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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Was that Captain Harlock that Ironman is fighting.
  2. Its going to take five billion years for jack to make up for his Sins. However, the Doctor can only take action when he is here so if the doctor was not on earth, there is nothing he can do, and he cannot be changed the past and since Jack and Torchwood stopped 452, there is nothing to change.
  3. Does anyone know when Carron is going to start showing trailers or scene of "Avatar"?
  4. What were the original dozen, for drug trials? So did that crazy geezer get to his Hazmat suit in time? Would Luke Smith from Sara Jane Adventures be affected? Did the old man get rejected for being overripe or was he a psychic and that is why he could Intersept the Signal?
  5. Some one tried to Cut Brad Pits throat.
  6. God I miss Harriet Jones she might have been a trigger happy dork but at least she had some dam balls!!! Any one would be better then that sun of a bitch PM Murdering people to cover his ass and committing treason at the same time. Was Jack's brother killed when the Hub was destroyed while in the Freezer in the lab? 182 million Humanity's collective pound of flesh what do they need them for to eat?
  7. I started a thread for this movie to talk about the new trailer but put it in as sector 9 instead or District 9 by mistake sorry. I was not thinking apparently. I did a search, but put in sector 9 to search for a thread non came up because I put in the wrong name for the movie.
  8. Sector 9 has a powered suit in it the new Trailer on TV shows a man climbing intoit and using it against the Anti-Alien Gestapo.
  9. No they need to fuse the Twins together and have Rev Al Sharpton do the voice of Mudflp/Skids and have him go into manic tirades when ever Iron Hide starts bitching about the Humans. I thought Iron Hide was an ass, he was always complaining about Humans and it annoys me.
  10. Does any one know when the series/season two of Sara Jane Adventures will air, and will it air on Sci-Fi Chan or BBC America?
  11. Is the red head girl in the pictures the companion of the New Doctor if she is whats is her name?
  12. Can they replicate the Cobra on the Darken at will.
  13. They just butchered "the order of the Phoenix" I was glad when they announced they would split "Deathly Hallos" in to Two films. Massive Spoiler just can't stopppp myself.
  14. I think that if they are not going to bring back Cap Jack they should create a new Show around Gwen maybe have her as a PI or a member of Scotland Yard specializing in the Paranormal and Aliens. Maybe enlist/force the thief from "Planet of the Dead" as a operative.
  15. At the end of Order of the Phoenix I wanted to see the Ghost drive Miss Dufensmich out of Hagwarts with a sock full of chalk Dangnamit. aaahhahhhahhahhh!!
  16. I have been warned by forums even on this one but never baned. I did witness on the Sea Shepard's forum a pissing contest between Paul Watson founder and some washed up old Fishermen. In www.seashepherd.com under Communications with the enemy in the Sea Sheapard news thread.
  17. Was it the Canary wharf disaster that did in Torchwood prime/London I never watched any of the Early episodes of DR Who only the Christopher and David DR Who. When did UNIT first come in to being I gather from the resent episodes of Who that the Doctor had a hand in its creation.
  18. Did Google buy Youtube because I can't access my account?
  19. If that was not a accident (not the pilots fault) some one is going to lose their wings.
  20. Does any one know if BBC America will air episodes of torchwood from series/season 1? When BBC America started on my local cable provider/COX it was not on basic cable we had to pay for the hole tier in order to get it, but now it is on basic cable will that continue when it goes HD, or are they just giving it to us as a tease? When I was watching the resent episode of torchwood on BBC America
  21. Is the four star general in the second movie supposed to be the same character from the first. The same actor played the commander of the base he had the rank of colonel? How do you go from being the commander of a base who got wiped out to being promoted four grades of rank?
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