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Everything posted by spacemanoeuvres

  1. Finished off season three last night. This was prob the most...uneven season so far. The trial at the end was a bit...something... I was really hoping the series would spend some time exploring the relationship between caprica six and balter WTF?!?! This was a huge part of the show for me, and there was some borderline filler material throughout the season, so that was definitely a big let down. I don't understand how this part of the story was completely put aside...? oh wells, still curious to see razor, the final season and more sexy sexy robots.
  2. Watched this last night. Overall I found it very entertaining. There were some intense moments and I was very satisfied with the way jates story ended. At the same time, I wish there was a bit more time spent touching on the island and it's weirdness. The fight at the end was very matrix'esque (running full tilt at each other in the rain) hehehe EXO - I'm 99% that Penny was at the church. But wtf were Michael and Walt? I could have sworn there were reports of these actors filming pieces for the finale but I don't remember seeing them anywhere...? I guess their time on the island was not the most important part of their lives? Maybe they're going to be in the additional footage for the dvd? At any rate, I've been frustrated with this show for the last few seasons (sometimes more than others) and I didn't want to like the end as much as I did...but I think it was pretty good.
  3. I fixed it for ya' hehehe This made me giggle as well...
  4. When Richard was punted to the other side of the island it was still light out; and when Jack drank the kool aide it was dark so...? Also, I don't believe Richard is immortal in the sense that he can't be killed (though he said he can't kill himself). I think he is immortal in the sense that he will never grow old and die of natural causes.
  5. arghhh, that hurts my heart. Depictions of rape are...hard to stomach. It's odd, I'm flipping through the notes of the scenes included in the extended cut and I swear all of them were included in the episode I watched except the alternate version of the scene where Thorne attacks Sharon. I may look for the alternate version, for symmetry, but I'm not sure...probably not. Yeah, I'm sure there are people in parts of the world that would think a mobile phone was magic. I doubt the Temple of Athena stuff was supposed to be magic, but it's not my story so...who knows?
  6. Just about through season two now. The "Pegasus" and "Resurrection" episodes were great. The treatment of the cylon prisoner on the pegasus was really terrible and the near miss with Helo-Sharon was particularly hard to watch. I loved that the Captains were ready to kill each other, jeez'o'man that was an intense episode. Thankfully starbuck provided a little comic relief. How did anyone on the bridge of the pegasus not know that she was planning something awful? She was sweating bullets and looked like she was about to sh!t herself hahaha And Starbuck sure does f#ck up alot; seems like she won't be satisfied until she completely mind f#cks and/or kills the Adama boys. I also think the Anders character she's into is lame, seems like a low-rent...something. I'm annoyed that he'll play an important role later on in the series. Also, the effect of said low-rent action hero on Starbuck is disappointing (her new found heartache/reason to live/reason to cop out of sh!t) boo, boo I say! Kat was SUPER annoying in the "scar" episode. I cannot wait for her die, and I hope it's ugly. So, even though I spoiled myself I'm still not sure wtf is going on (I'm not that smart). I read a couple short articles likening the end of bsg to what may happen on LOST. That is, the story gets jammed up with unanswered questions/plot lines and the answers to some questions are: it was magic! Hope that's not true. I guess I'll find out.
  7. Watched this last night. Was thrilled that Zoe finally bit the dust (annoying character) but her death was less satisfying than I hoped. Was hoping she would squirm a little but it was pretty quick and dirty. Seems a bit strange that Richard was dispatched so casually; seemed like a cheap death for one of the more intriguing characters. I can't believe that Ben switched sides so quickly. I wonder if he'll have another change of heart for the finale...? Can't even begin to understand wtf the sideways are about or how they'll be integrated with the current time line. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
  8. I actually (kind of) watched the camrip yesterday. I was doing other stuff but it was still fun to listen to the songs and get a sense of what the movie is like. Still excited to see it in high def.
  9. Saw this in IMAX this past weekend. Very entertaining film. The action was great but I felt like they could have squeezed one more fight in there somewhere. The banter between Potts and Stark was almost too much in some parts but overall fun stuff. And Scarlett Johansson is a goddess. I would kill you all (twice) to drink her bathwater.
  10. Watched Ip Man 2 this weekend. The first act was solid. I particularly enjoyed the sparring session between Hung Chun-nam and Ip Man; huge fun. I thought this film would be more about Ip Man setting up his school, dealing with rival masters and finding suitable disciples. The whole twister piece felt out of place. I can't believe he (twister) actually won a fight either! I think first film was better but I still enjoyed this one.
  11. I skimmed a camrip last night. I think it's the one referenced in this thread as it was originally released in 8 or 9 parts but thankfully someone joined and released them as one file. It wasn't a great copy, there's some dude in the way the whole movie and the screen flickered quite a bit. As for the file size *shrugs* these things are worth exactly what you pay for them so it's hard to complain. I was really excited that this became available but it's unwatchable IMHO. Anxious to see a high def copy.
  12. hehehe, it's not that big of a deal. I still enjoy the show, I just lost my patience when the story did a couple things I didn't like I may know some of the stuff that happens but I don't know how it happens and I'll keep watching...because y'know...sexy robots are sexy.
  13. holy hell, did I start this whole mess? At any rate, this makes sense and I'm glad someone took the time to explain it. I have to admit I'm not that into the show anymore so I wasn't picking up on a lot of the clue's, or whacks over the head, the writers have included regarding the pseudo-science/magic stuffs in the show. Thanks?
  14. oh yeah, he didn't drink the koolaid did he? I'm not sure what that means though (hahaha). And yes, they should have told us MIBs name, they said Jacob like two-dozen times in that ep. I was waiting all season for this episode and while I still enjoyed it, it didn't live up to my expectations.
  15. Right, but Mother said that she made it so that Jacob and MIB couldn't kill each other. Moreover when Jacob was about to toss MIB down the water slide he said that he wasn't going to kill him. So smokey must be a bit of MIB...kind of? wtf? saw this on digg today and it made me laugh, I like the heaving breathing bit hehehe: http://graphjam.com/2010/05/07/funny-graphs-think-lost/
  16. sonavabeeatch, I frackin' knew and cunty'mc' were cylons!!! I'm not on season four but after seeing the episode where Adama starts crying like a woah'man I broke down and spoiled myself via wikipedia. I guess they're the cylons I theorized about earlier...but still. And I don't get how Helo's Sharon knew that Adama bitched out to Tyrol's Sharon's corpse? She says "and you ask why" to Adama when they're looking for the map to earth but claims they're not networked "it doesn't work like that" or whatever. So what's the deal with that? My lady is actually ripping through the series, she's like 6 episodes ahead of me and she's enjoying it thoroughly. I have to catch up this weekend; though I did get to the episode with xena warrior galactica journalist hehehe I couldn't get the simpsons halloween episode featuring xena out of my head throughout the whole thing tee hee
  17. I saw the end of this on t.v. last night and watched the whole thing again tonight (I can't stand commercials, they totally ruin this show for me). At any rate, I enjoyed it way more the second time around. Not a ton of answers but I enjoyed seeing young MIB and Jacob. I think those kids did a great job. I agree that west-wing-lady may not have been the best choice of actress for mother. I still don't get wtf the smoke monster is? If MIB is actually dead an smokey is born of...what? Life, death rebirth...mixed with a little MIB corpse...wtf does it want to leave the island so bad? Still enjoyed it but more and more questions (annoying). I get the feeling the writers built up a bigger story than they were capable of completing. It's cool that they don't want to spell everything out for you but damn, give us a little something!
  18. Yes, he does seem to be going a bit crazy...or not? I love the inopportune moments he's discovered interacting with his transmission/hallucinations. Especially when Starbuck walked in on one of his more...intimate moments with number six. hehehe Also, I've been meaning to comment that the main reason I started watching BSG is South Park. My wife was listening to an interview with Matt Stone and Trey Parker on npr: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=124052961 and they mentioned their peabody acceptance speech. They took a few moments of their time to thank the peabody folks for introducing them to BSG which they thought was a great show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tdog65eraw That's when I decided I had to check it out I love you Starbuck! I love you Starbuck!!
  19. meh, I think he knew. especially after the tribunal and, more so, after she was vibing off . he was thinking with the wrong head and/or willfully ignoring evidence pointing to her guilt ah, I overlooked this question. of course without adama in charge of galactica things may go a bit pear shaped. especially with a borderline alcoholic next in line of command werd, I tried to make a baby once, but it just gunked up my cd drive I think I'm only on the second or third episode. The politics piece doesn't bother in so far as it's politics, it's just not as dynamic/interesting (to me) as other parts of the story. I also think these parts can be done a bit better. I'm thinking of "the mayors" portion of Asimov's "Foundation", Hardin was such a badass politician and was consistently three steps ahead of everyone else. I would love to see that on screen; though I doubt it would translate well. Not necessarily, I didn't mean to imply as much. Again I'm reminded of the Asimov's Foundation. Ultimately "the plan" could be benevolent on some level (prob not). I just wish there was someone (human) who had an inkling of what was actually going on and had a plan of their own. The whole, survival for the sake of survival bit gets a little old. As does any story where no one actually knows wtf is going on (e.g. LOST). I think stories can clue you in to a characters (real) motivations and still be compelling. Mystery for the sake of mystery is kind of lame and I get tired of being in the dark for too long. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure things out on my own? Yeah, I see your point. It does ring true and like I said; I guess she's supposed to be annoying/terrible. I suppose I knew folks like this as well but I was so glad when they finally realized they were not good for each other.
  20. awww, that would be kinda' lame putting the whole fleet at risk because I would totally blow him out of an air lock for that...though she is smokin' hot. Anyway, I finished up the first season last weekend and I have to say I'm a bit surprised at the cliffhanger ending. the shooting was unexpected but the whole "will he live?!?!?" is a little lame. wtf is with Gaius not telling folks they're cylons after administering the cylon detector test?!?!? He seems borderline...something. And now we have cylon !?!?! Second season started a bit slow (from what I can recall). The whole intrigue with the elections fell a bit flat for me though I did enjoy the would be assassin interrogation (FRAK!). Seems like the cylons have the whole course of events laid out (the plan), which makes me feel kinda bad for the humans; if they're just jumping through hoops for who knows what...? Also, Tigh's wife is SUPER annoying. I guess that's the point.
  21. I started then stopped watching this a couple weeks back. A little, erm, realistic(?) for my taste but I still enjoyed the first couple episodes so I plan to revisit the series soon.
  22. and it's Widmore... sorry but spelling counts...especially on the intar'web'nets (see sig for maximum hypocrisy-effect)
  23. Will definitely stick with it. and uh oh, I'm guessing I missed something obvious here. He prob turns out to be a cylon too! hahaha My wife and I have fun shouting "(s)he's a cylon!" at the screen anytime someone does or says anything even remotely out of character. I usually don't mind spoilers but this is one series that I'm trying to be careful about so please be gentle! And how about gaius' visions/communications with number 6? gawd dayum! sexy robots are SEXY.
  24. Excited to see this. I read somewhere (prob aintitcool) that there's a scene with SJ walking up the stairs that is worth the price of admission alone. She's a goddess *drool*
  25. Just started watching this series last month and am really enjoying it. I don't know why I didn't check it out when it first aired but it's great to be able to watch the whole series straight through, though I'm still only halfway through the first season. Anyways, top series so far...FRACK!
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