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About Phyrox

  • Birthday 02/20/1978

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  1. Man, I wouldn't have thought it would be so easy to ruin one of my favorite mecha designs, but...there it is. The change in the wings completely change the feel of armo-bomber mode, and the oversized claws and mustachioed face just kill armo-soldier for me. I loved the more drastic redesign we saw years back, but this...no thanks. Looks like that bad robotech fan-fiction stuff from the late 1990s internet sites
  2. Would this be a scale-up of sorts for the smaller Ikazuchi you did years ago or a total rethink and re-sizing? Also, and this probably isn't the place...but I'd kill for an Izumo that was in scale with that smaller Ikazuchi? Any possibility of one of those? Never been done has it?
  3. That Hambrabi is terrible. I guess I'm getting too old but the design looks overly busy but to no good effect. It's just a jumble of shapes that just don't gel into anything. I can't even tell which end is supposed to be the front. Not a huge fan of the original Hambrabi from Zeta, but this thing really makes me nostalgic for the designs of that era, where not everything looked like spikey mess.
  4. Wait a sec...does this mean there was a Logwood gashapon made? Man, that's the one thing for Orguss I always really really wanted and thought had never been produced. I would love a model...but this would be cool too!
  5. Wow, that re-styled battlepod is pretty blatant in its, eh...borrowing? Whether they wrote in-universe justifications or not, that's not a good look. Between that and the rather poor art* we've seen here that's going into the latest RPG...makes me nostalgic for what Palladium art was, warts and all. *- I know some people here have paid for commissioned art from this Kickstarter, and I'm happy that they're finally seeing the scenes in their head drawn out at long last. I don't mean to disparage that.
  6. Don't read e-books of any type. Anyone got any insight or answers to the actual question?
  7. Recently re-watched the original series, and I still enjoy it after all these years and who knows how many watches later...I'm thinking of finally taking the plunge and reading the manga. But, uh...what's up with the availability? Anyone know where one could get the series for a reasonable price? For the "3-in-1" consolidated version, Vol. 1, 4, and 5 I can pick up for $20/each. Vol. 2 and 3 are no where to be found. I've seen complete sets for $300+ but that's insane. So... 1) what gives with the rarity of those volumes? 2) anyone know where to find the manga series?
  8. Anyone have any insider info on what's up with the MEPTOYS invid scout and shocktrooper? It was due to ship in December, then I gather there was a problem with the pre-production proofs that had to be addressed...but I ain't heard nothing. No email, nothing on their website, nothing on Facebook... I emailed them last week asking for an update, but haven't gotten any response. I'm wondering if I should contact my c.c. company for a chargeback?
  9. Those are going for $150+ now? Yikes. I want these trading kits because they are small, and I might be able to use it in a wargame. The Cosmo Fleet one is...too expensive. Why does Bandai hate Gundam spaceships so much?
  10. Got a model-finding query for the experts here. Does anyone have any idea where one might find non-blind purchase options for the old (series 1) Gundam Mini Kit Collections? I'm really trying to get the Ra Cailum kit, but everything on Ebay was blind buy, and didn't see a thing on Y!Japan... I figure someone here might have a lead I hadn't thought about. This box: with this kit: Appreciate any help...I'm close to buying a set of 12 boxes in the hopes of getting one...and that's just stupid.
  11. Maybe I'm crazy but the Brunhild is about my least favorite of all the Imperial warships from the original series. I might still get a model of it if available, but I'd rather have any other non-Alliance ship really.
  12. 6' = 72" 72/350 = .2 so a six foot tall person would be 0.2 inches So average person would be about 3/16th of an inch
  13. It's probably the longest of longshots...but I agree with WWWMWWW. I'd pay a hefty price for the re-imagined legioss and dread2.
  14. If that's 11" overall, including barrel that sounds pretty spot on 1/35.
  15. The saucer looks like it's not parallel with the nacelles? Is that a trick of the camera or is it really droopy? And that "aztec-ing" is really heavy/dark. Looks more like digital camouflage than the subtle effect I'd expect...trick of the lighting I hope.
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