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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. If you are going that route, check out Pop Chaser. No tentacles but I love that one.
  2. It's available free on the net... Even better, Rifftrax did a number on it (including the commercials) [OOPS] - forgot to mention it is bad quality, but it's the Christmas Special...
  3. Been watching Star Blazers on SciFi (SyFy...), I'm amazed at how well it holds up. The broadcast quality is decent and the animation itself is better then I remember. (I love the show itself, but I suspected the animation would look more dated then it actually does)
  4. No - you can not use sound effects without permission. But as with all things in the law it is a complicated issue. Licensing sound effects (or cross licensing) seems to be fairly easy though - many movie gunshots from the sixties (from different studies) all sounded pretty much the same for example.
  5. You forgot the "Hurry, Starforce, Hurry!" line. I used to run my arse home from school to watch this show.
  6. If the face palm is supposed to be a negative comment on my post - sorry but no matter how far-fetched the science in a movie may be it does not excuse the characters acting stupid. (If not, then please ignore) [edit] - same goes for Lex.
  7. I liked the last episode, but it had a problem, which the plot later removed but - the Destiny could have gone to their home planet and they could have then used the gate to get the people there (the one on destiny, using the shuttle to shuttle them down to the planet, no need to use up all the supplies hauling the people around for a week). They also did not explain why the gate was not working, volcanic winter should not have caused the problem. (Perhaps that is for next week)
  8. That is the "hook" for the movie. There is the general rule in sci-fi that you can have ONE unreal thing and expand upon it. In TRON that one thing is being able to get digitized and go into the "computer"(*) world. The interactions outside of the "computer" world should be somewhat believable though. (*) - Quoated since the "computer" world is a stylized implementation at best. Then the character should have made the program open source, he owned the company after all. The plot could still have followed along with his getting sucked into TRON land while trying to find the source code. (requires rewriting some of the plot, but that really would not be a bad thing)
  9. Sad news, I will miss her. Even the Sarah Jane adventures was generally good for a kids show.
  10. The actor did OK, it's just the role that was stupid. The "I own the company but all I do when I'm upset with them is play a (highly dangerous) practical joke on them once a year" bit was beyond belief.
  11. Unless Tats has the ability to pull the rights from HG, wether HG wants them to or not, then HG in effect owns them for all intents and purposes. The only right they don't appear to have (or have not exercised) is the right to transfer what they bought.
  12. He said that the old FX do not hold up today. Not that they were not good for their day. Personally I think the old FX hold up fairly well, other then the baggy jumpsuits that looked like oversize diapers - and that might just have been due to the oversize actors playing the guards...
  13. I didn't mean the deal between BW and Tatsunoko which was required for BW to get the show off the ground, I meant the one between Tats (or BW - or whoever it was) and HG, there was no need for them to sign away so many merchandising rights for so long a time. I could see if the Japanese companies had a clause that allowed HG to use the rights but not "own" them (not talking about the copyright issues, just the merchandising rights).
  14. No - in this case it simply indicates that BW (or whoever it was in Japan) signed a very BAD deal with HG back in the day. Does any company in Japan sign open-ended deals like that any longer?
  15. I was not here in 2005, and your post rambles on too long for me to bother with figuring out what you want help with...
  16. Ditto, one of the things I liked from "28 Days Later" is the fact that the do-gooder animal rights people caused the release of the epidemic. Back to Apes - the Ape Jumping at the helicopter reminds me of another movie about a Megashark...
  17. I just saw the original Tron for the first time (well, most of it) a couple weeks ago. Looking chunky was the name of the game in that movie, the suits looked like baggy sweatsuits with neon stickers on them. (Yes I'm being a bit unfair, no I don't care).
  18. After the stupidity of the "Apes" remake I'll wait for this on home video. To be fair, it probably will not be worse then any of the "Apes" sequals...
  19. I'll have to buck the trend and say it was deadly dull, and far too disjointed.
  20. Shortest possible answer - for profit or not for profit makes no difference, usage of copyright or trademark is at the pleasure of the copyright or trademark holder. (within the confines of the law, so parody can not legally be stopped for instance)
  21. Putting a stop to non-profit fan works is not stupid, in HG's situation it is pretty much required. Once they know about a derivative work they have to put a stop to it or they could end up losing some copyright protection.
  22. He doesn't even know what he is trying to say, so translation is impossible.
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