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I'd rather fast food change in response to consumer demand than a wave of bad publicity from a guy trying to pass off his liver damage on McDonald's instead of his serious issues with alcohol, but that's just me. 

That said, 53 is pretty young, and cancer isn't something I'd wish on much worse people. My condolences to his family and loved ones.

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6 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

Morgan had a lot of issues and wasn't a very good guy however he did make fast food restaurants change tho so I guess that is something.

The biggest changes seem to come from shrinkflation. I remember when the Jack in the Box Ultimate Cheeseburger was rather filling. Now it’s no bigger than a McDouble without the “veggies” or sesame seeds, but for more money. Oddly, it may help the American younger generation to be a bit thinner on average since the food is smaller and more costly while people from my generation contemplate getting seconds before checking our wallets. The younger people may actually get used to these smaller food items and that may become the norm. 

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Having just gone through a cancer scare myself I don't wish that on anyone.  That said his "documentary" was anything but.  And anyone who thought (or thinks) fast food was healthy needed some serious education.

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