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Posts posted by Einherjar

  1. Seriously, does this look like it makes any sense?


    Wow, that's stereotypical, even kind of racist outside its context of the story by today's standards.

    The concepts haven't aged well. In retrospect, HG made a poor choice for material to use for an epic that could stay relevant with the times. Among other reasons, I guess that's why they've shunned the Southern Cross portion ever since.

  2. But yeah...one thing I've heard (well, read, actually) RT fans say is that they like it better than Macross because of the epic sweep and multi-generational storyline...which I find odd, because isn't Macross multi-generational, too?

    Epic? The main story outside of the expanded universe focused mostly on Earth getting razed multiple times. Lots of people in the later generations failed miserably when it came to safeguarding the most important things for humanity. It took one lone Martian, who knew very little about Earth to begin with and may or may not be a space racist, to fix 2 generations worth of mistakes. But then we learn humanity shot themselves in the foot yet again by making a deal with the devil. Well, at least they got back a ravaged Earth and kicked out all the current aliens from the planet. Back to square one?

    I don't know, humanity in this series seems to be full of fail after the Macross generation.

  3. "Multi-generational epic" sounds good on paper, but its really just a marketing ploy. It is one of those things you have to really be committed to just to get even half right. When you compare Robotech's idea of generational conflict to say Gundam or even Macross, its all completely laughable by its own "just take out word for it" approach. Even Shadow Chronicles couldn't shake that.

    I'm kind of irritated too at the rationale people make about the multi-generational thing working well; the expanded universe material. It's as if they expect people like me to seek out all these comic books, novels, RPG books, etc. to understand how they got to Shadow Chronicles. It does sound like a marketing scheme for newbies to pay attention to all their old crap, not because it's enjoyable, but more because you'd be completely lost without it. But it's pretty much useless now because of the giant retcon that took place. Unless you found everything from online sources you would have wasted so much money on stuff that has little to no relevance to what you just saw.

    But it sure gave the illusion that the Robotech universe was huge, doesn't it?

  4. I feel people use Force Five to put down Robotech because their cartoons weren't connected but to me I like the generational aspect of RT. It did allow you to see the future even if you didn't seen the fates of other characters.

    It was a pretty grim and disjointed future even if things had to go to hell and back and hell again for drama. They had the habit of discarding a lot of people once their usefulness was over or they weren't popular enough to keep alive. But was it really worth it with all the unfortunate implications that the method created (older fans may know more about them than me)?

    Ex. The Rick Hunter attempted mass murder accusation, currently retconned for those reasons.

  5. At 30 years of age, I hardly consider myself to be young anymore, and the only Archie comics I read were hand-me-downs from my dad. This poll needs a "Does anyone even care anymore?" choice.

    That's why the Armageddon choice is there. :lol:

    But seriously, I can't see much of a difference between Betty and Veronica to choose between them besides their money. Also, do you really want to see a guy like this getting married?

    “Jughead thinks I should flip a coin to finally choose between Betty and Veronica. Do you think this is a good idea? –Arch.”

    Role model he ain't.

  6. I doubt that other big players in Japanese animation industry, apart from BigWest & Tatsunoko, gave a fart on HG, or that HG is even insignificant in grander scheme of things.

    Actually Harmony Gold, or at least Carl Macek, released other anime to the U.S. using similar techniques as Robotech with varying results. This is where the groundbreaking part comes from. There was an edited version of Fist of the North Star film using a different ending that the Japanese crew rejected, a dub of Windaria that changed the overall tone of the film, and the confusing cut and paste job of Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years that made it almost incomprehensible. They've probably made a name for themselves in Japan by now.

  7. Hmmm... I can't share your enthusiasm for RT, and thus I can't see where any good could come out of adapting Macross II (or anything else) for RT.

    Yeah, it would be like Robotech and its fans learning nothing from everything that has happened to the franchise and the anime industry, which moved away from their methods of releasing shows, in the last 25 years. If this were a time before the anime boom, plans like that would have worked, but they wouldn't be taken seriously if they tried to pull something like that today. And it's not just a problem creatively; nowadays creators have a better understanding of how much their animation can be worth overseas. In addition to reworking whatever they get, HG would have to pay a lot more just for the rights over animation and the material that comes with it. I also assume HG is now a notorious name in the industry as well, so it can be even worse for them to go this route because of their history with groundbreaking entities in Japan.

  8. I thought this little tidbit was funny and is probably going to be BS. One of the longest running love triangle stories of all time is supposedly coming to an end very soon.


    A lot of people criticize Alto and Mylene for not picking anyone in their love triangles, but they're amateurs compared to Archie. He's kept it going for almost 70 fracking years. Guess the writers finally had enough of doing this crap. But if worse comes to worse, it could end up being another troll moment for the comic book.

  9. From the available CMs i notice a slight difference in character and art design in the new scenes we've been shown. IMHO they don't seem to blend that well with the "recycled" material. This gives me hope that, as someone has suggested, we're being trolled by the studio and the movie, like DYRL, will be totaly new in terms of animation.

    I mentioned the trolling thing because the crew took a lot of pleasure in doing that with Frontier (pineapples anyone). It would be cool if it did happen that way, but I don't think they can do much with just one year of work or something. A continuation or conclusion maybe, but most likely it will be what everyone has been saying here.

  10. Imagine how awkward it would be to show to your friends your new gundam toy. "It's called Unicorn Gundam. Yes it's named after a fictional creature that little girls wants to see and ride. And it's color is not pink! (NTD mode)" :lol:

    It worked well with the Macross Valkyries. Basically they named them after warrior women angels.

  11. The sad thing is I bet all HG would really have to do to bring alot of new fans to Robotech is simply convince Cartoon Network, Disney, or Nickelodeon to show Robotech along with other classic cartoons and market the crap they sell on Robotech.com with several commercials.

    Back in the 90s Robotech was shown on Cartoon Network during the Toonami block. Now that it's gone, CN can always bring it back on the Boomerang Network (the cartoon oldies channel). The other option would be sticking it with the other anime on the network really late at night (1:00 A.M. - 4:00A.M.). It might be too violent/mature or something for Disney and Nickelodeon. However, I heard it still runs on the 24 hour AnimeNetwork.

    Besides, they've made sure it's readily available in every format possible multiple times that it would be redundant (besides laserdisc?). It's even on itunes. How much more can they saturate the medium for Robotech?

  12. Unless you live in California and get CRV, it's not nearly as easy as it sounds. If you're getting scrap value, your looking at about 5 cents USD per pound of PET plastic for anything under 20 TONS. cans are slightly better at about 17 cents per lb as whole cans under 20 tons.

    Yup, I take advantage of that all the time in California. Help from family and friends really make it worthwhile, but I usually never spend it. ^_^

  13. Sometimes, talent doesn't doesn't come from "being qualified" as well. Everyone's gotta start somewhere, with something. Then again, people also need to know when to bow out with at least a little face.

    Would that mean Robotech was supposed to be a mid to top-tier franchise to work on before the recent crews came then? Because from the comics, novels, and etc. after the TV series it's like they just hired anyone.

  14. News from the Robotech panel at Super-Con, May 16 2009. Regarding the LAMR:

    There is no cast set and they are still working on the script. Expect more toys with their signature quality.

    The rest was probably another history lesson and housekeeping for the series. Oh, and the same guests you get to see in every panel almost every year. So what's the point in going to these panels again if there is nothing to write about? <_<

  15. Back to the Frontier movie, I really don't get the people complaining about how long we have to wait for the movie. Clearly they don't remember the six-month wait between episodes of Macross Zero...

    Yeah, I stopped waiting for the next Zero episodes because I had other crap to worry about. By the time the final eps. were released, I was surprised because I actually forgot about it.

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