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Everything posted by Actar

  1. No one was claiming anything. We were just looking for clarification and information.
  2. I believe you're getting that the wrong way round. The D is Gamlin's primary valk and the one that's most associated with him (its even in the opening). He used the S for a brief period of time before switching back to the D.
  3. I was actually hoping to get the S as well, but due to the price and the relative unimportance of the S (as opposed to the D) in the series, I'll be missing out on this one. Question though, does it cost the same for all new molds? Does the complexity of engineering or pieces used factor into the cost? Thinking along these lines, shouldn't the 17 cost less than the VF-19 due to the more simplistic transformation?
  4. My pet peeve would be when people mistakenly use 'your' when they actually mean to use 'you're', but that's besides the point. In this case, I'm voting for Yamato.
  5. My favorite Macross toy ever would be none other than the Yamato 1/60th scale YF-21, my favorite valk of all time. I've taken many a picture of this beauty, but the one that I'm most proud of would be this one: PIN-POINTO BARRIA PAWNCH! The YF-21 is my all time favorite Macross Valkyrie due to the fact that its super-sleek and blazingly fast Fighter mode turns into a hulking monster of a Battroid mode. Love the juxtaposition. ... I know we're only supposed to post one, but here's one more of the YF-21 in fighter mode. All the other pics that I've taken of this beauty and the YF-19 are in one of the gallery threads somewhere. Or you could just take a look at all of them on my blog.
  6. Well, singing pilot or not, McDonald color scheme or not, Basara and the VF-19 Kai are the heroes and the flagship characters of the show, so that made the VF-19 Kai an instant buy in my book. But I love Macross 7, the concept, the songs and the designs so... yeah. Also, I feel it's more of a Blazing Inferno versus Blue Angels.
  7. I'm supposed to be studying for my finals and finishing up all my projects, but the awesomeness of this toy made me forsake all that to take a couple of pics. Here's my current favorite pose: Also, am I the only one who loves the articulated hands? They are absolutely brilliant. They look great as fists and grab on to the gunpod and knife flawlessly.
  8. Will the lighting actually affect the speed of yellowing? I thought only UV light caused/accelerated it.
  9. I'm thinking of waiting for the D... Gamlin is associated with the D more right?
  10. With AmiAmi's discount, below 300 is a realistic amount.
  11. Here's my VF-19 Kai in Gerwalk mode as how I pose it. Really sad that I ran out of cash this month and had to cancel the Sound Booster... (TT.TT)
  12. I am freaking down for a poseable Mylene figure.
  13. Right out of the bat, I can see that the wings are far longer than they should be... though I guess this can't be helped due to the Anime Magic that was applied to the original line art. Other than that, lookin' good! (^o^)
  14. Judging from the pictures, I say that the chance of it playing anything that remotely sounds like music is slim to none. For that to work, it would require a power source and most likely a card reader.
  15. Am I missing something or is this still the thread for the VF-17S? (^.^ Damn... Did Yamato have nothing to show?
  16. I believe this has been addressed before, but for some bizarre reason, the plastic on the legs and shield piece of my VF-25 is noticeably yellow. The funny thing is, it can't be due to light of any kind as is was not only have been in my display case, it has the fast pack equipped at the time. What material did they use? In just barely two years...
  17. Have no idea if this helps or not, but here is how I pose my VF-19 in Gerwalk mode. For me, I bend the knee and Gerwalk joint forwards to the max and the ankle joints backwards to the max. It's super sturdy on mine.
  18. There is sadly a minor issue with mine. In fighter mode, one of the landing gear bays on the legs doesn't remain closed and flops open slightly. Not really a huge problem as I usually display it with the landing gear deployed in fighter mode, due to the lack of a stand.
  19. I know what you mean!!! It looks so awesome in all modes and the transformation is so addictive and so rewarding, especially that cockpit gimmick.
  20. I don't know... For me, I don't care about the logic behind the design and whether or not spacecraft should or should not have landing gear. I just go by the Anime. If it has landing gear in the Anime, the toy should have one as well.
  21. What's your issue? Shipment is calculated by weight and not size...
  22. Evidently a huge chunk of it is gonna be die-cast, such as all the interior mecha detailing.
  23. Something that worries me is that there aren't any tampo details on the Sound Booster in all the production pics, though this could be just needless worrying. For those wondering, the missing details are the four lighting bolts on the two booms and the NUNS Logo on one wing. Also, regarding the Fire Valk itself, one of the rear landing gear doors is loose and won't hold shut...
  24. The weight of the gunpod causes the entire arm to tilt down on mine. (^.^
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