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Everything posted by miles316

  1. What kind of dubious science does this show have I have not watched it, but don't care if I am spoiled?
  2. Thanks thought that it would premiere later in the Fall.
  3. What Network is it on or cable why are you torturing us by not telling us when and where it is being showed.
  4. I did not know that maybe they could have the "Face of Boe" come through the rift before he became an immobile lump of rock, and they could have John Barowman do the Voice from where ever they shoot "Desperate House wives."
  5. It is still in the Pre production as far as I have been able to find, and Davies has the Forth season planed out that is what he says. I know the new series of Who is going to come out in spring 2010 so Torchwood will probably be after that.
  6. Does any one have any information on the forth season/series of Torchwood on the BBC?
  7. I swore when I re watched the G1 episodes on line they referred to him as Ultra Magnus but I guess I am wrong thanks.
  8. I have a question about Transformer G1 when Ultra Magnus was first in the show he was a large rocket that the Autobots used to travel in to space, but in later parts of the G1 cartoon he is a large semitrailer truck did they ever explain the change in the show.
  9. AAAAAHHHHHGGGGGGUUUUGGHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA why god why have you forsaken me AAHHHGG? Its not their.
  10. I know this is a stupid question but after the Crimson Avenger duflachy came back to earth why would Obadiah bother with Iron man. The Crimson avenger survived two years in deep space kept its pilot alive traveled back to the earth, and survived reentry, and crashing in to the ground. After that proceeded to kicked iron mans a$$ fought its way through the NY PD traversing New York city looking for revenge against his colleague. Why would the Good old fashion Russian ingenuity not be sufficient to make a Killing on the Arms market after that spectacle was it just out of spite he wanted Iron Man.
  11. Try The Sea Shepards ForumVisit My Website
  12. The problem is the senate/house wont change their minds does any one know if any members of congress have attempted to introduce legislation to change the Ban on F-22 export?
  13. Will the F-22 be able to carry the JDRADM missile internally.
  14. I wonder If the Air force/Lockheed could modify the AMRAAM via a software modification to act as a HARM missile?
  15. Verhoeven did not Direct Robocop 3 though he did produce it I think.
  16. He survived the initial feeding, and was sent back to Earth.
  17. Does anyone know when the game developer might max out the Chip sets on the X-box 360, PS3, Wie has anyone in the industry made any predictions?
  18. I hope Lou Diamond Phillips isn't going to Die in the first episode like Robert Patrick did.
  19. Is Law & Order UK any good? Stars Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones) and Jamie Bamber(Apollo)
  20. Torchwood was never consulted because the British government was to busily killing them, and UNIT could not find were the 452 were based, and the black guy in the tan uniform is from UNIT and he could not take action.
  21. What is going to stop the F-35 from having the same lamination problem the F-22 has?
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