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What has Peter Jackson done with his life?

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Also in the Superman commentary, they talked about how they destroyed part of the environment when they brought in some dirt from on place to another and the bugs from the dirt attacked the new location's vegetation...


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What are you talking about?  Bsu can't get that many midgets together... though he has tried... he just couldn't get that many... :(

My "Midget Wrangler" was fired on the second day of filming. This lead to problems with the unions that plagued the production until the producers shut us down. I don't like to talk about that period of my life, to be honest. It was a real heartbreaker.

What's all this about?

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What are you talking about?  Bsu can't get that many midgets together... though he has tried... he just couldn't get that many... :(

My "Midget Wrangler" was fired on the second day of filming. This lead to problems with the unions that plagued the production until the producers shut us down. I don't like to talk about that period of my life, to be honest. It was a real heartbreaker.

What's all this about?

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My aborted "All Midget" adaptation of the LOTR trilogy. However, it looks like my All Midget remake of The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly is going to happen.

Technically isn't it a "return to it's origins" then? It's well doccumented that The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was an "all norms" remake of the legendary 30's movie "Terror of Tiny Town"?

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Technically isn't it a "return to it's origins" then? It's well doccumented that The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was an "all norms" remake of the legendary 30's movie "Terror of Tiny Town"?

Well....you know...its...uhh...

Damn, the whole thing is off! I was hoping that nobody would know that obscure bit of cinematic trivia. It was going to be featured on the DVD extras. We had a ToTT mini-doc all set and everything.

Now I'll have to start on my all-albino remake of The Wild Bunch.

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He's definitely a nut. And hairy.

But unlike Lucas, he's actually directed a few good movies. If your fanboy heart is too hardened to enjoy LotR, then I suggest heading up to the video store and renting Heavenly Creatures. It's got great direction, great script, great acting... and a pert young Kate Winslet to boot.

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Gotta love these....


.... types of threads.

King Kong's only being remade because who would be the person in that studio to tell Peter Jackson 'No' after making them several hundred million dollars?

Let's hope that he stays remaking era re-makes and avoids making a 're-imagned' comic book movie!!!

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