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Everything posted by ff95gj

  1. Hi Graham, I am just wondering why you chose to order online but not from the local shops? How much it costs you in total with the shipping? I wish to compare which is the better route in future. Thanks!
  2. Got my copy. Definitely a fans' stuffs. Mini ad posters. All you want to collect. The game can save this time. If the BD comes with Chinese subtitle, I would have died peacefully.
  3. Let's not go over this again... The shops said they would have it tomorrow. Hope I can squeeze some time to take pics!!!!! But I guess I'll have to do it on Sat night.
  4. I can't help but remember the days that we argu... discussed that whether the DX 25 was "done right as it has to be chubby for this size to be transformable" or "half assed effort".
  5. Here we go! (borrowed pic) I believe this is the pose from the kit.
  6. I just went to Yahoo Japan auction, and see no boxart yet. I suppose it would not be available today in Hong kong... (I'll pick up my MF movie 2 BD hybrid pack though! )
  7. Sometimes I wonder how popular Macross is in Japan too. If it is not popular, then Bandai won't have a dedicated section on their Tamashii site for "Macross series". And they attempted series like VF100, Hi-Metal, and a number of DX MF toys. Even Dragon Ball and Code Geass (I think it is very popular) don't get a toy series. You get Macross Ace and Macross Chronicles too. They had a hell whole line of DX toys with every optional equipment. If it is popular, then why the VF100 and Hi-Metal lines and Macross Ace don't work? Even the Robot Spirit is not doing well (so we only see 2 valks, even though there was a VF-25S Armored in a show long ago). I don't know how to read the situation. Anyone can shred some light?
  8. I was referring to the local customers (i.e. the Japanese). We foreigners are not the targeted audience... I wonder what is the percentage we MWers (most of us are not living in Japan I believe) are representing. One has to love the toy twice as much to be willing to pay the hefty shipping to get it. P.S. Fortunately I live in a place that I don't need to pay shipping charges. Not for postal or courier at least.
  9. [blind faith mode - faith is blind so this is redundant] I will buy it. I have faith that the product will look much better than the pics! I played with my YF-19 last night and I love it. I trust the aesthetics of Yamato. They failed me on the QC, but never yet on the design.
  10. I looked at it and thought hard what it doesn't look right to me -- It's the mecha design. While the finishing is Yamato-class, in previous models you get decoration/ contrast colors here and there. However, the VF-17 looks like a plastic kit in the 80s, molded and light grey and black, built without receiving further paint works. However, it's the way the VF-17 was designed. I believe once it gets tampoed and panel-lined it would look much better.
  11. Thanks for the photos... But... I have been content with all-plastic for the Yammies, but the VF-17S seems to be very much a plastic model to me. It's just... different.
  12. IMHO the kit stickers does not work. The pilot-specific color parts are not flat most of the time, unlike the VF-1's where there are only the Skull logo backgrounds. It is quite impossible to simply apply stickers and look good. At least not for my sticky fingers.
  13. It's a pity that the VF-11B/C do not sell well. It's the second best engineering effort I have seen in a valk (the best goes to the VF-19 Kai). It's not surprising though. Not everybody has taste.
  14. Regult, I suggest you to ask if you still can preorder one tmr, if you are that desperate. I thought about offering to get it for you, but if the price get really flutauted (not surprising if it does, the toy market is crazy) I am unable to make the decision.
  15. I hate myself for going into such a thread and dare not clicking any of the spoiler buttons. Even if I get the BD (hopefully this week), I won't dare to watch it yet -- I want to watch the subtitled dup for the first view to know the story.
  16. Thanks for the thought. I'll be doing okay. I think. I don't want to count how many old DX VF-25 valks I have, let's just say I have more than 5. P.S. And the Michael VF-25G Tornado Bundle was released just earlier in 2011 (and that I didn't purchase it until months later, before I learn about a version 2). Shame on you, Bandai.
  17. It was still available for preorder last Sat! In Sino Centre. HK$1280 or HK$1288 I can't remember... We expect it may come on time on Thursday or Friday. Not sure as there's no official distributor for Macross products in Hong Kong. (even if they do, there is not guarantee they would deliver right away - the SHF Riotrooper was late for a week)
  18. The VF-19S looks wicked; but the pilot character design is a mismatch IMHO.
  19. Right: A valk in his 20's Left: A valk in his late 40's
  20. And Kinryu too I would say. Although it is totally understandable that he is so forgettable.
  21. I agree with your speculation. Still, as this is quite common for merchandizes, the sold-out speed of the VF-25S preorders across web shops is pretty amazing.
  22. They don't care about the overseas market. They are evaluating by extending some products in regional Tamashii shops. Like the Bandai Asia carries a few of tamashii items.
  23. Even for hotcakes like the Gundam OO, the Metal Build O-Raiser is a tamashii exclusive. So I would bet that the DX parts would be too.
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