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I always wondered..


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Theres actually a bunch. Abombz!! being one of them. Theres a few others also. Theres probably around 10 or so... Definitely not all that many.


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I tried to tell an exgirlfriend about Macross (well, wasn't ex at the time). I was telling her about DYRL? specifically. I was saying it was this great love story and started going through all the parts and stuff and midway she said "Wait. Is this one of those cartoons you like to watch?"

Conversation ended there :p

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I just try to get my wife not to break my toys :blink:

I gave up on trying to get her to watch anime, or cartoons in general, a long time ago. How I could fall in love with some-one who says "the colors give me a headache" about fritz the cat is still a mystery to me :blink: . She doesn't even like disney stuff :blink: , much less invader zim :unsure: .

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My wife never quite got into Macross TV, Macross II, or Macross Plus.

She watched DYRL, but was less than excited. Flashback 2012 made her cry, because she immigrated from China, and it made her miss her family back in China.

She loved Macross 7, though. She would watch like six or seven eps at a time, and stay up until after 2:00 in the morning to do it (which is odd, because she's normally like a 10:30 bedtime person). She got so into it that she was even listening to Fire Bomber in her car for awhile.

I got her to watch both eps of Macross Zero, so far, too. She likes them when she's watching them, but then kinda forgets about it.

OT: I'm yet to get her in to any Gundam since I started to collect them on DVD. So far, that's been all the One Year War stuff, and it doesn't look like Zeta is going to win her over either...

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Macross and females? lol ya right. I've never met one in person.

My wife likes anime but she hates Macross lol.

some quotes from around the house:

"ugh is that stupid bitch singing again" lol

"So Macross even looked like crap when it first aired"

"Who's the flamer with the guitar"

"Another robot? What ya buyin me?"

There's plenty more but that would take up too much room :lol:

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My mother likes Minmay, she even sings Minmay songs sometimes.

The last 5 women I have dated were into Zero and Plus! I usually don't keep a girlfriend around long enough to get through SDF-Macross. I get bored of them too quick and send them packin'.

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