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Posts posted by Einherjar

  1. Besides, how many are hardcore fans and how many are just kinda curious?

    I went to the Anime Expo RT thing in 2004. Does that make me a rabid, slavering RT lover?

    Good point, the cost to enter a convention are pretty high sometimes. If you wanted to stretch the money you spent just to get in the thing you might as well see as much as you can, even a low priority Robotech panel. I'd be curious to see if it really is the same thing every Robotech panel.

  2. I really wish that someone had typed out the scripts for the drama albums, though...those things can be insanely difficult to understand at times.

    I remember a couple of years ago someone on Animesuki posted a picsub of the Evangelion Audio Drama "After the End." The entire script was translated into English shown as subtitles while the video showed a picture of whoever was talking at the time. It worked out well, but I'm surprised that it didn't catch on for other audio drama projects.

    Unfortunately, the torrent is no longer available on Animesuki as en example. But, if an accurate script for the drama albums did exist, could that be possible?

  3. Until some concrete news comes around they'll have to wait for the next anime/comic book convention to hear anything.

    "They're working out the details for the LAMR. Well, there's always Anime Expo 2008. At least we met the staff."

    "Still working out the details, huh? Darn, maybe at Comic-Con 2008, that's when big news in the industry always comes out. Thanks for the shout outs and free stuff."

    "They have nothing to show, but they promise they're working on it. Okay, certainly they'll have something up for Mecha Con IV. Nice costumes this year btw."

    "I met some of the staff. But dammit, definitely next year for the 25th Anniversary of Robotech."

    "They're still working out the details from Anime Expo 2009. Good to hear it come straight from the staff, it's enough for me. Hope something happens at Comic-Con 2009. It's the 25th Anniversary of Robotech for crying out loud."

    Notice a pattern?

  4. If Big West ever does license the intellectual property of the original series to Harmony Gold, it'll be because Harmony Gold agrees to be contractually sodomized in hopes that the Macross designs will liven up the dreck that is Shadow Chronicles.

    I don't know about that. When you're the company that helped pioneer the storytelling style what would eventually be known as Streamlined, Macekre, and Americanitis and still rely on them, you really think foreign companies would want to work for you?

    They might leave HG with their foot in their mouths with this revival if they somehow get involved.

  5. I was thinking specifically of Dan Worren's role. We know him best as the voice of Roy Fokker from Robotech and Yang Newman in the English dub of Macross Plus. Obviously throwing Roy's voice over General Reinhardt doesn't make the character as great as Roy.

    I have to admit the first time I watched Shadow Chronicles, with vague knowledge about Robotech beforehand, I had no idea the significance of most of the actors chosen for the film. I thought they just hired people from the same talent pool most English dubbed anime turn to. Kind of ironic, at least I think, that one of the selling points about the film is that they brought back a lot of Robotech "alumni" to the project, but they've all worked on so many other series together that it really isn't a big deal. Anyway, I quickly recognized Dan Warren from Macross Plus, because it really was just Yang Neuman with no change in voice acting style, and didn't really care for the rest.

    Of course, I also recognized Mark Hamill and maybe Chase Masterson, if only because ads wouldn't stop mentioning them. But after watching the movie I wished they'd stop because they didn't matter anyway.

    EDIT: I forgot that Janice is still alive after Shadow Chronicles, maybe people should ask Chase Masterson if HG got in touch with her to work on Shadow Rising. :lol:

  6. The original post was mostly facetious, but parallels can definitely be drawn between the two fandoms. Particularly with the more rabid/obsessive fans.

    But that can exist in any kind of fandom, especially since this is the Internet, no matter the subject. It's possible that any fandom can have these kinds of problems as well, not just macrossworld.

  7. The reaction over Dragonball Evolution may have changed the perception of similar works (Asian/anime material) as instant money makers for Hollywood. It did do better in Asia over the Americas and Europe maybe, but other productions will have to do better to avoid the same fiasco. Making it vaguely similar to the source and putting a (different) label on it isn't going to work anymore.

    But licensing will be a big problem for Robotech too (other people wrote it better than I ever can here previously, so I won't even try to explain it).

  8. You forgot an important point about Frontier, Seto: it had an ending, probably two with the movie coming out.

    With Shadow Chronicles... well, it's hard to tell if they had a plan besides from the leaked script or if they'll get to tell it anytime soon. Heck, they might stick to tradition and have it in comic or book form.

    I don't know, but that's a basic storytelling problem to me.

    EDIT: Maybe a production problem too, but come on HG. Even the Cylons had a plan and they kept reminding the audience almost every week about it. :lol:

  9. I guess ultimately you're right - you're right that Shadow Chronicles doesn't need to be 26 episodes long because it technically has a "back story" - but the key always returns to this issue: do you believe in the back story, or do you completely disgard it in favor of the original three non-related anime?

    I thought it was more like this: Is this feature good enough to entice you to buy the previous 85 episodes and other merchandise to get into Robotech? That's a common pattern with other series, but here it's almost required browsing to really understand what's going on. In fact, it could have been the strategy until they could start Shadow Rising.

    The problem might be narration style. Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles took 1/3 of the film to go over material from the previous series and set up this new chapter. Surprisingly, they killed off the narrator (maybe the Carl Macek insert for the story) who was an arguably important feature from the original series. He was replaced by a character(s) who may know more than they should about the past and current situation.

    Macross 7 and Frontier was not as connected to the previous series, but still took 1-3 minutes at the beginning of the first 8 or so episodes to get people up to speed. By contrast, as time went on they stopped relying on narration to get the main story going. DYRL? and Plus had minor exposition while Flashback 2012 used no new dialogue, only animation.

  10. seriously? is he on something? im at the part where he talks about he LIVED robotech. :blink: :blink:

    Robotech: The Untold Story better than DYRL. no.

    That's just his taped shows, he has over 300 audio recordings of similar quality on talkshoe. You might want to pace yourself, or get some booze ready, if you're going to dive further into the Robotech Fan.

    Ever heard of "Shadow Rising", the sequel to the 2006 smash-(s)hit Shadow Chronicles? Question: Assuming Robotech: Shadow Rising is still in development, do you think it would be a step in the right direction in trying to mass-market Robotech? (Given its currently EPIC storyline with Haydonites and big boobs...)

    Or are you guys leaning more on the fact that the original Robotech universe is dead (thanks to not having access to Macross designs/anything), and there will be a complete reboot come the movie?

    You might want to check the previous topic for that stuff:



  11. Now - maybe he doesn't have this stuff because he doesn't want the Yamatos or Bandais - but on the other hand he won't waste money on Toynami?

    It's part of the strange dichotomy with Doug. He doesn't believe in Macross or Mospeada products but hates, among other things, anything Toynami Robotech related. I kind of see Doug as a barometer of what not to do if you want to devote a lot of your time on any venture. In the end he may never be satisfied with whatever comes from Robotech.

    It's a relief that, last we heard, HG isn't catering to fans like that anymore if they're really doing something with it. I guess that's progress in some way.

  12. Doug Bendo does none of these things. He's just a blowhard who's full of himself. He seems to believe that people will come around to him because there's no one else left. But unless he starts getting people like Tom Bateman on every show, I don't think anyone else will follow.

    Even with him being the only one left, I think Doug has insulted far too many people on his show to get any Robotech/HG personality or anyone else of importance to seriously consider planning an interview with him. It makes plans for any kind of online promotion for future works more difficult than before without things like the RDF Underground and Space Station Liberty still going on. At least those guys had more composure and were grounded in reality.

    I guess all franchises are likely to have people like him. The whole deal with him reminds me of similar people from other fandoms, but at least they had some spark of talent.

  13. Guess that's why recently they've settled with using a lot of distractions during convention panels to keep fans interested; free stuff/prizes, PowerPoint presentations, voice actor and HG crew guest appearances, a guy with a huge tuna head hat, etc. I admit that kind of stuff is fun to see the first couple of times, but with anything, eventually I'd like to see some concrete evidence that progress going on if they say they're doing something. At least two years of doing this is a bit much.

  14. 3. WTF do you mean by "We don't even have a script yet?" They never make scripts public. Don't tell me your waiting for another Robotech script leak or that your with WB.

    Years ago it was the only way people knew whether or not work was actually going on with Robotech. The rest of the time it was the regular "We own everything in Robotech," hubbub on rt.com and convention panels that revealed nothing. People are always excited about waiting for it though.

  15. If that is the case, WB could easily ends making a Macross's movie instead of Robotech

    I like the idea xD

    I don't know, Hollywood's approach to an adaption of anything recently has left much to be desired. Since HG made a big deal about Robotech on the big screen, they should take the plunge first and let it backfire on them like always.

    The Orguss Battroid appearing in SDF:M isn't that big a surprise considering that many of the staff members of Studio Nue worked on both series. However, turning an animation error into an actual aircraft is quite a surprise.

    I remember either the RPG books or online fans making the Orguss Battroid part of Robotech as well just for that appearance.

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