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Everything posted by ff95gj

  1. I would for sure! Care to throw in a few tricks, like the ladders and arm pit covers like the 1/60 kit?
  2. The VF100 and Hi Metal series are meh. The DX VF-25 v1? It got more emotional reaction than just meh.
  3. I reckon that the YF-29 is still experimental and not safe to be deployed by an Ace like Ozma yet. And Alto wouldn't die from explosion of his valk according to his track record, so he should be doing fine too.
  4. Exactly. I bought it because I am a MF sucka and I thought I would have no other choices in 7 years. Not because I think it looks good, just because I want to have a 1/60 MF Squad. I can't argue with people who ACTUALLY like their verson 1, but I would stand on my viewpoint that the version 1 was not up to the engineering standard at its time of release.
  5. I got a brand-new Shin 0A, but was too timid to transform it. I had a 0A with an exploded arm, after all. Later I've got a 2nd hand Shin 0A (reasonably priced). The good thing about a second hand 0A is that I can verify whether it gets a good arm.
  6. And what those 50000 of them who want the Spartan and Phalanx? Sorry, I OTed again.
  7. According to my literature knowledge, the protogonast is almost always dynamic - and for a good reason. Changes are what make a story interesting. You see character develops and solves problem by adapting. If we are using a car racing video game as analog; "dynamic" means you turn and drift a lot to create new records for every lap. M7 is a broad, straight racing track for Basara to ride. Or worse yet, wherever Basara steers towards, the road winds in that direction. He keeps doing the same thing, and it all works out for him somehow.
  8. If you guys buy enough Destroids so I get the Spartan and Phalanx toys (NOT KITS) I would be obliged to help.
  9. My VF-25F v2 is nice and all, while my YF-29 can't hold his crotch and arms in position. And he collapses everytime the crotch can't lock. I am not sure if I have a bad unit or what, but there it is.
  10. What Bandai did last time? Probably not in the right order, but this is how they released the DX ver 1 line: VF-25F (naked) VF-25S (naked) VF-25F Super Parts, Tamashii Limited VF-25S Super Parts, Tamashii Limited VF-25G (Super mode) Bundle RVF-25 (Super mode) Bundle Gallia Fold Booster + Speaker Set, Tamashii Limited Ghost, Tamashii Limited VF-25F (Super mode, Movie color) Bundle VF-25S (Armored mode) Bundle VF-25F Armor Parts, Tamashii Limited VF-27 Gamma VF-27 Beta, Tamashii Limited VF-25F (Tornado mode) Bundle VF-25F Tornado Parts, Tamashii Limited Weapons Pack, Tamashii Limited VF-25G (Tornado mode) Bundle There are also the Macross Quarter and VB-6 too. If you observe it, there is no pattern whether - if a standalone version is released, there would / would not be a bundled version. (e.g. the VF-25S and the VF-25S Armored) - if a bundled version is released, there would/ would not be a standalone version. (e.g. the VF-25F Tornado mode and the Tornado Parts)
  11. You're right... I was thinking about sell-alone toys.
  12. I agree with you except the "more anime accurate", "flawless", "innovative", "far superior to Yamato" and "better QC" parts. "more anime accurate" - pondered at the torso "flawless" - it's not even perfect transformation - I don't mind it but won't call it flawless "innovative" - I looked at the 1/48 and 1/60 Yamato versions and wonder what's new - the swapping heat shield? "better QC" - durability, yes; QC? the painting is surely not better than a Yammie. Just looked at my 1J and the paint goes over in places. "far superior to Yamato" - blah.
  13. In fact the shoulder plates accidentally came off when I transformed it. Yes, so that would be the way you attach the shoulder missile launchers.
  14. I suppose the smallest should go to 1/2000 vf-1.
  15. While the joints of the VF-25F is major improvement over v1 VF-25's and YF-29, to the point that I won't complain (although the right leg of my VF-25F is loose - but otherwise everything is tight and nice), the VF-19Kai is much better in this area. Or at least it hasn't shown any loose parts yet. Personally I don't like the mech design of the VF-19Kai. But the engineering is the best in the transformable toys I have handled. The v2 VF-25 is already excellent, mind you. The locking mechanisms are good. The only complaint is when you transform to Battroid, be prepared to scratch off some paint off the folded canopy. It says so too on the manual, so I believe it's not my own problem.
  16. It really gets close to v2 VF-1 this time. For me. Still, I chose VF-1 if I can only own one.
  17. If I can have only one... It's a tough choice between my 1/48 and 1/60 VF-1S. I choose the TV 1/60 VF-1S then. The 1/48 loses for its chicken hands. And the TV 1S can serve as Focker's valk or Hikayu's valk. But if I REALLY can have one valk, I may as well don't own any. Valks are best in squads.
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