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Mercurial Morpheus

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Everything posted by Mercurial Morpheus

  1. Well shadow member, "Dick Hunter" is definitely in two of them. Cool, cool.
  2. Sp there's my friend in one of your pics. Gotta love it. Thanks for the imagery.
  3. True, but one tends to get more attached to a show built over the course of a year. marathon it, and it's done. Out of your life in less than a week. Like how new BSG fans will never understand how we had to wait months wondering if such and such lived. It lets you develop things in your own mind. To question motives and directions and so forth. You lose the anticipation, and each episode is less of an event. There's merits to both ways, and I may have wound up loving Sheryl more had I not spent weeks wondering about her and Alto at times, and other characters might've seemed more present, but I wouldn't exchange it for the world. So it really all depends. I used to watch shows I bought one episode at a time to let them last. Heck, I'd say the Code Geass community was what salvaged all the turmoil R2 gave us. Though I marathon plenty of shows if i fall behind. It all depends on how into them I am. Though don't take my word for it. Read the pages of chaos and speculation. There's some gems in there, especially after the fact.
  4. Simply because that was the promo that they went with. I thought it was rather fitting given that it makes Megumi not unlike Ranka career wise. Why have a seasoned pro play a rising star? One could wonder just as much as to why they didn't use Aya's singing voice. Though I'm sure it's as simple as it not matching what they wanted, so they got May Nakabayashi. Though this is coming off topic. Any other AX thoughts? I finally talked to my friend and found that he was about 3 people behind the cut off point for Saturday's autographs. That, and he rode the elevator with them. Apparently, he explained that I was sick, hence why I didn't make it. So I got their regards at least.
  5. Wow! that cel is bloody awesome. How much did you pay for that sucker? Someone on the Eva mailing list today made issue of a Gunbuster Pachinko game. http://www.pachinkovista.com/pfactory/model.php?nid=18037&dsp=0 According to Japanator (http://www.japanator.com/rumor-gainax-and-evangelion-remakes-splitting-up--15139.phtml), a twitter post by a Gainax member months ago suggested that Anno was not pleased by it, and goes on to claim that it's driving Khara and Gainax apart and that Gainax may collapse because of it. Apparently the only marit is that it appears some of the those responsible for merchandising have left. I find this a bit alarmist though, given the guy's rather speculative news writeup: http://revolutionofevangelion.org/rumor-khara-splitting-from-gainax-if-so-gainax-collapse-likely/ The thing that I find funny is the guy's absurd assertion that what set Gunbuster apart was that "it was never merchandised". While he's right in the beginning of the article that it wasn't like shows like Gundam, where a toy company was footing the bill, I think we can all be fairly certain that, while not at Eva levels, Gunbuster spawned quite a number of knick-knacks both in the past and now. He even acknowledges this while talking about the show that toys were made. Yet by the time he starts mentioning the game, he's gone from the correct "Gunbuster wasn't merchandised as much" to the ridiculously wrong "never merchandised" statement. That Gunbuster is "pure and unsullied" and made solely for the art of it. The numerous Noriko figures and 200 dollar transforming Buster machine staring back at me this moment greatly agrees with this observation. So it sounds like the guy either knows quite little of Gunbuster, as he assumes his audience is, never heard of General products, or he is just using it to justify why Anno might be supposedly upset over a slot game (I'd say it would be more about using his name than Gunbuster) and to stir stuff up. It's just ridiculous to come down on Gainax for "finally doing something they claimed they'd never do", that it "represented the time where Gainax wasn't just about the money", when it could be said that Gunbuster was their first real commercial smash, with model kits to prove it. Not to mention spawning two extra episodes, a sequel and movie adaptation. How he missed this is rather odd. Hell considering that this apparently happened 5 months ago, and that the Japantor article is also a month old, I can't help but feel sorry for his readers. In related news, GUNBUSTER PACHINKO GAME! Shame it's probably not as awesome as the Macross one with all the new animation. Good luck on the card hunt. I have all of one pack of those cards for some sad reason.
  6. Wolfx, I've built one for a friend. The face is entirely pre-printed. So the figure can be constructed with no painting at all. Though the weapons would benefit. Have at it.
  7. Yeah, you've got a great time capsule for changing opinions and so forth. I still wish I'd recorded my thoughts pre-Star Date. Those conversations still haunt me to this day (at least the more negative ones). I'm just now getting over it. Watching a series a week at a time with discussion inbetween is so different from one fell swoop. i know that just from the minor rewatching I did over the weekend.
  8. Yeah, Konishi was sort of forgotten. I guess that makes me a bad Ozma cosplayer. Are you saying he was actually supposed to die of the Pinecake?
  9. So the 2.5k cel finallly sold. I remember seeing that sucker at Fanime for years. Nice collection. I've been meaning to start collecting cels, but haven't gotten to it. The only one i have a one from The Sentinels I won at a Robotech panel.
  10. Before Frontier, she was Takara Miyuki in Lucky Star, which people either love or hate since it's a fairly pointless show (the random obscure anime references make it all worthwhile for me). Hence why there's Lucky Star crossover figures, and Miyuki, who's a clumsy, but smart, polite waif, always gets cast as Sheryl, despite being next to nothing like her (outside of getting flustered easily). It's a seiyuu joke. An OAV for Lucky Star came out after Frontier, so they had Konata crack a comment referring to Endo's latest role. It's hilarious for those in the know and enjoy breaking the 4th wall. Personally, I always got a kick out of Miyuki, but she seems to easily be the least popular character in the show. And I was sniped trying to find it on Youtube. Might I add that this is probably the weirdest Lucky Star moment ever and the subs generally suck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXeV-A1FanY&feature=related
  11. Nice thought, Jasonc. I agree wholeheartedly. They complement one another so well. I believe Megumi mentions on her blog the shear nervousness of the situation. Though both seem rather modest. I've known that since day one. It seems some at May'n's panel weren't aware either given the plot questions, so don't feel too bad. Though interestingly, this weekend has sort of demonstrated that perhaps May'n is more Sheryl to me than Aya is. Which is the reverse of my usual thought process. The music being so ingrained as it were makes it so. Not to mention my initial qualms with the character back when airing, which bewilder me a bit upon rewatching these past few days (boy have I forgotten things, and one can only watch something for the first time once). I still wish I'd recorded those early thoughts, but I digress. So I suppose I still see Aya as the underloved Miyuki worrying over dentistry moreso than Sheryl. I still love the comment Konata makes about Miyuki becoming the "Fairy of the Galaxy" as she bumps her head in the OAV. To honest, I was a touch surprised that Aya Endo wasn't invited to AX.
  12. I think both girls are rather cute, but agree with your assessment of Megumi. She has a very pretty face, and could probably do "sexy" if ever called for it. Though I suppose cute is needed and expected for Ranka. I know I like May'n especially for Sheryl's songs, since that's pretty much what I like Sheryl for. They complement one another well (hence why both girls' versions of Lion are good, but the song still excels as a duet). I've been impressed by both girls, and think it's a bit silly that one must outdo the other in terms of the concert. Keep up the con reports, people. I'm thinking I should upload the Fanime pics before a flood of AX ones come in now.
  13. Vanessa fanart. Now there's something I've never seen before.
  14. Thanks for the Megumi update! I thought the Filipino stuff was interesting too. They signed multiple items?! That's odd for AX. Even my friend said they were enforcing a 1 item limit (though he apparently got to talk to May'n for a good amount of time on Thursday)Lucky you! Supposedly at least Megumi is signing at the open autographs tomorrow as well.
  15. Macross releases in the US have a long and arduous legal battle preventing them. Even without it, the licenses are prohibitively expensive, and the anime bubble has burst to the point were a niche mecha title, no matter the size of Frontier, just probably wouldn't recoup investment. Even internet hits like Haruhi and Lucky Star did poorly in DVD sales. About the only way it would happen is if we the fan fit the bill. "Besides, I think they know that regardless, even if other countries bootleg, they'll still make money off of the inevitable legit merch that is purchased as a result. " you know, I've always wondered how the anishops that show up at cons feel about fansubs. They must love them since they technically drive sales. After all, I would've never spent hundreds on Frontier stuff without having seen Frontier.
  16. Look at it this way, at least you don't have to know you're only an afternoon's drive away. If it had been Otakon, it'd be understandable, but I'm just a drive away and still missed it. Hopefully, Otakon will get them another time, as they're about the only other con big enough to do so. If it happens, rabid wolves, an army of the undead, and the complete onslaught of the Vajra, Zentran, Meltran and Supervision Armies combined will not keep me from that con.
  17. Thanks for the clips! They're better than nothing. Shame not one person though to hit the audio record on their phone. Hopefully, that Megumi medley was captured and surfaces. love the pic. Apparently that's her bodyguard. Someone also mentioned that when she gave the LA sign mentioned above, it was actually a gang sign. Gotta love coincidences. Though my favorite pic on her site so far has to be the one with the 2 liter Coke Zero. I'd always heard that Japanese visitors are usually amazed at our portion sizes. May'n+Mamegu (as I've been seeing her referred to) signing going on now. All my hopes to the MW members caught in the chaos. Good hunting, ladies and gentlemen.
  18. Yeah, the live blog gives that impression. Even noriced her repeating stuff at times. Though the lying about her age bit is odd to hear about. Looks like a great cosplay gathering. Much larger than Fanime's this year (last years was better, we had a Cathy for crying out loud, and a good one at that). I find it interesting that no two Sheryl's are the same. I know these are partly coordinated online, but it's still an amusing sign of just how many outfits she has.
  19. You missed Sheryl leaning on Alto and singing to him seductively. Followed by him looking quite out of it with a flair on the earring. Just finished watching the "infamous" camrip, and while I didn't understand everything due to lack of subs, I got enough to still highly enjoy it. The characters seem a bit more balanced and everything is naturally a bit more focused. Though it's obvious this is for fans since the background characters didn't get much of anything. Hopefully, I'll like it even more once the real version comes out and gets fansubbed. Definitely intrigued by the red VF-1.
  20. Thanks for the well wishes, Jasonc. So I see she did perform "Universal Bunny". I'd heard of the english lines added to "Ninjin Love You, Yeah". Sounds like a nice touch.That Nakajima/kanno medley sounds like it pretty much made the whole thing. Well done, AX. Sorry to hear the gathering didn't work out as planned. That Minmay cel wouldn't happen to be that DYRL closeup with the mic in he hands I always see at Fanime for over a grand, would it? It's a great, collection making piece, but too rich even for my mania. If so, glad to her a forum member got it. You know, I'm still wondering if my friend made it. Hopefully, someone will liveblog the Megumi panel like May'n's. Have fun out there. Good luck on the autographs! Tell Ranka that Patrick Kottinger says Hello, and regrets not being there. Thanks for the well wishes, Jasonc. So I see she did perform "Universal Bunny". I'd heard of the english lines added to "Ninjin Love You, Yeah". Sounds like a nice touch.That Nakajima/kanno medley sounds like it pretty much made the whole thing. Well done, AX. Sorry to hear the gathering didn't work out as planned. Be sure to give UN Spacy a ring on the way to Megumi's panel if he's not with you already. His number's in this thread. That Minmay cel wouldn't happen to be that DYRL closeup with the mic in he hands I always see at Fanime for over a grand, would it? It's a great, collection making piece, but too rich even for my mania. If so, glad to her a forum member got it. You know, I'm still wondering if my friend made it. Hopefully, someone will liveblog the Megumi panel like May'n's. Have fun out there. Good luck on the autographs! I have no clue how strict they're being this year. Tell Ranka that Patrick Kottinger says Hello, and is sorry for not being there. Now back to the flickering...
  21. Maybe I will. Hopefully they get invited to another con (though I hear they sucked up a lot of AX's budget, though that might be including Kanno [the icing on the dammit it all cake ]). Hell, maybe they might even do a US tour, however unlikely. It'd be killer to see them perform in San Francisco. I guess I can feel a little satisfied that I'm in the same state at least. Yeah, that would make for some horrid regular shots. Though some newer one's handle it better (I can stomach 800 on my Dad's d60). Hopefully nothing ruined. Were you actually able to get any in concert shots? Any one actually make it to the Yardhouse? I talked to UN Spacy, and he didn't make it, nor was contacted. . Thanks for the impressions, Negotiator. That seems to echo what Tochiro said about her last live. I heard that some got to walk with them. Sounds awesome. i got to do similar with members of Gainax at Fanime this year. By the way, check the girls' blogs. may'n in particular posted some rather amusing images of her time in LA so far. I'm going to watch that lousy camrip of the film for the heck of it. Seems as appropriate a day as any.
  22. If it's a digital camera, you mean noise, which is much more annoying that grain. How locked down was recording devices anyway? Sakamoto was great, I just wish it had been a bit more than her standing alone on the stage, hence proximity making all the difference. I imagine that a lot of people got bored in the back. As for Kotoko, I was pretty much stuck in the middle at that point. It was still rather awesome though. Afterwards, I had Wendee Lee think I was stalking her when my sister and I rode the escalator after greeting her. I've calmed down considerably over the last few hours, but I'm not sure I'll ever not be peeved at missing this sucker. I guess I can say I was there in spirit at least.
  23. No I didn't. You're just the first to report them. Yeah, it was an awesome experience, though definitely tamer than anything I expect this was. I was so glad i used the event ticket for priority seating they gave out back then for it. Being able to actually see her made up for the lack of staging. The Kotoko concert that year being more enjoyable from further away. Oh, I'm sure it doesn't compare, but would be interesting to hear. Guess I have a boot to track down. Who knows, maybe someone smuggled a recording of this one, as pale and puny a consolation that would be.
  24. The opening songs are called Triangular, and Lion. Though the actual opening version of the song was done by Maaya Sakamoto (whom i saw perform at AX05). Would've loved to have seen Voices. Is there an album recording of Megumi doing it or is this a live thing only?
  25. Glad you had fun, Alex5. Conventions are pretty awesome things. Negotiator, care to elaborate on what set Megumi apart. I always thought she'd been coming into her own, so I'd like to know.
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