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Everything posted by one_klump

  1. Ok, I got my first hands on impressions at the local Best Buy this evening, and I must say, my opinion of this little beast has definatly changed for the better. At first I totally dismissed the system as some sort of silly gadget with the 2 screens, and the fact that the stylus was (gasp) detachable. The PSP seemed so slim and sexy, and it had this huge honkin' screen. However, with a few min of playing the Metroid game for the DS, I was totally hooked. I first grasped the device with to hands, much as one would hold a normal hand-held system. Then, in a stroke of magic, the clerc showed me that I could in fact use the stylus to aim while I used my other hand to move. At first I was totally bummed, because, you see, I am left handed, so naturally I held the sytlus in my left hand, but the D-pad is also on the left side of the device. Then a stray finger on my right hand accidentilly hit one of the buttons, and Samus took a step forward. Oh yes, this was good... Using the stylus to aim felt so natural, much better than any dual joystick setup on the other system, it felt much like I was using a mouse on a PC first person shooter, and my accuracy reflected as such. Normally, with a console FPS, I have to fumble with the actual aiming joystick before scoring a direct hit (I suck at Halo -.-), but with the stylus aiming, I was totally in my element. So, in conclusion, the DS is not the gimicky wannabe I first took it for, but rather a wonderful piece of creative thinking. Now the last test is to play on a PSP. I hope is fares just as well, but so far the odds seem stacked in favor of the DS.
  2. If I remember correctly, you can build a stampede valk in the Homeworld Macross TC (for Homeworld 1) It is the meanest valk around, it would launch and fly around in fighter mode, then transform to battroid to attack... this thing could take on small frigates alone.
  3. And amazingly enough, you don't even get X-plane with the rig lol
  4. I love these type of auctions, you never know what your gonna get lmao
  5. I love the designs for Supersylph Yukikaze, I can never tell which way the plane is actually facing with all those crazy angles
  6. Yeah, your right, its not a submarine, it is a Hydrofoil that hsa limited underwater capablility. I still think thats cool as hell. Now if they could just find a better paint job, its hard to take something painted to look like a dolphin seriously. Not to mention a professional website would help credit them ^^
  7. Bionic Dolphin Homepage Interview with the creator Its a personal submarine that broke the 100 MPH Underwater! Surface speed is up to 170 MPH... Insane speeds on the water. It can travel faster than the Navy's fastest Torpedo, is almost invisiable to sonar, and depending on the fuel type, can run almost totally silent. Now THATS a personal watercraft I would love to own ^^
  8. My God people, I just read through SIX pages of bickering over a make-believe robot. Lets do something constructive with all this energy, like make a YF-19 Fast pack or somthing...
  9. lol I need to re-install HW to play our mod some more... The BEST PC Macross game yet avaliable ^^
  10. I was going through Toys R Us yesterday with my daughter, and as we passed through the Resuce Heros section, a particular jet caught my eye. On the box was a picture of a normal looking Rescue Heros vehical, but the side pics showed it in Gerwalk form! I had to look this up on the internet and show you guys. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...pictures&img=14
  11. I would love that Airsoft version, but me thinks 1k is a bit steep...
  12. Just a second guys, the kid is screwed up, but he didn't get that way on his own. Hurin said that the Plumber (tough profession, I know a few personally) was trying to instill some sembance of decency into the kid, but was ignored. I would have made the kid wait in the truck (why did he bring a child with him to work?). It seems that the child's mother is to blame, far too often I have witnessed a potentually great kid be ruined by lazy parenting.
  13. I never said that SOTN was the only great castlevania game, it just happens to be my personal fav
  14. SOTN was the best Castlevania game ever. Peroid. Stick with that one. I played he new one for PS2, and I found myself dusting off my PSX collection to play SOTN again
  15. I really like how the cockpit area of the VF-0 VF's are a bit more realistic than the VF-1's. The way the pilots are raised to give better visibility, and the way then entire forward fuselauge section more closely resembles the F-14...
  16. no, sadly, the age of the Tomcat has passed, and realisticaly, not much could have been done about it, most of the dealings were done behind closed doors, away from the public. I am just suggesting that it is really easy to complain about somthing and not lift a finger to change it.
  17. Also, remember, Guld was half-zendrati, so I am sure he was a bit tougher than a normal human would be.
  18. I vote for the rough sketch. The finished one just seems to have too many fiddly bits on it.
  19. hmm, that sure is an.... interesting design. the back part looks kinda funky, and what it the purpose of a battoid mode? wouldn't gerwalk make more sense? no hands is kind of a letdown. Why even have battoid mode with no hands?
  20. I have been reading about the aging F-15's for a while, and although they do rock, we just need somthing better. That somthing better is the F-22. Now on the F-14 issue, yes, it was old, and outdated, but nothing out there could beat it. Why mess with somthing that isn't broke? Well, if left to it's own trems, the government will soon run willy-nilly. People have been bitching about the F-14 being cut for a long time now. How many of you guys have actually called your congressman or senator and requested a response? Wonderful things can be acomplished when you actually pick up a phone and talk to a represenitive. They work for us, and they know that. If enough people demand somthing, they will push it through. people, we have to take control of our own governmet. Many countries don't get the ability to control the government at all, and most Americans throw that right away, neglecting their right as a member of a republic, and are content to just complain when the government dosn't become a mind reader and do what they want them to, even though they never told anyone what the want. to end rant, I just have to say: Be active in your government, be it local, state, or federal. Instead of fighting somthing from the outside, help change it from the inside.
  21. Wow, talk about perfect timing. I was wondering last night if Batman: TAS was ever going to be released to DVD. I mean, Punky Brewster got released to DVD before this did, which is an atrocity, but I digress... I remember running to the TV after school to catch Batman on WB, and that was the best cartoon series out there. The writting was for mature audiances, the animation was head and shoulders above anything else out at the time, and Batman was shown in more depth and detail that the movies ever have or ever could show.
  22. Ohh yeah, this movie just keeps looking better and better...
  23. I think the 'bits' of the digi-camo on this plane are too small. As it stands now, it just looks like somebody got bored and doodled over the plane with a square stencil.
  24. The best line I have heard regarding Puberty, ever: lol
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