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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. I can also attest to Rightstuf's relieablity. I used to love their eBay VHS auctions. They even license shows themselves from time to time (they're one of the oldest in the business in that respect). They can be slow on sale items (my friends still waiting on his Giant Robo boxset), but they are good. I remember when ADV sold them for 14 bucks a piece on their sale. I jumped on them then. Then the price shot back up. My only real complaint is the the subs on Mospeada appear to have a half second lag. It's kind of annoying. That, and some of the restorationseems a tad overboard in trying to make the show look new. Still, an excellent set.
  2. Actually, I watched episode one last night and there is still grain there. Not much, but it's present. At regular viewing distence, it wasn't all that apparent. I'd say they eased off on grain removal. A lot of restorers tend to leave it as noncareful removal can smear details, and I already noticed when this came out years ago that they were threading closely in that department (some black outlines got noticably thinner). So I wouldn't consider it too uch pf a problem. I don't have the R1, so I can't really compare the two. I do know owever that the R2 rip is not indicative of the actual R2/R0. So the grain might've been smoothed out by the fansubbers or obscured by added compression ((assuming this isnt soe 1:1 copy I'm unaware of).
  3. Really? You mean DP's release? That looked terrible, what with the improper frame rate and such. I can't speak for the R1 (the ALA projecters were horrid), but my R0 looks great. I'll check it later. No matter how good the restoration, most leave a bit of grain. Otherwise it look unnatural. Checking the official site, the DVD page has a really tiny note on the change, though again with the reason stated as, "they felt like it"... You'd think it would be in the news section. At least it's there, no matter how small. So I feel a tad better.
  4. Well we are the people who would be most botheed by it. As evidenced on other forums I've posted this on, most people don't notice nor care. Naturally here is whee you'll find people that do. Like I've said, I'd feel better if they addressed it with more than a, "they felt like it" and, "go buy the other set (which isn't on sale any more)". I don't think any of us have really gotten out of hand. The AOD thread was much worse.
  5. Yup. Like I stated back in January, it's battle music. I suppose it does fit okay, but not nearly as well as, oh, the music that's supposed to be there. Same as how M-13 fits the scene it's supposed to only be in as well. As for the Gunbuster/Diebuster confusion, several tracks are homages or redos.
  6. I was under the impression that it was an edited version of track eleven of Sounde Collection. It seems to match my memory of it. Diebuster tracks sound completely different. It may not be Geedo getting a shot off, but it's almost as senseless. What with all the unaltered releases and lack of explanation and all. It makes me onder if they'd exclude the track if they ever released the score here. I have no cash to pick it up myself today (thank the R0 for that). I probably won't until all contests to win it are over.
  7. Somebodies already beaten you too it. You can get them off Demonoid. Some of those things mentioned ar rather weird to wrap one's mind around.
  8. Ah, tis a minor mistake. Don't sweat the small stuff. Hope you get over it soon.
  9. You mean uncropped episode. Basicall, it's an early version before they matted it to widescreen. You can seen unfinished artwork and so on. My favorite probably being Noiko and Jung having no legs when they sit at the captain's table (they'd be cut off in the fininshed version so there was no need to draw them.) The ending is also somewhat different. It doesn't go to color, and the Earth isn't shown over the credits (so that was probably a last minute decision). Like Noriko said though, it's pretty cool to se3e how certain decisions like that can alter the feel of something. I remember a guy blowing up about how they'd ruined it by changing the ending (Digital Panic released the unmatted version first, propting this guy to think it had supplanted the widescreen version, apparrently, he didn't notice the incomplete animation ) It took me several posts to get it through to him that it was an extra. The unmatted version is probably the most significant extra on the R0 not on the R1. The episode five segments are pretty cool too. Newtype's review was mildly okay. It's rather pedestrian though. Ever since the EoE scandal, they've perputually neutered them. At least they're right abot the "True Classic" part. They did screw up and claim that Maga released it twice on VHS. Never heard of USR, I take it...? You can win it in their contest this month. Though I greatly disagree that the R1 is "the ultimate version released yet!". The R0 is (they're probably unaware of it, or discounting it on lack of subs). Not counting that, some would argue that the US Renditions version is, thanks to episode one (which is more ultimate? unaltered music but so-so subtitles/good sutitles, but altered music?). Though I'm sure they'd discount that on the fact of DVD alone...
  10. Well, all recent DVDs are The Renewal. The new R2, it's R0 clone, and the R1. They all feature the same remastered footage (which looks worlds better than the fansub lead me to believe). As for how good the R2 is, I guess that would depend on your priorities. I have the R0, which, aside from the missing UPC symbol on the bottom of the box, is exactly the same. My verdict is that if you don't need subtitles, and don't care about the R1 booklet and Manga card, the R0 is the superior release. Everything the R1 has (except completely different booklet) plus: Unaltered audio 44 page booklet with plenty of sketches, merchandise pics, and tons of info if you can read it. I can't, but the cel and original drawing pics more than make up for it. An entire forth disc with extras not on the R1 including: Unmatted Episode Six Period interview with Noriko Hidaka and Rei Sakuma Two segments of Episode five in unfinished form Several ads for the show Indepth line art gallery profiling Characters, Mecha, and Aliens Etc. A nice postcard featuring Noriko on the beach (just a thought, anyone recieved their R1 manga card yet? It occurs to me that they may be one and the same) Packaging featuring a lot more classic art than the R1. Most of the great standby pieces are here. If you prefer Mikimoto's old stuff, it's way better. Not that I dislike the R1 (though why did they use a Kaiyodo instead of their own superior SOC? I can only assume the pic was taken before its completion).
  11. I appreciate it, Noriko. Thanks. Feel free to use the closeup pics on your site if you'd like to for some odd reason. I'd scan them, but they're way too big to fit. I can still see about scanning the Kinokuniya stuff if anyone's interested. The display card is interesting. I'm a bit disappointed in losing, but having the R0 has softened the blow considerably. I've got the extras I want (this being one of the few things I'd care about extras for), I have my US Renditions sub tape, as well as Digital Panic's fansubs (which includes the shorts and unmatted episode six), and some of Studio ADTRW's, so really, it seems I only really need to get the booklet. I probably should've tried to get the copy I was flipping through at ALA. The rep (their president according to the MySpace message I got) seemed to like me enough (might've even gotten the whole thing since I'm dreaming anyway). If I had, I'd probably have no reason to get the R1 outside of completism (the main rason I'd consider it in the first place now that the R0 confirms that I can indeed watch the show raw). So yeah, if anyone doesnt want their booklet.... At least the two I would've voted for won. Like I said when I entered, at least I now have fanart I didn't before. *_*;; To be honest, I'm just proud I actually submitted anything in the first place. Usually I mean to, but slack off. There's a few more contests. The R1 can wait now. Especially since the R0 has made it impossible to buy it on the 20th anyway. The official site has launched their survey sweepstakes. Grand prize is a trip to Japan. Second place is one of four BOME Norikos, third place is one of four posters. All entrents get a wallpaper based off the R1 cover. Of note, one survey question is comments about Gunbuster and Bandai Visual. It goes without saying that displeasure at the music change shold be in this field on everybodies' entry. Just be curteous guys. Rightstuf is also running a contest. As for the R0, Kung Flu, I'm sure it wasn't intended to be anyting more than a suppliment for people like us. It's probably just cruel fate that it's become an alternative instead. At least they're not asking the 170 price tag of the R2 (judging by pics I've seen). I just hope they reverse this decision come the eventual HD release (no D-VHS version though....) Anyone checked ot the Gunbuster content in the recent anime mags? I know Keith mentioned Anime Insider had a bit. Any of it worth picking up, or anyone willing to scan it? Duke, that's exactly what I had planned. Since the discs seem about the same outside of the menus, they should match up damn near flawlessly. Speaking of which, just what does the R1 have? I know all disc four content is gone, but what about the trailers on each disc? Are they still there? Let's see what's on my agenda concerning this... AOD contest...Check RightStuf contest..Check Other Contest when available (I should probably buy the last two issue of that dreadful Newtype USA)...pending, so Check BOME Noriko....Secured Looks like the top priority is to save up enough to finally warrent tracking down a SOC (I need a job... <.<) (maybe even a SHE since the price dropped), then to finish work on my Ohta cosplay. Once he's out of the way, my Gunbuster twentieh annaversary cosplay related pet project can truly begin (think jejune, but far, far grander in scope and scale).
  12. I think this is the first time I've seen a third version of a thread canned in favor of a revival of the previous one. So I guess Jung will have to wait. Long Live Noiko (though it should technically be Kazumi, it was launched in honor of Noriko's Birthday, so yeah...) In other news, the contest ended about six hours ago. The two I thought would win did so with 39/33 votes respectively. I came in forth with 14 votes. Part of me is more irked at losing to "Sell it with women", which got two more votes than I, and was merely seven girls holding printouts! Though counting Area 88's and another forum members missed votes, I tied him. So I feel a bit better. It must've taken him all of five minutes compared to my hours. My sister assures me it was probably his friends that did it. Of course, winner two technically didn't meet the requirements (he was missing the logo and slogan, he caimed they were cut off). Sara had to point out that I probably shouldn't have questioned how it was built. I don't think it mattered much. If he'd been disqualified, I might have gotten a lot of his votes. You never know. Thanks to anyone who did vote. Not counting friends and family, I got about 8 unsoliciated votes. Number five got 9, six got 8.
  13. Well, we either hit a thread limit or broke a rule (apoligies given if so) or something, but v2.0 has been closed. So here's the third Gunbuster thread (Jung themed or something? These usually focus on the trio... ) Current Topics - Gunbuster R1 DVD mysteriously altered on the eve of release. R1 DVD now shipping. R1 contests (AOD ends in one hour. Vote Now!) Tracking down and considering the R0 alternative. BOME's Noriko figure about to be released. SOC Gunbuster - reviews, finding it, etc. R1 movie release and general discussion. Your topic here. Current Topics - Diebuster The upcoming R1 release Numerous Nono figures - reviews, where to get them, etc. R1 movie release and general discussion. Your topic here. DISCUSS WITH HARD WORK AND GUTS!
  14. I would if I could man, but I had to bum 60 bucks off my friend just to get mine. Like I said, Kinokuniya Japantown had like 40 of them though they saidonly 4 were for sale. Hence they have two now.
  15. Well, at least I'll know who to blame if I lose by a vote. I'm joking of course... Still, I appreciate it. I assume you vted for Jejune's entry? That guy's a lock. He's definitely getting a set. Oh, and Kung Flu, my SF friend who also bought the set), made up for purchasing it before me by telling me that he took the liberty of preordering me a BOME Noriko (he's getting one as well). I went silent when he said that. It also explains how he knew her release date. So it looks like she's covered.
  16. I was told it was a Russian syntax, or something like that. Yes, it is intentional. How did BV handle that anyway? USR put a backwards 'E' in 'Home'. Is it like the booklet with a 'back' with a backwards 'K'? In other news, I bit the bullet, and picked up the R0. It was quite the experience, what with the Gunbuster music blaring over the CD player as we crossed the Bay Bridge (instead of the traditional 'Patlabor 2 - Hallucination' track). Basically, we were trying to get to the San Francisco Japantown Kinokuniya before they closed. We missed it by five minutes. My friend had bought a copy (before me) since I got him interested by loaning him volume one (I found an extra Manga release copy). Since the guy was still at the register, we waved him over so I could acquire info on it (how many left, did they have to pull them on the 20th, etc). My friend pulled out his copy, which helped to communicate my meaning through the glass door. Since I knew what I wanted, he let me buy it after the store had closed. So I owe my other friend another 60 bucks (I only had $40). We also got him to give us their display materials for it. I got the display info card, and my friend and I each got the two plastic tag ads, and two empty art boxes (actually, I got three, but I gave one to my other friend). The only thing we didn't get is the extra postcard. So I must extend gratitude to the manager of SF's Kinokuniya for making the trip and expense much worthwhile. I'll see about scanning the display stuff if anyone's interested. The added material is quite nice, though greatly intended purely for the hardcore fans. Interestingly enough, my friend had called them earlier. They said that they had four copies. So now they have two. though counting the display, we saw dozens of copies though. they claim four, we see like forty on the shelves. Of other note, I humbly request that those of you registered for AOD.com's forums who haven't already consider voting for my entry - Charcole and Figures - if you're impartial to the entries. Any extra votes are greatly appreciated, with thanks in advance. I'll definitely attempt a combo of the R0 audio with the R1 subs when I get an R1 copy. Assuming it already hasn't been done by then. Voting ends on the 13th. My Entry http://www.animeondvd.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/16952/ Vote here http://www.animeondvd.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/17216/
  17. Sure, just go to any small con and pay 10 to 15 bucks for something that was intended to be distributed for free. Myspleen should still have it, as should Demonoid. Personally, I can't stand the SE, but as long as both versions ae available, I don't really care.
  18. Both questions can be answered by simply skimming the thread. Quick answers: Yes, but without subtitles, but everthing the R2 had (including a lot the R1 doesn't.) Yes
  19. hey'd probably demand to see the changed version, then use it as added ammunition... Speaking of AOD, any idea when the winners are supposed to be picked for the contest? The uspense is killing me.
  20. I figured the effects were gone. So they basically took a CD recording and threw in the surviving dialogue. Worse case scenareo. I agree on the art for the movie sets. We've got a box with a smiling Nono, and a Noriko that looks like someone just socked her in the face. Then we have another cool piece of art for Nono, but a classic image for Gunbuster redone with little regard for character design. Great set if you're a Diebuster fan. I liked' the simple preview art CDJapan showcased better. A Sadamoto styled Noriko and Kazumi against a white background. Simple, bu more on model than that. Hopefully the R1 will have better artwork. I want the figures though...
  21. When you called it "Montage", I thought it was going to be the South Park song. Still, out of context, that kind of worked. In many ways it was somewhat better than what they replaced it with. It oddly matched up (like in the jumping jacks.) Great stuff. Thanks for the sub update Keith. The way the rep responded about, "all important info is represented" along with Jeleinen's post really had me disappointed there. Good to know one problem is taken care of. I assume this includes Kazumi's speech except, correct? Also, could you place the exact track they replaced it with. I'm pretty sure I remember it, but I'm not certain, and don't wish to spread misinformation. I'm pretty sure it was edited to fit. Also, I can't remember, but were the sound effects still present in the scene. I know the dialog was fine, but I can't remember if the effects were there.
  22. A JVC that my dad picked out. Other than limited MP3 ability and DVD-A playback, it's not that great, so I doubt it.
  23. That happens a lot with cases like that, I'm afraid. Duely noted. Assuming, I go about getting the R3, how would I play it?
  24. So true fans shouldn't care ()? This change doesn't affect my love of the show, but it does bother me. Sure I could over look it. It's not like I stormed out of the room when it happened. I calmly asked questions, and approached it in a rather calm fashion. The rep was helpful, unlike whomever writes their letters.You're practically saying that if I'm a real fan, I should be overjoyed at the "privalege" to watch the scene in a new light. Seriously, what can of arguement is that? I'm being selfish because I don't like a meaningless change to a show I enjoy? I'm not a fan of it if I don't sit idly by and not even mention it? I suppose since I'm the one who caught it, and brought it to attention, that must mean I'm the worst Gunbuster fan on the planet, right? What I want is for people to enjoy Gunbuster as it should be. Naturally it bothers me that part of it's missing. I suppose you suggest I take solice in the fact that most people will be unaware of the change? Yes it overjoys me to know more people will be seeing it. It's not like I'm demanding BV cancel the release, for crying out loud. It just saddens me that they've made an alteration, gave no real reason for it, than tell fans that care that they should buy a more expensive release without subtitles instead. I don't see how caring about the artistic marit of a show or the rather rude way they're currently handling it makes me shallow. If I'm shallow, how aren't you then? If they'd at least give a more solid reason other than "they felt like doing it", I'd probably have less of a problem. I've lived in the real world for some time now, thank you. I know full well one doesn't always get what they want. I also know that there's no harm in complaining about it, and that turning a blind eye rarely helps the situation. So really, how are we hurting you? And this is the internet, your point? Despense with the hyperbole please. How am I making it sound apocalyptic? Those are your words, not mine. If anything, you guys are blowing up our reaction more than we are. Also, get your facts straight please. It's much more than 20 bucks. The set retails for $60, the R0 for $100. If I buy both, as Bandai suggests, that's hardly a "piddly $20". Whether the price is warrented or not is subjective anyway.I also distinctly said we weren't boycotting it. Of course people will still buy it , and i hope they enjoy it. Thanks for the update. I was afraid of that. Newspapers and graffiti are one thing, but even US Renditions translated the thing. The science aspect is a huge portion of the show, and this is a pretty decent omission. Especially when USR got it right. I can understand not cluttering the screen, but they should really provide some sort of text translations. At least on the website. Even ADV pays attention to signs. Okay, poor choice of words. Still, Bandai only announced it because they were caught. There's no way of knowing whether they would've at a later point. So technically, they were keeping it under wraps. As for the complaining, this is a forum, on the internet. I suppose you believe that all people do here is rave about how great stuff is, and never speak a word negitively. The majority of internet posts are negative. There's no dub by the way. It's also nice to know that you've long given up on there being any customer service in the world. I'd say you're being far more bleak than any of us. Har Har, where would we be without your pissamistic wittisms. I'm done with this. Again, you don't care, then move on. It doesn't affect you. If you'd like to discuss Gunbuster as a fellow fan, I'll be more than happy too. If you'd rather persist in telling us to "get a life", than please realise that most people that bspend their time arguing on the internet also have no lives, you and I included. I'm through defending myself. I've more than said my piece, and appreciate if you'd stop trying to complicate things further by picking apart my words and resorting to namecalling. We're all fans here. Let's try to respect one another please. Let's consider this done, please. Thanks for the update. I was afraid of that. Newspapers and graffiti are one thing, but the science aspect is a major part of the show. I can't help but feel that this is a glaring omission translation-wise. What's worse is that even US Renditions translated it by replacing the text. I took can understand not wanting to clutter. Though it'd be nice if the booklet or at least the website had it.
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