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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. I still find it amusing that as long as the change "doesn't affect the story", it's no big deal. By that reasoning, the company could change large portions of the animation, music, even specific dialog, and as long as the storie's still the same, it's still, "no big deal". A show is much more than just a story. It's the sum of it's parts. The music is part of what makes a scene a scene. It wouldn't be as bad if the music weren't the focus of the scene, but in this case it was. I've seen the altered episode. It may be no biggie to you, but to a fan like me, it pulled me out of the show. That's never a good thing. We're also not saying that it's life shattering, but is it so wrong to voice dissatifaction over something important to you? You once argued that there are worse things. Yes there are. Yes, the DBZ situation is far worse, and I'll gladly fight to help correct it. However, I'm not a DBZ fan. I am a Gunbuster fan. This is also a Gunbuster thread. So naturally, a two minute audio change in Gunbuster affects e far more than the mass f+ck up that Funi's pulling on DBZ. It's nowhere near as bad, but it is concerning a show I care a lot more for. That's not to hard to understand. Is it really easonably for a company to tell it's fans that if they, "can't handle", they can buy a more expensive release without subs? I thought the R0 was for those dedicated enough to want all the extras, not a fallback for stuff like this. I guess they figured people like us will buy it anyway. Again, it's no big deal to you. Great. Move on than. To sit here and complain about those that do care is far more pointless than those who wish to express their dissatifaction in a civil manner. Does it really hurt you that much if we write letters? Does it affect your day that badly to know that some people feel that they should tell Bandai that we care about something beyond just huge, cataclimic storyline changes, and actually like the little nuances that make a show great? It's not even about "sacred cow" status. You act like we're complaining about the packaging. "Oh, I can't buy that, they used Mikimoto's new artstyle. The set has been soiled". Don't you think people in a thread devoted to Gunbuster, might just like it enough to not be happy. We're not even boycotting the release for crying out loud. We're not going to other boards saying, "Don't buy it, it's flawed". We're just spreading the word that Bandai covered up, and organizing some feedback campaign so Bandai will know to think twice in the future. If you look through the thread, this is the first time anything negative about the release came up. No one even coplained about the lack of the unmatted episode 6, a big feature on the R2. Quite simply, aside from this, we were all looking forward to it, and it looked like it was to be exactly what we wanted. One can't help but feel disappointment when perfection was less than a month away (a week to pre-orderers.) Heck, I'm buying it, if only for the booklet and other extras (and completest value). I' still glad I no longer have to tell people it's not available when they tell me they've never heard of it. I just wish they haven't messed with it. As for Eva, the DVD release was the one altered, not the VHS. ADV was a decade old by than. Hardly in the position to cave young. That's why people were peeved. So it's very similar. Something was altered that wasn't in the past. The most ridiculous part here is we only have speculation as to why. One rep said copyright issues, but wasn't sure. The official letter merely states that it was something they felt needed to be done. We're given no reason. Drop it guys. It's obvious you just like heckling we, "unreasonable fans". The situations sad enough without your belittling. Your point is made, as is mine. May we discuss something else now ChrisG? Or must we keep defending and justifying our actions to you. No one's saying you condone changes, but you sure seem to enjoy making light of those who expressly don't.
  2. Just the one. I wouldn't worry much about cut scenes. In the US, they love messing with releases in more devious ways than directly slicing out scenes. If anything else is changed, it'll probably be more audio cuts, or sloppy translation. Though, since the cat's out of the bag, I'd imagine they'd fess up if there were any more changes. I wonder a lot about the science thesis. It's times like this that I'm glad I stick to my VHS collection. I'm only getting this as it's my favorite, and that I have fansubs of the extra material (even the unmatted episode six not in this set) that I should legitimize in principal.
  3. The case with Zeta made at least some sense, as it was made clear that it was far too prohibitive to license the songs. I was diappointed, but I can't argue with that. We still dont know exactly why, after over 15 years in the states (Gunbuster was one of the first animes ever licensed for video, this isn't some lost classic finally brought to america here like Zeta), this particular piece is suddenly an issue. So there's a differnce there. Sure one should pick their battles. I'd say an unexplained change to a key piece of music with next to no exploration when it's been around the block for ages with no problem is something of a good fight to pick. Especially when it involves one's favorite anime. I'm more peeved at the horrid subs the Zeta boxset had. They forgot the subs. At least they caught it for the individual releases (the release I'm collecting). Did they ever do anything for the fans with the boxset? Sorry to hear you coming down on hard times, Noriko. Though it's good to hear that things are starting to work out.
  4. Yeah, that one strikes me oddly as well. Very poor choice of words. They might as well have told us to "Suck It". At least the ALA rep was nice and helpful. He had a completely differnt attitude.
  5. How is burning copies of the unaltered version for those who buy the R1 piracy? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? To be honest, those who've never seen it unaltered probably have even more reason to be upset about it. This isn't a case of "ignorence is bliss" (though I'm sure that's a slogan to those who think these things are no biggie and seem to think we're still in the age where we should be thankful for any release no matter what they mess up, lest we not be that even so untangible "true anime fan", despite the fact that anime is becoming more and more mainstream, with more licenses than ever so there really is no excuse for this kind of bull anymore ), it's a case of never seeing ther scene as intended. Wouldn't you be peeved if you knew a scene was changed and had no way of seeing it how it should be? Not to mention that your first viewing is of it altered. I like experiencing things as originally intended whenever possible. I'm sure I'm not alone. Though I suppose we should just roll over and turn a blind eye, as it's "only 90 or so seconds". Why not. That way we'll be "good little fans", from your point of view. "I don't care what you do to it, change tiny things for no reason, loosen the translation-it doesn't matter. Heck, mutilate it for all I care. Just give me that shiny, DVD Goodness! Anime is so scarce!" Yes, let's project an image to companies saying we are so starved for anything in R1 that they can make any "creative" changes they please and we'll lap it up. That's certainly the best way to make sure the Streamline days don't come back. Descent is a good thing for crying out loud! It's something we love. We have every right to call a company on the mishandling of it, no matter how inconsequential it is to you. Did you honestly expect a bunch of people posting in a thread called "The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread v2.0" to give BV a hearty slap on the back and say "Good job, I never liked that song anyway. It's good you tried to sneak it by us"? It's something of a stab in the back, and a foolish move by a distributor that was making all the right ones until now. If you don't want to hear it, it's a great big forum, full of stuff you'll find infinately more interesting. We respect your opinion, please respect ours. No hard feelings. We're all friends here. On a more upbeat note, BV launched the Diebuster site. Also, Newtype USA is giving away 5 copies of this anticipated, if now flawed, release. No details as to how, and I don't read ADV's sad magazine. Where have you been Noriko? I feel like I've taken over this thread?
  6. Actually, he did. The DVD messed with the volume level of the start of it, vastly changing the impact. Though I'd say all the digital crap is far worse, so bad example, as it's not even a "what if", it's already happened. I will indeed be writing off a letter. Though Keith already got one. THey sugesst purists like us buy the R0. It was rather rudely phrased. Care to post it here, Keith? fencedude calmed down, thankfully.
  7. Ugh, I'm now beginning to wish I'd never registered at AOD again. Fencedude is really starting to try my patience. If he doesn't give a damn, he should go to threads where he does. He's almost a damn troll.
  8. Do you know of any other new Yurika figures that I don't? If so, do tell.
  9. Sadly, not yet. She doesn't come out until Febuary, and no one had her early. I did get some other nice figures though, like a Yurika Misumaru, and such. I haven't even spotted a SOC to drool over. I'm going to have to pay through the nose for that one by now.
  10. Most compilation films are indeed pointless. It's mostly to garner attention to an obscure or aging title.
  11. I've never been bothered by subtitles. I like knowing what's being said. Though I could watch Gunbuster raw, I have no problem with it subbed. No they won't, but I will. I could not, in good conscience, expose my friends to my favorite anime with such an omission. I want to share the series with them as I know it, not as they think it shoud be due to copyrights. No, it's broken. The wrong song is in a key place. The new music is trying to "mend" the broken scene, but it's not as it should be. Hence, it's still broken. I'm sure I will, provided I don't get lazy about it. That, and pick up a copy. That's kind of important. Wow, Keith. It almost sounds like that cut out Jung while they're at it.
  12. So you don't have to memorize the subs. So you have it as a single complete package. So you can show it to friends who've never seen it correctly. Because you'll be fixin somethin thast sholdn't be broken. Because it's really not all that hard. The list goes on....
  13. Yeah, important text is translated. Still, it would've been nice if the average viewer knew that when she mentioed following in her father's footsteps that an application to a space academy was onscreen though. They wouldn't need everthing, like KareKano, but the jest of it woul be nice. I'd consider the cheaper R3, but I'd rather not buy something I have to mess with my region settings to use. That, and it's more convenient to buy from a store than online for me. Then I don't have to run it past my mother. ;; The pice difference isn't all that big after shipping usually anyway. Kinokuniya has a ton of them. They'll probably clearence them after the 20th anyway. Though I'll probably get it anyway for the packaging and such, as long as it's an official release. Though the link you gave me doesn't appear to feature the open matte version either. It appears to be three discs. Why does the box look different from the previous link? Different side? One other small chevet was the title screen. The title pops up, and we get a subtitle saying, "Gunbuster". So the only title translation we get is the part already in english. Nice.... It's a small thing, but was a sub saying, "Aim for the Top!" too much to ask for? I meant to bring it up, but got sidetracked over the music. Thanks for the crosspost. I realise that I'll have to sign up again anyway, as I have to enter their contest. Also, concerning the box for Diebuster. I guy asked about a boxset. He said there were no plans at the moment. I'm not sure about whether that also means a Vol 1 box. He didn't make mention of one though. More fatigue induced confusion. Apoligies. Also, could you perhaps specify in the thread that it was my friend that suggested the Chariots of Fire link. It's probably true, but I noticed the wording looks like the rep said it. Probably not that big a deal though, as it's the most likely candidate.
  14. Well, this is just the first epiode. Since I'm now well rested, there was some. Namely the announcement of Noriko and Kazumi being selected. That's all I remember seeing. None of the opening newspapers, nor the application was translated. So basically, only the most vital info is being translated. forgive me for the minor error. The Honneamise release will probably be the re-release Manga wanted to do, but Bandai screwed them over to prevent them from renewing it, let alone to get the remaster and all the bonus footage.
  15. Yeah, one or the other. It shouldn't be too hard. It shouldn't be necessary eiter, though... Though I'll probably just stick to my tapes or somethingm knowing me anyway. Never been much of a DVD fan. Though this is, of course, a must have. Just a note, it was a fan of mine that suggested Chariots of Fire. The rep was never completely postive.
  16. Nope. It was the DVD set itself. Besides, the release is less than a month away, of course it's the finished product. They were passing it's box around for crying out loud. If this was months ago, I might hold my breath on it but it's not. I'm actually curious how they did it. Weren't the master's lost? It is a big deal. Like Area 88 said, the atmosphere is altered. The average fan may not notice (as the reviews atest to), but a dedicated one like myself sure as hell did. It changed my whole perception while watching the episode. One should not feel distressed upon viewing their favorite anime. Though I too am more peeved at the omission of mention. My mentioning of it was met with an almost, 'Ack, he caught us' feeling (though I'm certain he truly did forget). It just doesn't sit well with me that a major part of the score over a major scene has been replaced, and the first I'm hearing of it is while actually watching the DVD. That's called a nasty surprise. Imagine how I'd feel if I'd just bought it. I'm sure most people here would be even more pissed. They did a reasonably decent job of mixing in the new piece. It seems to have been tailored to fit. Though it does have a bit of a remix sound to it. So I'm not entirely surprised that I'm the first the catch it. Most people must've just assumed it was a rough spot on the remastering, if they noticed that at all. I'm grabbing the R0 eventually for completests sake. The Gainax is unaltered, since this is a portt, it should bwe as well. Its a saimple matter of putting the R0's audio on the R1's video. You're welcome for the questions. Asside from the Gunbuster 2 news, all Gunbuster news was learned through them, including the film news. I need to run this all by ANN. I wish i could remember the title of the third license. Anyone is free to report this to AOD. I don't have an account there (I lost it years back, as I just don't visit the site). Just give credit where credit is due. Also, I forgot to mention tat they said they'd be looking into releasin their titles on BluRay or HD-DVD, so we may get an HD release eventually.
  17. Big News from Anime LA. Bandai's panel this morning was pretty much dedicated to Gunbuster. Since I was almost the only one asking questions, much has been learned. The highlight being the first showing of episode one's DVD. I meant to write this earlier. Since I'm worn out, I'll try to stay to the point. First, some non-Gunbuster news that may be of interest. They have licensed Wings of Rean. They've also licensed a title that I don't remember. Unsurprisingly, they've finally announced The Wings of Honneamise. Diebuster news. It will be released under the Gunbuster 2 title. Three discs of two episodes each. No box planned for the moment. Gunbuster news. The meat of the post, I'll divide this into sections. The Good: DVD looked and sounded great. The menus are simple and effective. Extra clips in 2.0, 5.1, and 5.1 minus dialogue. Packaging quality in superb. The inside of the case (behind the discs) is a line drawing of the Exelion, with quotes from the series. Booklet looks great and informative (I think someone made off with the sample.) Translation seems pretty spot on. From Daughter of Defeat to Lightning Kick. Onee-sama is kept in. Episode six title was given to them by Gainax. I still don't like it as much as the old, but at least it's official. The Bad No text translation. Period. I asked, and it was felt that all important info was onscreen. I suggested posting translations on the site. The Ugly I know this will probably cause a lot of bad murmurs here. It's rather sad that it's not mentioned in any reviews. It seems I was the first to catch it. The music in Noriko's training session with Coach has been replaced. It now used some battle prep music. It still works, but the sound is a tad off for those aware to notice. I was sitting through the panel with a big grin that evaporated when it happened. Naturally, it was the first thing I asked about. The rep seemed surprised by the question. It was though was unaware of the change. As it turned out he forgot. As I walked with the reps afterwards, it seemed to come back to him. He believes it was a copyright issue. He said he'd look into it, and post about it on the website. Discussing it with a friend of mine, he figured they thought it too similar to "Chariots of Fire", so they swapped it out. Needless to to say, I was rather crushed to see this happen. I'll probably rip the audio from the R0. I really don't know how to feel about it. I'll feel better if they make an official announcement of it. At least a mention on the site. It doesn't sit well with me that I'm the absolute only person to catch it. Even Chris Beverage, who claimed that the series was one he'd take to a desert island, didn't catch it to my knowledge. Since I don't want to end this on such a sour note. The Excellent Both the Gunbuster and the Diebuster compilation films are going to be released. They're looking at sometime in Autumn. Given the questions, I wouldn't be surprised if they think of me as the Gunbuster poster child. ;;
  18. It's possible, though Honneamise has been pretty much dedicated to classic animation. Maybe Bandai Entertainment will release it. If anything, we should get RAWs of the DVDs. Fansubs if we're lucky.
  19. I didn't know about the figure. Shame I'm broke. Diebuster features new animation. Gunbuster has a rerecorded audio track featuring the original seiyuu.
  20. It's become something a niche topic. Not quite mainstream, but has some level of visability. There's still plenty of people that don't quite get it (including people that ae supposedly fans). Most of these cons are fan run. I'm technically in the process of founding one myself. You could probably start one in Scotland if you set your mind to it. Though I don't know how things work over there in that respect. The Noriko figure's one of my favs. I just wish they'd make a Kazumi and Jung.
  21. I live in California to be exact. There's a lot of cons on the California con circuit. The two I mentioned happening this month are a small and medium con respectively. The one I have is the preassembled version of this model kit. http://tinyurl.com/yjoaff It took a while to track it down. It was fitting I found it at the same con the license was announced at. I just wish I hadn't missed it (had to leave for a day due to play requirements. Better than being there but not at the panel though.)
  22. I'm hoping to run into it at Sac Anime next week or ALA at the end of the month. That sucker's "buy on site" like my last Noriko figure. I was actually hugging the box when I finally found it at AX last year.
  23. I think that was the point actually. I too wished they could've ended happier, but the senselessness of it was part of the point. It didn't need to end that way, but Yukio felt it did. Going against Balalaika would've probably amounted to nothing. THey'd probably get gunned down before they ever got on the ship.
  24. Not really. It basically accomplishes what the arc appears to have set out to do. That being Rock finding where he fits in this new world he's fallen into. Watching Yukio go down her path, which was somewhat similar to his, pretty much cemented it for him. As for Balalaika, it's not that she's invincible, just very intelligent in how she handles things. She knows what cards to keep up her sleeve, and when to pull out. There's no way Gin could've gotten to her, as he has to get through Revy first. Side with her or not, Revy and Rock are still working for her on this asignment. Yukio's storyline was wrapped up pretty well. The show itself feels like it could easily have another 12 or even 24 episodes added. Though it pretty much ends rather well here, with Rock accepting what he's now a part of. Looks like I've been sniped. Looks like we agree Mog.
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