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Posts posted by Einherjar

  1. As I said, I think Robotech III: Not Necessarily the Sentinels is HYSTERICAL, because taking something like Gunbuster and saying that Noriko is Annie, Amano is Minmay, and the Coach is Rick is sublimely ludicrous (my favorite, however, is Noriko's friend, "Vanessa Prime"). But there are a lot of people who wanted (and some who still want) Macross II to become RT. Some were also fantasizing about Frontier.

    In tradition of Robotech III, here's another parody that works. It's vulgar, but it works. :lol:

    Made by, I kid you not, Pinesalad Productions. :lol:

  2. I already posted my opinion on both videos. Definitely worth a puke


    You suck, dude!

    Posting ORIGINAL material and passing it out as Robocrap???? Guess you all Homotech-fans are so envy because the lousy ass movie you got from Shadow Chronicles.



    Kind of unnecessary, but the intent was in the right place.

    Sometimes it's best to do nothing, let the work speak for itself and let the video poster look be an idiot by him/herself. But what do I know, things are different on the Internet.

  3. This is the problem HG faces right now...not only do they have to make an original RT sequel, they also have to compete against the Macross sequels, which have higher budgets and better creative staff.

    More like they don't even have the in-house facilities to make sequels without paying a premium compared to their competitors. And at the moment they've burned enough bridges to be unable to get the "authentic" Robotech feel fans want.

  4. Did it also explain that the Vajra's are an offshoot of the Invids? And that the Regent was fooling around with the Vajra queen (along with a harem of lesser Vajra queens) behind the Regess' back? ^_^

    Give them enough time and fans will make it work. Carl Macek made the whole thing subjective since the beginning anyway, so they're just following tradition.

  5. So...if they were making Lalah or Sayla figures instead of the millionth version of the RX-78-2, then Gundam would get attacked for commercialism?

    It might be commercialism for both but with different priorities; Gundam for the mecha and Eva for the hot girls despite being a mecha show(?). It's working for both though.

  6. Why is it that Eva always gets attacked for commercialism? It seems to me that Bandai has been far more mercenary with Gundam than with Eva.

    I don't know, but I've seen a lot of merchandising involving Asuka, Rei. and Misato ever since it started. There's probably more figures, statues, etc. for those girls than the Evas.

  7. You missed when they explained the 'Bird-Human' as an ancient ancestor to the Invid in the Robotech: ZERO Originality OVAs :lol: .

    Aww, that joke actually makes sense from Robotech now; Bird-Human Protoculture death machine -> energy phoenix thing the Regis bug queen turned into. The wings make them absolutely related. :lol:

  8. Even if Frontier beings you to everything in Macross, the more you learn about it the more likely you'll find out about Robotech somewhere down the road, just because of its loose association rather than a genuine interest in it. You know how curious fans are these days finding out everything they can about a series. I was kind of underwhelmed finding out about Robotech beyond the cartoon, and then a huge retcon happened and replaced the original BS in the expanded universe with BS that will never end.

  9. Frontier probably brought new people to Robotech too because of its, now-denied, association with Macross. Who knows what the numbers are besides what you hear from the website and convention reports if people cared to write about it. However, the story behind the making of Robotech could be the make or break moment for new fans.

  10. Is it just me, or do any of you think that HG has done more of a disservice to the fans by what they've done with holding off Macross from coming here? Even if BW doesn't want to deal with HG, there's a reason, and more than likely has to do with backdoor business decisions, and lots of burned bridges. I dunno, just my gut feelings over that whole issue. Even when I was a part of their website, I always felt like that was really a stick in the back of RT fans.

    I think so, but as a business I don't think HG even cares what they're doing now. Despite talking about Protoculture flowers, grand space opera stories, and that "We Will Win" attitude they push forward, their big concern is to make money in any way possible. Unfortunately, their methods of getting it is pretty underhanded and frugal, but in economics money is money. It's fair game if they turn Robotech into a Macross/Battlestar Galactica/Gundam/Transformers/etc. clone, carefully avoiding legal issues, and it helps Robotech become profitable with the times. It helps that Robotech is defined by a vaguely detailed mythology explained in another media, but passed off or even ignored entirely with creative narrative/animation "techniques." Also, we've seen fans will buy anything they say at this point, maybe since the beginning too, so another huge advantage for them. They're just going along for the ride, which most likely will end down a huge cliff in the future.

    On that note, it's hard to find info on what happened at recent Robotech convention panels even from the official site and their twitter. Even if you get to meet staff from the show and free stuff, it's a moot point to go to a $15-$50 convention and have a history lesson about Robotech rather than get useful news about where it's going every time.

  11. Do a lot of people still play the RPG version of Robotech? If the gaming system doesn't work well and such, the fandom's making it worse if they buy it out of misplaced loyalty. I don't know how table top RPGs work, but at least it should be fun even with those statistics and dice rolling.

    So, who bought the Southern Cross reissued book and how was it?

  12. For the entire company itself that work in that building on Sunset, I think there's about 30 or more, give or take a few. That's just from what I've seen. From those there that actually work with Robotech, it's Tommy, Kevin, and Steve pretty much. It's not really a well oiled machine, just a bunch of half skilled rag tags, but I'm sure there are other depts. that work with them from time to time on specific things, such as licensing and legal matters.

    Was there even a department that used to work on material like stories and designs for new projects before everything went silent? I'm not talking about marketing or legal areas, but one where they were brainstorming what to do next with the series story wise; perhaps the department that came up with the Shadow Rising leaked script, unless it was all Tommy's work. They did want to continue the franchise before, so there had to be other people besides him planning that part of the operation. That is unless all of the work for stuff like Shadow Chronicles were left entirely with DR Movie and Wildstorm, then that pool of talent disappeared leaving them with Tommy, Palladium, and fans again.

  13. I meant staff in the creative process of new Robotech material that's not merchandising... if they still made "new" Robotech material. Those three gotta have underlings doing something that people never get to hear because they're treated as insignificant in the whole thing. But I guess they could be outsourcing those positions as well, leaving the only person in-house who's at least creative is Tommy by default.

    EDIT: There's Palladium, but who knows if they really care what they're doing to Robotech.

  14. I feel like the whole business model now is how to make just enough money to keep Tommy and Steve employed and bragging about how creative and brilliant they are.

    People keep talking about just Tommy, Steve and Kevin, but there must be other "talented" people in the HG crew still working on Robotech besides the office staff.

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