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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Oh please, please, please someone make a 1280x1024 wallpaper from this picture
  2. Cervantes. Cheating prick! He's one of my favorites to play as, But god I hate fighting against his cheating ass. I sympathize my friend. Only good thing about fighting Cervantes, he's very vulnerable to the upper guard impact. Still, he is one cheating bastard
  3. "Wheres my souvenir? Is it here, is it here, is it here?" Can't wait to see this thing.
  4. Best Cowboy Bebop Macross Plus Spirited Away Princess Mononoke Worst Mobile Suit Gundam Trigun Bubblegum Crisis
  5. One of the great things about the Soul Calibur series has been my inability to choose an absolute favorite due to the inclusion of so many charming and well balanced characters. However, ever since I first played Soul Calibur on my Dreamcast, I've always liked Mitsurugi, Kilik, and Taki. I've always liked Mitsurugi's versatility, Kilik's well rounded speed and range, and Taki's acrobatic strikes and dodges. Of the characters in Soul Calibur II, I find myself very much enjoying Ivy. Her swinging whip moves and new combos are great. She has one hell of a move list at her disposal. I have yet to master many of the new characters, but Spawn (I own an X-Box, so I have that version) sure is a lot of fun. I must admit, I'm going to have to get good with Raphael. He's a fun character to watch in action.
  6. This is one of the problems adapting works out of their time and I don't think anyone can really be faulted for it. Lord of the Rings was written well before our modern era of mass production popular culture. Lord of the Rings is one of the works (like many greats of literature) that inspires filmmakers, writers, and producers to make films that utilize its successful elements. Growing up with thousands of films and television series that use such classic works and their context means that we've been bombarded by a hundred other stories that have already used a similar scene. Hence, the scene in ROTK faultlessly becomes cliched because of the prior propagation of lesser works using Tolkien in homage.
  7. It's funny. I've seen dozens of these Yukikaze threads here and at other message boards I frequent, but it wasn't until just the other day I decided to research what the heck this anime was. I admit, it does sound very interesting, but I'll have to actually see the show. The DVD looks set to be released in February next year, so I'm looking forward to picking it up.
  8. It's the next morning (or afternoon as it is) after seeing the Return of the King at its midnight showing. A great film, without any doubt. I don't want to sound like another like-said opinion, but this third film really is the best of the three. The Battle of Pellennor Fields was truly something to behold. The acting was fantastic and a real treat to see all the cast get some great scenes. Well, go see it if you haven't and enjoy yourselves! I'll post more when I have time.
  9. Hehehe, all these predictions of doom. Poor MM is probably going bonkers
  10. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Oh come one, SOMEONE had to say it. That was brilliant
  11. You mean the 'Hybrid Sensors'. Graham That'll be it. I still can't read the japanese diagram text in my Macross books
  12. Transform and admire in a pose or stand. Usually transform while watching a DVD at home
  13. Never did much thinking on this particular issue (hehehe), but I'll take a crack at it. The VF-0D nosecone really looks great and I think the YF-19 is probably one of my favorites. I really like the red sections on either side. It just makes the nose look better. Gives it more detail than just the typical bland dome.
  14. This is older news, but yes the original Alien director is considering going back into the franchise he created. I'm unsure how to view this news, but if anyone can pull it off, it'll be Scott. He has stated that he'd take a very liberal approach with the series, doing things as he see's fit and not adhering to any continuity created by the other films.
  15. Hehehe, that's pretty cool. I wouldn't worry if I were you. Don't let the media of fear and their ridiculous sensationalisation make you jump at every sound. Odds are good this is just some friends/family/admirer having fun with you. I wonder, is this going to keep going until Christmas day? You gotta keep us informed what happens. I'm really curious now
  16. Another flashback most likely. I'm glad it's the same actor though, even if he is primarily a writer/producer I'm probably going to see it on Wednesday. I have the day off work, so I might as well go. It's sure to be plenty of fun.
  17. Whatever. I'll avoid stirring the pot with a last word kind of post if you wish to end this. However, no onus will be placed on myself, so the no counter arguement theory stands officially challenged for the record. Thank you for playing.
  18. Wow! It looks great! I like the character design for Doc Oc! This looks good.
  19. Yeah, but what would I do with my old Macross box if I purchased this fella. Could stuff all my miscellaneous Macross DVDs in there I suppose, but I don't have enough to fit. I'd like to get a Cowboy Bebop case though! They look great! And Escaflowne case would be very nice as well.
  20. Looking at the awkward design of the body, I can't see too much lift coming from that part of the craft, which is why I think it's up to the wings to make it work. And since the wings have very little surface area...well, hopefully someone more knowledgeable in areonautical design can say for sure. The aft (ie vertical) control surfaces are non-existant just looking at the design, but the craft might use some other method to control itself in the air. Based soley on the design, it doesn't look like it can fly very well. Oh DH where are you
  21. Oh cool. This fella does work with Paul Champange! I've got his website bookmarked too. Thanks Ali
  22. I liked the first film, so I'll definitely go watch the second movie. I can't see the trailer on apple.com, so I think what you saw was a teaser. From Effect's description, it sounds like a teaser and not the actual trailer. I'll keep looking.
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