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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. The sad thing is someone will pay this.
  2. That was it. Can't believe i missed it. Thanks so much.
  3. So I was transforming my yf-19 the other day and this little triangle piece fell out from somewhere. I can’t figure out where it’s from. I hoping someone here knows.
  4. Hmm i tried to do the 4 payment thing but i didn't see any way to select that option. It only allows me to pay all upfront.
  5. I totally missed out on this preorder. Was the combo pack released or just the amour? And if the combo was, is it still available? Can't find any listings.
  6. I tried pre-ordering at anime-export but the pay later option doesn't co me up, only the pay now. Edit: Did some playing around and it seems the web exclusive stuff doesn't allow the pay later. It also seems you pay extra for the pay later option.
  7. The HLJ link is showing as 404 missing. edit: did a search and it showed up.
  8. I never had a friend that would gift me a valk. Can you be my friend?
  9. Maybe Nippon-Yassen will carry the pf? JK! Couldn't hold in my laughter typing that.
  10. Finally! Been waiting for a pf yf-19 to get the intake warnings tampooed. Though it should've been on the regular release to begin with.
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