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  1. Putting it in its own thread, consistent with other HMR releases.. HMR Hikaru VF-4 being reissued, with a new stand featuring illustrations of Misa & Minmay, new packaging, and a colored insert sheet featuring Minmay for background display. Price: Yen 14,300 (likely already included 10% domestic tax) Release: October 2024 Will it be WWM? We'll find out soon I guess.. (Scan from Stone Cheung on FB:)
  2. This one really deserves to have its own thread. Arcadia 1/60 VF-4A. Flashback 2012 (Premium Finish) Version. Finally! Looks like it's going to get released as Premium Finish. https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12503502412.html 1/60 VF-4A Lightning III Ichijo Hikaru "Premium Finish" February 2021 release Y38280 (Japan Tax included) http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=302 1/60 VF-4A Lightning III Ichijo Hikaru December 2020 release Y32780 (Japan Tax included) http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=303
  3. Hello, I have just received the superb Master File dedicated to the VF-4, so here is one of my resin VF-4 kit, a good Club-M recast made by SMS: instruction sheets and decals: Main resin parts: See ya !
  4. vf-4 lightning from wave announced! From tochiro's tweet.. https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/738699473027637248
  5. In order to vent my excitement for Delta just around the corner I put together these Valk Replicas in KSP. Tell me what you guys think, did I even come close? Sorry for the potato like quality my computer is crap. VF-31F Siegfried old version VF-31A Kairos SV-262Hs Drakken III old version, new one TBA SV-51y old version VF-0B Phoenix VF-0D Phoenix SV-51y w/Boosters VF-0 Phoenix "Angel" QF-2200D-A Ghost VF-1J Valkyrie VF-4G Lightning III VA-3C Invader VB-6 König Monster VF-5000 Star Mirage VF-9 Cutlass VF-11C Thunderbolt VF-14 Vampire (Macross7 P*L*U*S* Version) YF-19 Alpha1 YF-21 Omega1 X-9 Ghost VF-19ACTIVE Nothung SV-52 Oryol QF-4000 Ghost VF-171 Nightmare Plus VF-25F Messiah VF-27y Lucifer AIF-9V Ghost YF-29 Durandal YF-30 Chronos old version (Heres a couple of the old albums with more pics) http://imgur.com/a/a3laY http://imgur.com/a/IL2LO http://imgur.com/a/d39cL Heres my Steam Screenshot page for a good portion of my KSP creations ranging from WWII prop planes and bombers to F-15's and the superplanes from the Ace Combat universe to of course Macross Valkyries. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074068035/screenshots/?appid=220200 Just updated with new Pics
  6. Part 1 of my big building project is finished! From the old PS-1 video game "Macross Digital Mission VF-X" is the first 3 of the 6 fighters in the game. They're all 1/144 scale resin kits from Yellow Submarine. Each kit also comes with a Milky Doll figure, but I suck at doing figures, so keep an eye on the "For Sale" section in the next month or so. VF-1X Plus Strike Valkyrie Vf-4 Lightning VF-11 Super Thunderbolt 3 more to come, stay tuned!
  7. M'Kyuun

    LEGO VF 4 023

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    I like this pic, as it gives a sense of scale relative to the pilot, and shows the nosewheel steering. This is also an older picture; the model has since been modified to improve the inside wing /chest pieces to better shape out the upper and lower inlets.
  8. M'Kyuun

    LEGO VF 4 010

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Older pic.
  9. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    VF-4 and friend.
  10. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    My LEGO VF-4 with a little side project.
  11. From the album: LEGO VF-4

  12. From the album: LEGO VF-4

  13. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Really sunny day, and I wanted to take max advatage of the natural light. Unfortunately, most of these shots are washed out by the sunlight, and my camera doesn't filter it well. I tried all the settings, and these pics turned out the best. Shrug.
  14. M'Kyuun

    VF-4 Battroid

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Another pic for BrickCon placard. My idea was that this version of the VF-4, the VF-4L, was contracted for civilian sector defense, esp urban law enforcement and rescue ops, as a side venture for U.N. Spacy. After all, why let a good design go to waste? So, in this pic, I was testing the concept of the VF-4 protecting valuable logistics assets. I had a LEGO cargo ship, cargo plane, and a train set up as background props. I took some better pics in the field, where only the sky is visiable behind the props, but I'm not sure where I put them. Anyway, I like this pic b/c it shows how much the knee can bend while the model remains self supporting. The knees and hips are just technic ball joints, although I did cheat and put a small folded piece of paper in the hip joint for added stiffness. It does the job.
  15. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Rescued, Yay!
  16. From the album: LEGO VF-4

    Another pic taken for BrickCon. I wanted to show the GERWALK being useful, so I made a two-shot scenario showing the little hazmat dude in need of rescue, with the VF-4 swooping in, and a second shot flying away with dude in-hand, Minmay style. This was shot in a nearby field, with the surroundings providing a nice background to indicate desolate isolation for the hapless hazmat guy. As before, the model was attached to a stick, which I edited out in Paint, the poor man's Photoshop.
  17. M'Kyuun

    VF-4 Battroid

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

  18. M'Kyuun

    VF-4 Battroid

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    While looking for different backdrops to use for my BrickCon placard, I saw this fence surrounding the power supply for the park near my house. It was really windy that day, and she fell over once or twice while I tried to shoot a useable pic without my hand in the picture. We both survived the experience, although I think my blood pressure probably spiked a bit.
  19. M'Kyuun

    VF-4 in flight

    From the album: LEGO VF-4

    I took this pic in a field near my house one beautiful day last summer (2014) to use for a placard for a display at BrickCon, a large LEGO convention held each year in Seattle. The model itself was attached to a stick made of clear technic pieces, and my wife dutifully held it up against the sky for me to photograph. I don't own Photoshop, so I used Paint to eradicate the stick. It was my first time editing a photograph, and I think it turned out ok...she actually looks like she's soaring.
  20. I am interested in this VF-4 kit however I wanted to see if anyone has purchased it before? I would like to know their opinion of it, such as build time, glue used and such. Also since I can not read Japanese does anyone know what they needed to purchased for this kit? I know you have the purchase the screws...now how many of each I am unsure of. Lastly do you purchase the ball joint separately ? If s,o where do you get these from. Any opinions and help would be grateful. Thank you. http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/vf4/index.html
  21. Was cleaning up my portfolio and decided to actually render out some images of my head-unit sculpts I made for the 1/60 line - other than have crappy screen caps. So enjoy, Wow, gotta love the way the images compress... Here's a link to them in better resolution; https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/421/271/large/chris-vera-vf-0c-head-sculpts.jpg?1421837295 https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/421/272/large/chris-vera-vf-1j-head-sculpts.jpg?1421837329 https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/421/273/large/chris-vera-vf-4k-head-sculpts.jpg?1421837362 https://cdn.artstation.rocks/p/assets/images/images/000/421/270/large/chris-vera-vf-head-sculpts-exploded.jpg?1421836646
  22. This is a commission piece I had AgaveCacuts and his AMAZING Talent do. It's the VF-4 Lightning III . It's my FAVORITE Valkyrie, it doesn't get a lot of respect. Since it's birth it's been kinda of obscure and I felt it was the most deserving of AgaveCacuts skills to have a nice High Poly model that Renders niiiice. You can't tell me this doesn't make you drool. I ask him to post more renders when he can he's awfully busy and I'm eternally grateful.
  23. It's been over fifteen years since I've done a commission (they helped put me through university back in the day) so it was with some trepidation I undertook a very special request from a member on this board - a pair of VF-4s! One was to be Skull Squadron battlewagon we're all familiar with, and the other a souped-up Max version with custom decals, weapons and other accessories. Presented here are the two results - built from the resin kit that has been offered here a couple of times. I do like the kit - it's a relatively easy build, but it may be beginning to show it's age as there aren't many straight lines and symmetry is a challenge. Never the less I'm pretty happy with the overall result and the client is as well - he's graciously allowed me to post these pics up for you enjoyment. As of now these birds are very securely packed away to be sent off. I will be sad to see them go. I couldn't resist putting Max and Miriya together in one bonus shot. Thanks for looking!
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