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Everything posted by Guppy

  1. I've got all 3 movies. I first saw 'Day' when I was still sixteen, and the bit where the guy gets torn in half, and he's screaming, and as his larynx gets ripped out his scream rises in octaves until its a silent scream... that still gives me chills. But I really loved the remake of Dawn. The running zombiea upped the panic level for me.. the survivors no longer had the luxury of casually doging those shambling zombies anymore. It was the bastard child of George Romero and Danny Boyle/Alex Garland.
  2. They release a lot of movie franchise figures and kits for the Japan market. Such as: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?AOS07274 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?AOS07275 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?AOS27875 I've been sorely tempted to get that Aliens figure - it looks a lot finer than the chunky plastic statues McFarlane puts out.
  3. getting back to the original question, me being a toy whore and all, I like the kits first and the anime second. I had about 5 or 6 kits/toys (I don't know what I saw in MSiA toys) from Zeta ages before I saw the series. The good thing about it being as huge as it is, is that there are so many different mecha designs so even those who aren't fans would dig one or two of the mechas. Now excuse me while I go back to panel lining my MG Gelgoog.
  4. Best one I've ever seen! Whatever the price it would be a great buy. Are these kits more solid than the ride armor kits?
  5. Hicks will look a lot better than my hicks 1:6 'dolly' I noticed while I was there that they've got pics up of the Aliens vs Predator figs. I like the Scar predator - looks like the love child of King Arthur and a predator. http://www.spawn.com/toys/product.aspx?product=2223 Not a big fan of the celtic predator. When will they learn to leave it like the original films? http://www.spawn.com/toys/product.aspx?product=2225 And how big are those damn wrist blades?!?
  6. Oh man, I wish I bought 10 low-viz.. I would be rich. I like my Matchbox monster. Not what you'd call poseable but worth $25.
  7. Yesss..... that's right! LOL! That's why I posted this! And sebastian as well, he is full of empty promises to scan me pics! But I guess it's fair. I've promised to send pics thru for the custom section and haven't got around to it. Yeah, Im guilty... Shame on me. Well, you sent me lots of dvds, so I forgive you buddy.
  8. I did miliary looking vf-1's in medium blue and khai type green and they looked pretty good. I used Tamiya paints - they do a lot of military variations. Just save your sanity and avoid a camo scheme! Like u said in your other thread.. I'm bad a multi tasking too. I have 3 MG kits to finish painting, then a PG zaku to do, then I'll get onto the 11-c job! Maybe I'll have something to show by 2005. One last query to anyone who knows.. the 11-c gunpod seems to be a lot more cylindrical than the 11-b - the front half is basically a slimmer cylinder than the back half. Am I right? If that's the case it would be pretty easy to scratch-build one.
  9. Yesss..... that's right! LOL! That's why I posted this! And sebastian as well, he is full of empty promises to scan me pics! But I guess it's fair. I've promised to send pics thru for the custom section and haven't got around to it.
  10. Myerjesse - I'm reading your post now.. don't know how I missed it! You are really going to town on your 11b - my ambitions are much lower - I'm just gonna dissassemble, strip, prime and repaint with an airbrush. If I come across any cool paint variations I'll send 'em to you. I have a Hasegawa option decal set (http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG65757) so if I go with a straight 11c black&white paint sheme I'll spruce it up with some squadron decals. I AM thinking of modding the 11b gun to make it like the 11c but as far as the other cosmetic changes go I think I'll just skip it. It could end in disaster. Let me know if you had any probs disassembling it! RichterX - Thanx for the screenshot - That will help! Maybe I should make one with burn marks from getting blown up.. If anyone has Macross7 Art books I'd be much in debt for a scan out of it!
  11. Anyone out there got any good line art scans of the 11-c or other 11-b type variants? I have an extra yammie 11b I'm gonna customise. The only pic I can find is of the 1/144 Bandai kit: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN46230 Also, if anyone's pulled apart an 11-b to customise (besides repairing the hip joint) I'd like to hear your thoughts/suggestions!
  12. What scale are Kubrick figures? I have the 1:18 Mach-1 from Speed racer and a kubrick Punisher figure in the driving seat, and he fits perfectly.
  13. lol, funny trivia from imdb.com: Some of the crew agreed that Gabriel Byrne's Irish accent made "One night with Igrayne" sound like "One night with your granny".
  14. hahahaha.. It never even crossed my mind what the implications of a 'premature transformation' would be for Spike..
  15. Sounds like now's the time to marry her! And maybe her brother will give you the rest of his stoy stash as a wedding present!
  16. I agree!! Just say "trust me, I have years of wasted life experience in this department." Or say "why would I drop this much cash on a crap toy? It HAS to be good!" Failing that say, "too late now.. you married me! MWA HA HAAA!" But I am lucky, I live in australia where 1 $US = 70c $australian. So I always tell her what the toy costs.. in $US. (leaving out the 'US' bit.. hehe.)
  17. OMG!! haha, so are they yours to keep? Or will you get to buy them for a song? Or.. will you pay the market price? lol. Great find! PS - gimme that Orgroid!
  18. Three cheers for the great Members and lovely mods (who have never reprimanded me for stupidity but you never know what the future holds.. )
  19. I hate the Tracks scuplt too, what with all those bits sticking out everywhere. But if it's done in blue I will also get one out of spite!
  20. Now all we need are Master Chiefs from Halo in the Army.. or maybe they'll go for more of a Starship Trooper fashion style? Either way, I want an XM-8 Trooper action figure!
  21. Well I am counting on other pissed off fans to release a bootleg edit with all the bits we don't want removed. Failing that, I will buy a dvd burner along with my copy of the trilogy and edit my own version. George can't stop me!
  22. wow! I love that custom. Gimme more details! Does it still transform? If he's published any insdtructions on how to do it, I will give it a go myself.
  23. I loved T3. IT was like a 'best of' T1 & T2. Nick Stahl was infinitely better than that lame brat from T2.
  24. Personally, I think Gundam markers are awful. The nibs are too thick and they never deliver a constant stream of ink. I went and bought the finest tip marker I could find at a stationery shop, and I also use a mechanical pencil if I want a more subtle gray panel line rather than a black one. On the painting topic, go get acrylic spraycans if you're only planning on doing one or two model kits. If you think you might do more modelling in the future you should invest in an airbrush and air compressor. Lastly, I haven't built a PG gundam, but i've done the Zaku and PG Eva 01. You shouldn't have any probs building it as Bandai kits are always easy to assemble and the parts are usually tough to snap accidentally.
  25. Congrats from me!! My wife Nicki also sends her congratulations to Amy and yourself.
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