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Posts posted by Einherjar

  1. When you have 90 to 150 minutes to tell a story, never waste a huge chunk of it with technobabble or exposition only die-hards will ever understand, especially when you're attracting new audiences to watch it. If it gets people to watch the other material then mission accomplished.

  2. I'm just surprised the didn't do the same for the characters. Some of the original Southern Cross designs looked very different from the final versions in the show, and also looked HEAPS better than the designs that they ended up using for TSC...

    They were probably going to if they made more money from the comics and RPG books. Either that or they were venturing into "new," crazy areas like this one.

    Robotech Adventure: Lancer's Rockers

    Fans give us a hard time for stuff like Macross 7, but then they get something like this? Any Mospeada fans know if this was based on something planned for the show, maybe from Love Live Alive?

  3. It was the original designs that got so many interested in the series, but now they are almost forced to use those same designs due to the length of time they've had with no original content. 20+ years, and all the fans boast how well the series can do after all that time (a sad misconception), but I wonder how well it'd do with a movie, or series with completely new mecha, and all new characters? It seems like they can't escape from the licenses they have.

    Is there anything from the Southern Cross and Mospeada linear notes, artbooks, etc. that HG hasn't used in Robotech yet? By now I thought they've abused everything that was ever made and planned for in each show.

  4. Fans sure had a fit about it when Shadow Chronicles was in the works, but it was probably going to happen with a future animated production in the works anyway. Besides legal issues, I don't even think they could animate the novels without causing controversy with its content.

    A Star Wars novel example; the way they killed off Chewie and deaths depicted in the books in general. Some of them were pretty gruesome even for Star Wars.

    In fact, I thought the brutality in Robotech II: The Sentinels was more over the top than even Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada put together.

  5. Well, if you have a modded psp, you can always play the game on the PSP and cut out the nutty ebay prices (since the company isn't actually benefiting from Ebay anyway). All you need is the ISO and the proper custom firmware applications on your psp. :D

    I tried looking that up for a while now, it seems like a hassle with the unstacking and ongoing unofficial updates needed to get it to work forever. Plus, I got one of the old PSPs. Guess I'm just lazy. :lol:

    I can do that or find burn ISO for the PSX version. But like when they brought Star Ocean: The Second Story to the U.S., I don't know if I can play it without getting pissed off with the dubbing choices. Anyone remember the English theme song?

    It's decent, but it sounds like Robotech Minmei sang it. There's also the bosses that adapted to your current level. Sucks if you need to level grind.

  6. Tie-in novels are the cheapest thing for any franchise. Easy to make and they always ship a ton of them all over. They never disappear.

    Before the retcon, can they be considered only tie-in novels for Robotech? Sure, they followed the original series to an extent, vaguely at some points, but went in a completely different direction when they couldn't animate it near the middle to end of it. Even with all the positive and negative elements in them, for a time it was considered the best version of the entire series for at least people who liked them.

  7. Recently, I've never seen any of the Robotech novels for sale in bookstores in northern California. However, there was one time when I saw one from the Masters Saga in a bargain bin at Boarders. Your best bet for finding them these days could be online stores, but is there still a demand for them with its current status in the series?

  8. With the Ark Angel-class colony ship featured in Shadow Chronicles, i think HG is setting up the Robotech storyline, post Shadow Rising, on the colonization route ala Macross 7 and Macross Frontier. :mellow: At the very least thats what the vibe i'm getting after watching Shadow Chronicles. ^_^

    If the draft leak for the Shadow Rising years ago was real, the plan might have been to copy DYRL?

    http://robotechflash.blog.com/3175335/ (check somewhere in the middle of the page)

  9. For HG, it could have been an issue before when the Robotech novels were being released. Now, with the books retconned out of the series, there might be a very slim chance that could change, but only if companies are willing to put up with them. However, after 25 years with no attempts, I hope HG doesn't think it's still an opportunity to gamble on for money.

  10. Last year when I went to Fanime con I found this bag with some random ccg cards and U.S. comic books abandoned at a rest area. It must have been a grab bag someone bought but didn't like the contents. Anyway, it said "Free" on the bag and no one was interested in it at the time so I quickly snagged it.

    That was a good day. :)

  11. The Macek quotations I gave came from an interview from his website. I didn't check the date on them, but the interview was relatively recent (maybe six or seven years ago). The Macek interview naturally has more defensiveness in it. In '85, most people were praising Robotech for leaving as much "mature situations" in as it did. And with no English version of Macross (beyond HG's aborted home video version), it wasn't easy to see how close or distant it was.

    You think Macek was/is bitter about his experience with stuff he tried to do after the the TV show run? I know he talked about the problems he had with the Sentinels Untold Story, and 3000, but you think he would hold a real grudge because of it, especially with what's happened to Robotech in recent years by other people?

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