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Bariaburu Faita

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Posts posted by Bariaburu Faita

  1. The talkshow was on 27 july, 2013 at the Tezuka Museum in Takarazuka. It was a first come first served event for 50 people.


    I will have to dig up the podcast where we discussed it.

    I know this might be a bit of trouble to ask, but can you tell me the exact source of this information? or at least the latest appearance of it? When Kawamori said this, at what event and what date? I've been getting fan questions about this topic more than once in the last few years and I've never had an exact source or proper context for what was said, something that could be offfered to provide curious fans. And your post on the matter looks like the first time someone has provided an contextually valid take on Kawamori's statement and what it means. I'd be curious to know.

  2. If you are number 5, out of 5, its time to throw in the towel. If you are number 5, out of 61. Then its time to celebrate, and sign up more sponsors.

    Up to ep.6 and I'm still wondering why I should care for the Aerial Knight's faction.... This is not good writing. Competent but after the amount of money they threw at it, competent isn't going to cut it with the sponsors. And it's showing in the ratings. It's hovering at no.5 and it's numbers are half of Kabaneri, the top rated show(by a magazine pool) of the season (which happens to have Mikimoto as it's character designer).

    They're no going to do a Macross 7 and not get to the point till ep 14 again are they?

    This has to be the lowest investment I ever had with a world in the Macross series after viewing the initial episodes.

  3. What Producer Kawamori said, at the first Macross Museum at Takarazuka. Was that everything was a "parallel world" To answer the question that I posed about how someone from 2060 could know about events from 2092.

    This does not seem to refute that the series and movies are separate universes, infact it implies each and every tv show, movie, event, manga, take place in separate parallel universes.

    It is a very vauge statement though. and open to interpetation.

    I agree that it would imply that all Macross titles are equally valid, or "cannon" as we westerners would say. This unfortunately makes it extremely difficult to piece together what the overall vision of what Macross is supposed to be. Even worse for us trying to figure out which numerical specifications are most accurate.

    I will do my best to get a clear clarification from him the next time I see him. What do you think the best single question to ask him would be, to clarify that multitude of questions we have?

    He's been pushing that one for ages with respect to the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Do You Remember Love?, citing that neither was a strictly accurate depiction of the First Space War's events and the truth was somewhere inbetween.

    Also, weren't you the one who reported on his 30th Anniversary event declaration that all Macross titles were equally valid?

  4. Producer Kawamori was specific that it was the VF-1, and other mecha from that era, like SBB Yamato that had larger interior volume than would be physically possible. Later VF should be closer to what external dimensions would indicate. but as always animator errors and the needs of the plot could change that.

    I think someone from the Macross Speaker Podcast mentioned that cockpit dimensions (or rather dimensions inside a structure) are usually two times the size they would be in reality and that Kawamori was proud that he was able to reduce the inside of the VF-1 cockpit to 1.5 times the actual size. So the inside of the VF-31 is probably bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. ;)

  5. So far it seems like that is all material published after the second movie. I`m curious if the VF-29 was always part of Producer Kawamori`s master plan for the TV series, but didn`t have the budget to show it. Simmilar to the multiple Quarters showing up in the Movie but not TV series.

    Based on the available material, the best answer I can offer on that score is that in 2060 it seems to have gone beyond simply being a prototype aircraft to being in a sort of limited, likely unofficial, trial production for the use of SMS and NUNS Special Forces. Potentially a "build-to-order" affair, since no two character models are alike (Alto's, Isamu's, and Ozma's all have unique heads) and the NUNS version (used by Rod Baltemar) is said to be an improved version of the YF-29 and is designated as a separate variant (YF-29B Percival).

  6. Yes, the doujinshi possibilities are even better than Frontier. The next Comiket should be epic.

    yesyes, the aerial knights make for great doujin pickings... ah, the endless combination, huhuh.

    but the one's that's gonna get most us fujoshis in a frenzy - the intercultural, intergalactic luhveeeeeee of..... keith x messer!

    hey, if it's teased in the OP, it's almost like they are begging us to go there :)

    another note, really looking forward to learn more about the manga releases.

  7. Oops, I stand corrected. So the YF-29 exists in the TV series except just as plans?

    That appears to have been torpedoed via Macross R, Macross 30, and Master File. The YF-29 is supposedly part of the reason for the VF-27's final design (specs were leaked to General Galaxy by LAI), the NUNS in 2060 had some YF-29's, and Master File also mentions the YF-29 in connection with the VF-25's development.

    The rough sketch of the YF-29 in Kawamori's biography is actually VF-25 line art with the wings and body erased and roughed in with the -29 configuration in pencil... so there may be something to that, though the design's origins seem to go back to the early 2000s and the SW-XA stuff done for VF-Experiment. (The Master File YF-29 is in the same colors as the SW-XAII Schneegans.)

  8. One possible reason for the apparent discrepancy is that the YF-29 is a parallel world design that does not exist in all Macross timelines. Where the VF-17 has been known to exist in all of the timelines revealed so far.

    In the in universe explanation could be that it is an unusual design that has low probability off coming into existence except in a few specific situations.

    Speculation on my part: Like the tornado pack VF-25 for the first movie, a new toy was needed to promote and profit off of the second movie. Despite the plans of Valkyrie tech progression extablished by Producer Kawamori, the needs of the Sponsor Bandai overcame that. /tinfoil

  9. I believe they are called 折りたたみコンテナ but don't see any on Yahoo auctions at this time.

    what would be a good search term for these folding/collapsible containers at YAJ?

    or if anyone's interested, i'm willing to pay commission to get these (SMS, Skull Squadron), as well as the Survey Corps (Attack on Titan) and Gurren Lagann.

    anyone up for it, please PM me. thanks

  10. The setting for this museum is that it is a fictional parallel universe where the events of Macross DYRL was real, experienced by 3D people. And this museum set in 2060 has uncovered artifacts from that era and is displaying them.

    Maybe I was over exaggerating but if you combine the collections for several collectors like what you see at Macross World Con and put them in the right setting you would have something pretty close.

    I don't think that's his real pipe. How does 2D person use a 3D pipe anyways.

  11. I will have to trust your analysis on this one. But next time I get the chance I will ask Producer Kawamori if it was an actual M2 reference in MD. As long as he doesn't recognize me and run away screaming :lol:

    Actually, I'd say the opposite is true... the Valkyrie II's Squire auto-attack bits are a good deal less advanced than the various drone fighters that can be controlled from, and operate in support of, Valkyries in Macross Frontier and Macross Delta. The Squires are bits that operate automatically in defense/support of a VF that serves as their mothership, but they're not capable of operating independently the way the main continuity's drones are. They're smaller, but their performance is lower and they have a lot less weaponry (no missiles). The VF-19 basically had disposable funnels (funnel missiles) already... they are WAY ahead of where the timeline of Macross II was WRT drone technology.

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