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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. Star Blazers website has more info about this movie and the Rebirth movie. The site below also says that the new movie did very well at the Box Office, that it has been set for debut in other countries, and that US distributors are interested in it... http://augustragone.blogspot.com/2010/12/space-battleship-sails-into-world.html
  2. Only one disc left (have to keep a better watch on my NetFlix queue). No excuse not to watch the rest then. Seperate note - thanks everyone for the help in tracking down Orguss.
  3. To take this in another direction. The Soviet policy of sending their "allies" the second rate equipment is more in line with the thread up till now. Russia and the most trusted of the Warsaw Pact countries got the best stuff, on down the line till we have the least reliable countries getting equipment that was only really usable for controlling the local population. This is not just for cynical reasons - you don't want the good stuff being accidently "found" by the werstern allies in a ditch, where they could then research it... On the western allies front, the superpowers once again got the best equipment, down the line till the least economically developed nations had equipment that was, once again, not useful for much more then local population control. Same reason about not wanting it to fall into the other side's hands still applies.
  4. My earlier posts got conjoined for some reason... What would I need to Google up to find a good sub of the original Orguss?
  5. Time to add my 2 cents. DYRL (only after watching SDFM though) Two reasons, Misa gets a decent kiss from Hikaru, and the animation is superb. Plus Frontier Zero 7 - could never watch it again, Basara is not my kind of character, and if I want to watch Hanna Barbera characters (which I DON"T) I'll watch Yogi Bear or Squidley Diddly instead... In it's favor - I liked the bits with Max and Millia, and Exedore's head (can't spell his Macross name correctly). II - I only ever saw the dubbed version, which I now know is a crime against humanity, I need to find the subbed version someday.
  6. I guess I'll have to watch at least the next disc then, I liked Evangelion - even the last few episodes (both sets no less) Now if you had said it was a train wreck like that last show I tried to watch that would be saying something... (can't even remember the title of that show, which is just as well) All I'll lose from watching the next disc is a Netflix rental, and if I lived through the shame of watching the latest Starship Troopers I can live through this too.
  7. On the SciFi front, don't forget that he was the Lead in "Forbidden Planet". That movie's special effects hold up till this day. I loved the Police Academy movies.
  8. Watched the first 3 Episodes of "Rin: Daughter of M" (something or other starting with M, can't remember it exactly) I'm impressed with the dubbing on this one, it is excellent - not a clunker in the cast so far. The show is about a pair of immortal women who run a detective agency and a man they pick up. (and that is a lame description, but to say any more gives away too much of the plot). The episodes so far go back and forth, one taking place in 2011 and another taking place in 1991. It has me hooked enough to look forward to seeing where the plot goes from the first three eps. Warning - this is NOT a show for the younger set, I doubt this could even have gotten on Japanese TV (but I've been wrong before). If on US TV it would have to be on one of the pay channels... I'm still looking forward to watching it. I avoid reading any spoilers I can though (already know it deals with dimension hopping...). I know this is mentioned earlier, but who has the best subs for this show again, and what would I need to google up in order to find them?
  9. Not always, sometimes a sub has to omit nuance in order make the subs readable in the same time that a character can say things. When there are 2 streams of dialog going at once it gets even more problematic. It is more rare then bad dubs but it does happen. (to see it in action, watch the subtitles on a movie in english, here is a made up example). Dialog - "What do you think you are doing here brother!?" Sub - "Why are you here?"
  10. I think I'm having a Flashback... with HG, I've long since taken the stance of "I'll believe it when I see it"
  11. The movie was terrible, but the miniseries wasn't bad. It only had a SciFi channel budget but it followed the book pretty well.
  12. A Virus has this nasty habit of mutating into something that could kill the originating species too though, they are hard little buggers to use. If all you want to do is kill the inhabitants of a world then chucking a large rock at it will do the trick nicely. If you want to live on the world afterword - well that pretty much still requires going in and moping up the old fashioned way, but you would first use medium size rocks from space to take out large concentrations of the locals...
  13. You might like the Vorkosigan novels, although usually something serious is lurking in the subtext the foreground action can be very funny, in addition to being Hyperactive and a hunchback dwarf, Miles also gets the girls (instead of his dashing, charming cousin), and he is nuerotic - saying one thing and thinking something entirely different. Unlike Flashy Miles *IS* a genuine hero though, but he certainly has his faults. If any of that sounds interesting find the Novella "Labyrinth", it is short but brings up all the items I mention above. Interesting take on a "dungeon" adventure too.
  14. Well, it is hard to go down from where Red Dawn started. Another laughably bad film. At least they tried to make the Helicopters look like Hinds - did a rather decent job of it too.
  15. Doug is guilty of stealing or knowingly receiving stolen government property. Since he is not a soldier he is also guilty of terrorism (I think), certainly of violent acts against another country... Me, I'd rather watch "Uncommon Valor". It was also silly, but better then the other films of it's kind. (Vietnam grunts - not fighter planes though)
  16. Another plus for using Kfirs, they are cooler looking then the F5/F20. One of these movies also used barely disguised M113s as soviet equipment, which I found nearly as amusing as the opening scene from Rambo 3(*) (*) - Where the supposedly really really good colonel of special forces goes riding around in the Afghanistan desert with headlights on, I started laughing hysterically...
  17. Forgot to mention Miles Vorkosigan novels - just about any of them. Cordelia's Honor - Deals with his father and Mother. It is two novels in one, first one is damsel in distress stuff (but the characters are interesting) - the Second one though is excellent. It is an action story, but hidden in that is what artificial gestation can mean to a society (and what it means to be a mother). It also deals with euthanasia and how hard it can be for society to catch up with technological progress (all the Miles Vorkosigan novels seem to do this to some extent) The Mountains of Mourning - Miles has to adjudicate a case of murder. In this instance a father killed his infant child who had a cleft lip (I think, it was something we recognize as minor). The law had recently changed making that illegal, but the old customs demanded that any "mutant" be killed at birth (for good reasons, the planet had been in some kind of nuclear/biological attack a few generations back and was cutoff from the rest of the galaxy). Lest I forget to mention - Miles is a hunchback dwarf from birth (hyperactive too)...
  18. Science Fiction Covers a lot of topics, and I have so many I like - plus I am a military SciFi kind of guy, so here is my list. Starship Troopers - well written argument for a different kind of government (even if I don't agree with it), and powered armor, nuff said. (movie is crap, fun to watch, but crap) Childhood's End - An oddball on my list since there is no military connection as such. Well written and interesting, saying more give the plot away. Enders Game/Ender's War - Both feature clear sharp writing (no endless detail, I like that). Ender's Game is about how far you are willing to go to win a war, characters are well drawn and interesting. Ender's War includes a sequal about a meeting of worlds between humans and an alien species. It deals with forgiveness and understanding of alien cultures. It also has a good take on what time dilation can do to someone who travels a lot at near-c In the Balance - First of the World War titles by Harry Turtledove, lizard like aliens with modern technology attack the Earth in the middle of WWII. Good characterization and excellent battle accounts. Ends up being four books total - and then another series of books follows up during the sixties. Guns of the South - South African racists use a time machine to give the Confederates AK-47 rifles during the Civil War. Interesting for the characterizations of Lee and other historical figures. This is more of a What-if then science fiction. Hardly any mention (if any) of how the Time Machine works if that is important to you. The Lost Fleet book series (I think Dauntless is the first). Almost didn't like this one, some of the characters get downright annoyingly stupid or pigeonholed. The Space battles take into account proper communication time lag though. The plot gets better over the course of the second and third books (enough so that I bought the 4th and 5th books...) On Basilisk Station - Age of Sail naval warfare, IN SPACE!!!!, the tech is written in such a way that old style broadside to broadside battles are a possability. The character of Honor Harrington is very interesting in this book - and has not become the uber duper super woman she becomes in the later novels. If you want an old fashion naval battle in science fiction garb this is a good book. Old Man's War - Old fart joins the Colonial Marines, saying more gives it away. The author is darn good with jokes and characterization, the medical technology is well done, the jump drive sounds silly. The plot zings along and dialog goes at a rapid pace, only major problem is the number of times he writes "She Says" or "He Says", eventually it feels like getting slapped - the writer HAS to find a better way to note that a character is saying something...
  19. I read somewhere there is a good reason for that, the movie was made for 10 Million, and the guy making the movie happened to own the building. (or he knew the owner who let him film there for free)
  20. Just watched Yamato Revival. It was not terrible, but it was not great either. The main problem was it seemed to have taken a 26 hour plot and crammed it into a 2 hour movie. Best description for it would be muddled. Not really much of a spoiler, but I thought I better mark it anyway. None of the minor characters get enough characterization to make them stand out, and even Kodai and family are just introduced and nothing really seems to happen. Mighty nice seeing the Yamato in action again though.
  21. Yeah - but just wait till they are start yelling at him...
  22. Breetai(*) and Exsodore were in that animated item too - and in the new one they could not even use the word Zentradi anymore, so the fact it was animated way way back before the lawsuit made it clear they had no right to use the designs from Macross doesn't really mean anything. (*) - By Breetai I mean some big buy with a bucket on his head called Breetai, supposedly is the same character from The Macross Saga...
  23. A good retcon could take care of that.
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