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Official 1/100 BANDAI VF Hi Metal VF-1J Valkyrie

Black Valkyrie

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I too hope this line continues but I've noticed that Bandai often never finishes their toy lines. The way Bandai picks their releases just seems random and doesn't always coincide with an animated release which I think hurts their lines.

I hope these 1/100 don't become hard to find in future. I'm not a collector but I feel in time people will come to appreciate the smaller size of them for things like displays near a vb-6.

People can't accuse bandai of "only reissuing chunky munky, and being lazy" anymore. They made a good small and affordable valk, and when this line stops or it gets hard to find I think fans of it will be proud to have obtained them when they were released.

VF-1 is done to death by so many companies though so if people are ignoring these it might be because of how much other stuff macross is getting. We are not living during a "dry period" of macross toys anymore where people are whining about how little new releases there are. We are pretty spoilt.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Box Art?

Found this associated with a thread about the Bandai Hi-Metal...this the box art that comes with it?

Edited by peter
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry not sure which thread to post but i'm hoping someone reading this thread will know.

Is the VF Hi-Metal line dead? Whatever happened to the YF-21 they were going to do in this line?

"Indefinite hiatus" would probably be a more accurate term than "dead". It hasn't been officially canned, but anyone who likes the line has been left in the lurch. IIRC, didn't Bandai say they were "still working on" the YF-19 and YF-21 a few months ago, while refusing to actually give us any kind of update? I love the line, but...I wouldn't hold my breath on any further releases even if it's technically a possibility. I'd love for my cynicism to be wrong for once, though.

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