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Everything posted by miles316

  1. Do they ever talk about how the Major had to get a prosthetic body in the books/manga in the second Gig they hint that she was in a air plane crash?
  2. I was reading a Article from CNN and I did not know that the slums in the last few episodes of the second gig were the refugees were living was a actual place near Nagasaki was a old coal mine.
  3. You say that like its a bad thing!!! What is the Black box Is she the victim of cyber hacking? Sounds interesting its looking like she is the one section-9 is fighting/pursuing/investigating.
  4. Does any one know when the second season of Continuum will be available on HULU?
  5. I never watched the Original series in great detail, but wasn't Kirk the soul survivor of the Star ship Republic when he was a cadet; and when Kirk was a child wasn't the colony he lived on the sight of a mass murder/atrocity both these events where referenced in the series. I have been wondering why people keep saying Kirk never faced death in all of his years of service.
  6. They are not going into new territory on TNG the Enterprise-D stopped completely natural process that was destroying a planet with a prewarp civilization on it.
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