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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Did they fire Turturro's character after they disbanded section seven because he was a idiot or did he quit? I heard from one of the web sights quoted in this thread said he was working in his mothers deli. One would thing the government would give them new government jobs to shut them up, but He is working for his mom.
  2. Thanks for filling me in, and for that close up picture of the F-4.
  3. I was talking about the Supper Etendard the Rafale does use the same Catapult attachment while on the French carrier. I was watching footage of A-4's taking off from carriers, and they use the same setup as the Supper Etendard. This looks like a wast and would take up valuable space on a carrier I guess that is why they were phased out.
  4. I was watching Video of the French aircraft carrier launching plains and the super Etendard doesn't use the standard arrangement for attaching the plane to the catapult. A metal bar shaped like a upside down A that connects planes fuselage to the shuttle cock and is apparently discarded in the ocean.
  5. Does any one know if their is a planed US release?
  6. But surely the federal government would pay for Bumble Bee to have a off campus garage For him to live in.
  7. That was Clint Howard the one that played the Capitan of the ship from the first federation in the original series. The delusional conspiracy theorist who knows half the truth.
  8. I will except them if they are like young transformers that have not been active as long as the others. Having a naivety like a small child.
  9. Could Devastator be excavating something like the Fallen?
  10. Why is Sam carrying around a Big Bowie knife? Other than carving weired symbols in the the ground.
  11. It is kind of interesting giving the Maine bad guy a armor suit similar to Iron boy. Did the Mandarin have a armored suit in the comics book?
  12. I am surprised they haven't made a Star trek joke on House because the one that plays Cameron (Jennifer Morison) play kirks mother when they have his birth scene.
  13. That did not look like Optimus Prime. In the trailer you can hear the transformer screaming, and it was to high pitched to be Prime.
  14. Do the chines have a manufacturing license for the CFM-56?
  15. Are thees designs representative of how they will look in the film or did they have to make changes to create the physical toys?
  16. Arcee dosen even look like a transformer looks like some one wrapped a motorcycle around a light pole.
  17. Is energon a renewable resource they just convert ordinary energy into energon. How do they pertray it in other series? I know in the new animated series it is in short supply and is rationed.
  18. I thought that was because of the angle of the camera to the F-22 and the light accentuated the panels on the skin of the air craft.
  19. Was that the Constructacons diving to the ocean floor to grab one of the Deseptacons body's?
  20. Nathan is to weak willed Sylar will reemerge eventually it is just a mater of time.
  21. It was Noah HRG Benet that got Claire's blood after Mohinder shot him in the Face/Head.
  22. A unauthorized demolition in the middle of a City with no immediate danger from the structure though using hypnotized slave labor probably meant the building was of Questionable quality. Was that post about Sparkplug's illegal chop shop a joke.
  23. He must have had a terrible defense attorney because he never witnessed Wasp holding the communicator which would mean his testimony about hearing him communicating with megatron would be hearsay. Those foot locker are not secure and would the defense not try to discredit his testimony their entire case is on very shaky footing. Their must not be any cybertrnian bill of right.
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