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Fewture Getter Robo ala Maz.1901

Dangard Ace

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Black Getter has arrived from Fewtures.

According to the picture, it said EX metal. So, I presume this Black Getta is gona be pretty heavy and metal base? I wonder if it also went for the other 3 normal getta. Just curious.,. :huh:


PS. With my limited Japanese, I believe it said HJ(Hobby Japan) limited sale Check HJ April issue for release detail. (Feb 25th for sale).

Edited by leo
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think SRX means Super Robot X-Type. The X persumably denotes eXperiment I guess. It's suppose to be the first of a line mechas to be mass produced.

I got the information while playing GBA's Super Robot Wars Original Generation a while back. It's part of the Federation's SRX Project with Ingram Plisken(not sure about spelling) as Project Leader I think.

Edited by Project Phoenix
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how poseable are these does anyone know? someone said the Mazinger ones cannot really move at all. is this true?


Not true. From memory the Maz has:







Shoulders in three axis

Bicep swivels



and the fingers on one set of hands.

I dunno what the getters will be like though.

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I really like these 1901 reimagined designs...the Getters look great...I'm hopeing they start a whole 1901 redesigned line...a 1901-ish Raideen would be AWSOME!

And seeing ANYTHING Golion would be nice.


But Japan doesn't care about him.

true too...Might have to dig up a Golion bootleg, and give toy customing a try. Then too, Zoid blox figures are dissapearing on the clearance racks around here. I could prolly whip some of them together into a custom Golion toy. But Raideen is my fave of the "super robot" golden era...But practicaly any mecha that can change into a bird catches my intrest :p


I have the Maz 1901 figure...its more display piece (like Spawn or other such figures) then full on toy. Indeed its very poseable and highly detailed, but quite delecate. Sort of a poseable prepainted and assembled PVC garage kit, certainly not a toy along the lines of a SOC ... but I got no problem with that :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

:( ... <_<


The EX Gokin series of Getter Robo figures from Fewture Models is planned to include Black Getter, Getter 1, Getter 2, and Getter 3 -- in that order. Black Getter is locked in as a Hobby Japan mail in exclusive, costing ¥24,800. It's not been decided if the other three will or won't be similar magazine exclusives.

Black Getter should ship in August, with his cohorts following every other month after. If the others remain magazine exclusives, the price will likely not budge. If they go into the channel, the price is expected to be something in the ¥20,000 range.

Black Getter is described as about half metal, also with heavy use of ABS, standing at about ten inches tall.

By the time you read this, the information will have changed 12 times, so there's really no point in ... oh nevermind. Now quit asking me.

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:( ... <_<


The EX Gokin series of Getter Robo figures from Fewture Models is planned to include Black Getter, Getter 1, Getter 2, and Getter 3 -- in that order. Black Getter is locked in as a Hobby Japan mail in exclusive, costing ¥24,800. It's not been decided if the other three will or won't be similar magazine exclusives.

Black Getter should ship in August, with his cohorts following every other month after. If the others remain magazine exclusives, the price will likely not budge. If they go into the channel, the price is expected to be something in the ¥20,000 range.

Black Getter is described as about half metal, also with heavy use of ABS, standing at about ten inches tall.

By the time you read this, the information will have changed 12 times, so there's really no point in ... oh nevermind. Now quit asking me.

Exclusives? What kind of crap is that... Grrr....

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  • 1 year later...

Although I'm sure everyone knows, I thought I'd dig up this thread for everyone to post new info! ZincPanic says Getter 1 is out in June (The months after next... I doubt that! ) and is $210. If it's around the 200 mark I am definitely getting it. As I can't afford the black version (unless I inherit a large fortune or commit a crime) it's great news for me.


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I own the black getter limited, and it is NOT PVC... it is mostly 95% Diecast. It is HUGE, bigger than a normal MAzinger SOC. I will post some pics of mina ASAP.

The fewture Ltd black Ryoma went for abou UDS 350... recently on eBay it was sold on arround 500 USD.

The red one is generally speaking same thing, diferent head, different color scheme and different accesories.

The toy weights a TON and Is a total beauty!!! Extremelly poseable, tight joints AWSOME paint job, etc. It is like a Mazinger 1901 vertion but 1000x cooler

On eBay and on HK shops the preorder is arround USD 300. Check

www.toy-wave.com preorders.

This toys definetelly worth the price, really, I have a big collection and I must admit this is a Suppa center piece

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OK. here's sebastian's pics. I think this year's Toy of the Year is gonna be hard to pick. If I had a million bucks this would be the first thing I'd run out and buy.






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I dont remember exactly the %, but it was the hands, head and some joints. I have a picture of the toy without paint, there yu can clearly see the diecast content. Shoudl be like 90% i guess?? dunno, I am really bad at guessing.

I will post that pic as soon as I find it.

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Sithlord: I was thinking more of the normal color version being a contender in the TOTY vote.. is 200 bucks feasable for a mass market purchase? For me, usually I would say no, but for something this sexy, I can find the cash.

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  • 9 months later...

I was able to finish Fewture Mazinger's Jet Pack with slight mods with one of the Wings. I had to make molds of the drill missiles and saw/blade, the armor peice I had to sculpt over all it came out well. .The only way to get a complete Jet Pack is to buy the 2 or 3 piece special Mazinger Sets. Unfortunately Fewture never made Bossbot and Doublas which came with the other bonus parts and I would of loved if the figures were made too.

IPB Image

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Thx guys

So how many parts did you have before you had to start modding to get the whole jet pack?

As in which parts were official and came with the other figs.

I'm not too familiar with this line so excuse my curiosity.

Great work by the way. Looks really good.

no problem,

I only had to mod one Wing, just made the whole bigger which fits on the Jet Pack's Pegs.

each figure comes with a bonus part to make the Fight Jet pack

Mazinger-Jet Pack

Alfodai-one Wing

Garada-3 drill/missiles, blade/saw weapon, and a small Armor piece

so Doublas and Bossbot came with the other parts to complete the Flight Jet pack, Wing and 3 drill/missiles, blade/saw weapon, and a small Armor piece.

So if you get another Alfodai u can use the Wing, the same if u get the bonus parts from Garada. The only piece you have to make is the Armor piece flipped to go on the left Wing. Since I wasnt able to get extra bonus parts from Garada, I casted the ones I already had which came out ok.

So if anyone has Bonus parts to Garada which youdont want, plmk , Im intrested.

I just need the 3 drill/missiles, and the saw/blade

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