ways. Though how much more confusion this will create, I don't know. I never had a problem following Eva, and I watched it initially out of order. I liked both endings, though I prefer EoE. It's got the more uplifting message.
  18. Wow, that's awesome. After the death of Crusade and Legend of the Rangers, I didn't think we'd ever see any more. It'd be nice if they wrapped up Crusade at least. They're even bringing Galen back. Though B5 will never be the same without G'kar. Still, I'm getting it.
  19. Photos for those that care, compliments of Eurobeat King of Cosplay.com. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e377/Eur...07/DSC00125.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e377/Eur...07/DSC00126.jpg http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e377/Eur...07/DSC00127.jpg Like I said, some work is still needed, but I have more time for that now that the parade has passed.
  20. I was photographed by about three people. Only one of which I know will post them. They're delayed at the moment, but I'll post them when available.
  21. For those interested, I succeeded in debuting my Coach Ohta costume at the cosplay contest for the 40th annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco yesterday. I didn't win anything (we had an exceptional turnout this year), but I did get a judge comment of nice construction, and a photographer acquaintance recognized it off the bat (and revealed that a fellow male photographer has a Noriko crossplay that shall never be photographed ). That's more than enough for me, and I put it together out of love for the show, not awards (as cheesy as that sounds). I still need to add the two tone effect to the jacket and pants, and replace the cane with a more accurate hand crutch, but I'm glad I got to march in the Grand Parade representing Gunbuster, even if I spent more than I wanted to.
  22. You've been on this board for three and a half years, and you weren't aware of that? It is in Robotech only. In Macross, it's exactly what it sounds like, an early civilization.
  23. Highlight my last post to get an idea, Effect. The Wiki on the show can fill in the rest. As for subs, both releases are great. I started with Shinsen, continued with GG, and so on. I rarely go back and forth like that, so I'd say both releases are pretty even. It depends on your preference. If you want hardsubs, go Shinsen, softsubs, go GG.
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