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VF-1A Profile

Mr March

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Using just Internet Explorer, I’ve created a basic profile based on the MAHQ colors and text schemes. My goal was to include as much of the important data on the mecha of Macross as possible, but trim it down so the entry is more readable and not as lengthy. With much help from briscojr84 and grebo guru , I’ve obtained about 100+ plus high resolution scans from the various Macross fan books like Macross Perfect Memory, the Gold Book, and Shoji Kawamori’s Macross Design Works. I cleaned and categorized the scans then went about coloring the line art myself, along with some rudimentary shading, in Photoshop CS.

Here's the link for a new VF-1A profile:


The text I wrote myself and is a combination of official Macross trivia, official technical details, and some embellishment/extrapolation based on what happens in the anime. Since there are no written profiles for Macross in any of the official books I own (beyond statistics and the odd sentence or two) and information is VERY scarce online, I had to stretch what was available to fill a complete, multi-paragraph essay. Needless to say, it’s as official as I could make it and written to be readable. It’s not perfect, but it avoids most of the common misinformation and sticks to canon as much as possible. Given the alternative (which is to have no profile at all), I hope it's acceptable.

I may do more, depending upon whether the people at MAHQ like it or not. I'm going to stick to SDF Macross, DYRL?, Plus, and Zero. I figure there are enough fans here that if someone wants to do MII and M7, you can go ahead. I've got more work than I can handle just doing the other four.

So, provide some feedback. If you've got ideas, let me hear em. If you've got complaints, it's best to work out the problems with the profile now. The lack of resources means I may get some colors wrong or some information may be incorrect. Take a look and post whatever.

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Thanks for the great replies so far. I hope the details are accurate and in order.

That's really good. I love the coloring you did, looks real nice. I also especially enjoyed seeing all of the line art. I have not seen most of that since I don't have any of the art books. Again, good job.

That's one of the reasons for posting the work. So a lot of fans who might not have the books can enjoy some PROPERLY sized lineart they may not have seen. I'm really glad you like it. It means I'm reaching the target audience :)

Nicely done, will you do the later block VF-1s as well as put in line art of the various models?

Glad you like it. Each VF variant will have it's own webpage (A, D, J, and S) and accompaning lineart specific to that Valkyrie. Also, each variant from DYRL? will have it's own page as well, with lineart of the DYRL-style controls, cockpit, battroid cockpit, and HUDs. Lastly, each enhancement version (Strike, Super, Armored) will have it's own page, with accompaning lineart as well. Macross deseves nothing less :)

If things go really well, I might color some of those rare VFs glimpsed in SDF Macross, like the infamous "Dark Blue" fighters glimpsed early in the series.

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MAHQ their information started from the Mecha Domain. I prefer it's style and format better.

Your statement isn't clear. Are you saying you like this format for the VF-1A, you like the current MAHQ format (frames), or you like the old Mecha Domain format (single page, no frames)?

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The later.

Well, the VF-1A profile as I've done it IS the Mecha Domain format. I have the old Mecha Domain on my hard drive, the whole site. Only difference is the colors. When I do the profiles for the UNSQDB, they'll use better colors and won't be in such a narrow frame format like the MAHQ.

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Is "trippy" good? If there's something not right, I'd prefer to fix it now.

For Aussies, it's a good thing. Just the alignment of the head is new to me, details are different too. :D

MAHQ style is simple and gives you all the info you need. It can be better organised, but eh, who cares. This is like a well organised, essentials only, compact version of the compendium, except illustrated. I love seeing all that lineart.

Edited by kensei
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