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SW: The Old Republic MMO

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Careful, George still has about a week to screw around with this and make some unnecessary changes (like making one of the dogs howl "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!")

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very cool. I have a level 32 Trooper and I am totally loving it. I havent tried pvp, but some people really like it so maybe I will. I'm not so much into the meta-gaming aspect of it, so I find myself rarely doing any heroic or flashpoint missions. I havent even reached Social 1 yet :p I do like the storylines, though the cutscenes could use alot more choreography. I was surprised how many of the plotlines from KOTOR made it into the game such as Rakghouls and Rakkata. It definately feels like a continuation of that earlier game. I guess the first expansion is going to be called The Rise of the Rakghouls.

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Very cool. I have a level 32 Trooper and I am totally loving it. I havent tried pvp, but some people really like it so maybe I will. I'm not so much into the meta-gaming aspect of it, so I find myself rarely doing any heroic or flashpoint missions. I havent even reached Social 1 yet :p I do like the storylines, though the cutscenes could use alot more choreography. I was surprised how many of the plotlines from KOTOR made it into the game such as Rakghouls and Rakkata. It definately feels like a continuation of that earlier game. I guess the first expansion is going to be called The Rise of the Rakghouls.

Yeah...you'll also find out Revan's fate if I'm not mistaken...you have to play Sith to do so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still enjoying it, almost to level 25, aka level "omg I can get a mount! dammit! I don't have enough for mount training and the f'ing mount costs too much!" , which half would normally apply to me, except I got the collector's ed, and get a free mount that's sitting in my bank for when I get the training :)

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  • 1 year later...

My account has been down since last September, and I haven't really played since last July. However, I plan to dip my toe back in this summer. Not to play it as an MMO, mind you, but to play it as I would a KotOR game. The storylines are just stellar, and I really want to play out the Jedi Knight's story.

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I stopped playing after I realized they weren't going to do anything good for Merc Bounty Hunters. I hate picking a class because I want to enjoy that role and it ends up being ignored. Next time I pick up an MMO i'll just play whatever is OP in beta! haha.

I had really good custom slotted warhero gear and a high level pvp rating, so I sold my account for about $300. Sold the collectors book and statues for about $40, and threw out the box.

It was pretty fun for the most part, but the PVP didn't do it for me.

Edited by Gakken85
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I don't blame ya, Gak. My own pvp-centric guild crumbled underneath me because of the disappointing mess their ranked PvP system was. Pretty much why I stopped playing.

But, man, do I love the storylines! 8 KotOR games in 1 is no joke.

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I stopped because of the silly planet>station transitions and also because alting isn't really fun where you have to spend so much time travelling for run of the mill quests. I don't mind just roaming around if there are interesting things but they are mostly quest hubs spaced far apart.

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At the end of the day it's just another theme-park MMO; and I dunno about the rest of you, but I've had my fill of anything that isn't sandbox. That said, taken as 8 single-playing games with multiplayer content, it's bloody brilliant.

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