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Bariaburu Faita

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Posts posted by Bariaburu Faita

  1. No International Shipping Service Available. Sniff, sniff :(

    that should not be an issue. many many people outside of japan, buy things from japan on this forum. proxy buyers are one way.

  2. Just got back from Nagoya. Its mostly the same as the first one in Takarazuka but with some changes.

    One of the few negative changes was that the timeline shown at the entrance ends at 2059, instead of going to 2090 in the Macross II era. I might actually be partially to blame for this. At the first Macross Museum talkshow, I asked Director Kawamori how a museum that is set in 2060 could know about something 30 years in the future.

    The 1/1 scale cockpit is back, and has improved detailing and weathering. But if you buy a photograph of it for 1,500yen, they photoshop it to look like whichever model you want, brand spanking new with no weathering.
    The other displays are mostly the same. The new section is for the Delta characters and a 3D printed hand painted prototype of the VF-31.
  3. All but the DYRL SDF-1 cover one are in stock at original retail price at various dojin stores here. You could probably even find that one if you look hard enough.

  4. Can't seem to find a copy of the first one for love or money... got the second one. What's in the third?

    the one with the front and side profile of the SDFM SDF-1 on cover was published August 2014 (in print)




    the DYRL SDF-1 on cover, published December 2014 (out of print)


    銀河の戦艦 第1集


    the New Macross on cover, published December 2015 (in print)


    銀河の戦艦 第2集


    which are you missing?

  5. From what I have seen, the official date is Autumn 2016. But if you have any experience buying Macross toys you know the size of the grain of salt you need to take with that.

    I think I sit in the 'most' of Macross category and I love the mechanical designs and can't wait for the release of the toys (though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little let down to hear another 'meh' VF-171 is going to kick things off. I can't wait to get some Drakens and VF-31s. Does any of that Japanese text specify a date?

  6. Most of those, are good points. One thing I disagree with, it that the implication that the emphasis on song being a flaw of Macross. As stated by Producer Kawamori himself, the 3 essential pillars of Macross is Music, Love Triangles, and Variable Fighters. To dislike Macross because of the emphasis on songs, is to dislike something that is part of the essential core of what makes macross macross.

    BTW, I like Macross Toys too. Do you like the Delta toys that have been released so far?

    To use your sports analogy, of all the fans I know of any sports team, all of them quite often acknowledge when the team has a bad game, or has a player not living up to potential, etc. They still support the home team but it's not like they turn a blind eye to all of its flaws. You can be a fan of a sports team and not like the defensive coordinator (ask any Green Bay Packers fan). You can be a fan of Macross and not like when it goes over-the-top with the dance numbers. If you were a fan who thought Macross was leaning too hard on the singing and dancing, Delta's throwing the girls into the actual fire fight is obviously going to be a huge turn-off. To say you think that was a 'step too far' doesn't make you not a Macross fan, it just means you're a Macross fan that likes some aspects more than others and that's OKAY. You can love Macross and hate Macross7 because of how silly it got. That's fine, Mac7 just didn't focus on the aspects you did like about Macross (and anyone who claims 7 captures the feel of SDF Macross is ignoring the fact it deliberately tried to be different). I'm sure there are lots of girl fans that like Macross despite of its often times relying on silly robots fighting in space. That's okay too.

  7. This is just my opinion. But I believe a fan is someone who supports their hometown sports team even when they have a bad season. When everyone else has switched over to supporting the team that is winning, he supports and encourages his home team. Even when they make bad plays, and have some players that are not likable. He is loyal and supports them through thick and thin.

    You guys realize that things happen in varying degrees right? To pretend that Delta doesn't represent an extreme (so far) is being deliberately obtuse. It's okay that this extreme doesn't bother you but to act like it's silly it bothers other people is dumb. This isn't a case of saying "Dude, SDF Macross had Minmay so you should automatically love when Sailor Moon saves the day in Delta!" No, they're not perfect equivalents. The people that are groaning about the Sailor Moon rip-off act might be the same people that loved SDF Macross but thought it might have been a little better if they didn't play up the singing so much. These might even be the same people then that said "Macross 7 sucks because it has guitars for flight controls." The point is that you can be a Macross fan that doesn't blindly gobble up J-pop and flying bulletproof girls.

  8. Excellent! I was afraid you would be one of the minority standouts who would not enjoy it. As the saying goes there is more where that came from. While there is no anime to watch of that doujinshi, there is a biannual event where fans of Golgo13(as well as other characters) who like to cosplay as magical girls can meet.


    The popularity of this genre may help people to understand how Macross Delta can combine elements that are considered masculine with elements that are considered feminine.

    I would watch this

  9. if they are based on the YF-25 airframe, they would have the EX-gear as the default controls, even the throttle and joystick is a part of it. so you couldnt easily get rid of it. They just dont need it if they are not in the fighter. The conjectual EX-gear they wear would have to be even thinner than previously thought, maybe nanotech cloth instead of metal exoskeleton.

    But if you look closely, just before the girls eject from the valks, their seats ARE already equipped with the EX-gears, in the interface mode. It's sort of weird that they would eject and leave the gear in there. Or that they would have them in the cockpit in the first place if they are already wearing an advanced version. :/

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