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  1. As I understand it, NASA has a formal agreement with JAXA to develop it into a real vehicle in exchange for putting a JAXA astronaut on Artemis 2. God, I love living in a world where a lunar RV is a real thing in development.
  2. Yeah, if they do it and do it right, it'll be cool as hell.
  3. I did not expect that. Bumblebee was actually on the "non-viable" list in my head. Cool, though!
  4. Missing Link Ironhide would suck. I say this as a filthy toy supremacist who thinks "sunbow or gtfo" is hideous. The original toy needs to hit more functional proportions and actually have room for modern engineering to be viable for this. MP Skids et al worked well because the foundation was there already. And they could get away with trying it because no one cares about Sunbow Skids. I think the success of MP Skids is why Missing Link Optimus happened, personally. Missing Link probably won't go much farther, because the Starscream et al design won't work well. Missing Link Megatron is possible, but strikes me as unlikely. Soundwave, the Dinobots, the Insecticons... the "Autobot Cars" that aren't Ratchet, Ironhide, and Hound(his arms are hopelessly short)... these are great Missing Link candidates. But they aren't Prime and Megatron, and can't be repainted to sell one mold six times. If we're lucky, we'll see a Missing Link Ultra Magnus(but the trailer will be hard, and no one wants White Optimus).
  5. You know, there's an interesting story to be told there. Optimus is a military leader on a planet so thoroughly wracked by war that everyone who hasn't left is a soldier. And he's a major religious figure on top of it. He is PROFOUNDLY isolated. And were I writing this story, I'd lean into the Transformers' inevitabl association with humans. They offer something Optimus hasn't had much of in a long time, someone he can speak with as an equal.
  6. Oh, yeah, it is EXACTLY what anyone should've expected to happen. It really makes you wonder why he commandeered Millia's VF-1 in the first place. I'll assume he just didn't realize it was roughly analagous to training on a Tomcat and then trying to fly a Mustang.
  7. In fairness, Gamlin was also shown struggling to draw out the full potential of Millia's VF-1, which he got destroyed. Never forget!
  8. Powermaster Prime was my first Optibotimus, and it makes me sad to see him done dirty like this.
  9. I'm readin' 'em. I don't often have much to say, but I read 'em all. I really do want a new Ejector. "Evil toaster that burns your bread and steals your drink when you aren't looking" is such a wonderfully ridiculous concept.
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